... also have to think about the families, both of the victim and the suspect. What if the suspect did not commit the murder and was executed? How would the suspect's family feel? A close relative had just died due to the fact that another mistake was made in our justice system. This in fact would send a rush of anger through my body. The justice system killed somebody's family member. The death penalty should not even exist, due to the fact that many mistakes can be made, and a life can never be brought back. Juries have been and still are mostly consisted of the white majority. Racism and money is a big part of our everyday lives. With the majority of ...
... survives the accident, often with out a scratch. Allowing people who have been drinking to drive would also improve the quality of life for those who choose not to drink. Currently people who have been drinking are legally required to use some form of transportation other than them operating a motor vehicle. This requires them to hang around where they are and get a ride with someone else or wait or some public transportation. With the legalization of driving while drunk the non- drinking population would not need to be bothered by drunk people that do not have rides. Finally, this would help stimulate the economy which may be in dire trouble. For example, wit ...
... Colony demonstrated their outrage at the tax on tea in a dramatic act of civil disobedience, the Boston Tea Party.(Eldridge,15) The stage was set for the birth of the First Amendment, which formally recognized the natural and inalienable rights of Americans to think and speak freely. The first Amendments early years were not entirely auspicious. Although the early Americans enjoyed great freedom compared to citizens of other nations, even the Constitution's framer once in power, could resist the string temptation to circumvent the First Amendment's clear mandate. Before the 1930s, we had no legally protected rights of free speech in anything like the form we n ...
... American dream, denies the entrance of new money and the lower class into their social hierarchy. In the novel, Tom has a mistress who lives in the "valley of ashes," where most of the lower class citizens reside. Tom has been seeing her for years even though he married Daisy. No one objects to this because of his old money status. On page 19, Jordan Baker informs Nick of this scandal, "Why- Tom’s got some woman in New York." Jordan also informs Nick of the commonality and wide acceptance of this fact. Tom’s mistress, Myrtle, despite her status as a lower class citizen, tries to pressure him into leaving Daisy. Tom refuses because marrying into a lower social cl ...
... amount, considering that the prices of economy cars without the airbag is only seven to nine thousand dollars. The airbags regulation has certainly hurt the sales of cars especially economy cars. This is certainly a political issue because many people debating it, trying to change the law in their favor. The article mainly talked about regulators setting new standards, requiring new and better airbags for all cars. New and better technologies mean more tests that cost money from auto manufacturer. Maybe the new technology or new airbags it self cost more money to make. As I learn from my economic class, it not hard to figure out that the increase cost of p ...
... etc.) He nominates a running mate who is strong n the same issue. While most people believe that this will help make for a stronger Presidency, it really accomplishes very little. The presidential candidate's views haven't changed. All that is changed is how the people perceive the candidate's views. However, if a candidate must run alone, there will be a much clearer idea of where exactly each candidate stands on various issues. Secondly, by choosing the Vice President through this method, there will be a dissemination through party lines. The position of President is the single most important that a member of any party can hold, but with a Vice president of a ...
... you or a friend. DO NOT INVITE THE INVESTIGATOR INTO YOUR HOME! Such an invitation not only gives him the opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, friends, reading material, etc., but also tends to prolong the conversation. The longer the conversation, the more chance there is for a skill investigator to find out what he wants to know. Many times a police officer will ask you to accompany him to the police station to answer a few questions. In that case, simply thank him for the invitation and indicate that you are not disposed to accept it at this time. Often the authorities simply want to photograph a person for identi ...
... many of the facets of human existence -- doing more, sleeping less. The machines of this age have in a way enabled us to create a 24-hour lifestyle. We have pushed the limits of the modern world further -- ATMs, high-speed modems, smart bombs and bullet trains. However, the limitations of human existence, like sleep, may still provide the stumbling block for infinite realization. That is, without chemical aid. In many ways, capitalism fuels the idea. Our society is based upon the mass consumption of these substances. Cultural ideals, while seemingly benevolent as "Have a Coke and a smile" have sold the link to chemical substances like caffeine and nicotine to "t ...
... federal rules and requirements for receiving federal aid. Some states routinely receive a greater amount of federal money than other states with similar populations due to the differences in state bureaucracies. The state which has an effective grant-writing bureaucracy and maintains relations with federal bureaucrats and leaders is often able to get more money. Federal bureaucracies are often very regionalized. They are staffed by people from a certain region, and they primarily deal with people from that region. They give more federal assistance to these regions too. The overall trend in federal spending in a state may be different from a particular agency ...
... toward violence in schools. I think that every other day we hear instances of this type of horror. Obviously the one that stands out in my mind is the Columbine tragedy, but in between the huge stories, are the instances that are just as tragic but get less press. So many times we hear of children bringing guns to school, teens that play around with guns that don’t belong to them, and someone gets hurt or even dies. In the summer before I was in eighth grade a boy in the class ahead of me was killed by a gun when he and his cousin were having target practice. I cannot even remember the details of that tragedy, and that happened in my own town. I am sure that ...