... its own membership to be able meaningfully to accept responsibility for its direction and impact as a government." Without accountability we are left with a powerful political structure that has the ability to act without conscience or redress and this does not represent a modern democracy. With any discussion which focuses on responsibility within parliament, one can see the varying levels of accountability and the difficulties which arise when attempting to describe power, within the Canadian political system. Accountability in the public service can be studied from two different perspectives. The civil servant who represents the bureaucratic sector and t ...
... They think there are no answers to their problems and turn to violence to express their out of control emotions. Others use manipulation as a way to control others or get something they want. Violence is a learned behavior. Like all learned behaviors, it can be changed. This isn't easy, though. Since there is no single cause of violence, there is no one simple solution. The best you can do is learn to recognize the warning signs of violence and to get help when you see them in your friends or yourself. Teachers tend to believe that is a result of sociological factors such as: lack of parental supervision, lack of family involvement and exposure to violence in the ...
... were supposed to be the government. They were supposed to make the decisions, elect all the other government officials and all the other very important things. That made the ordinary man think that the government is controlled by people just like him, with only high school education (some even without it), poor, being in politics for the first time in their lives. That is impossible. Such people can run no government. The most annoying thing is that almost no one noticed that, and if someone did, they were immediately terminated without any questions. There was a small group of people who controlled everything in the country. It was mostly the KGB and the Genera ...
... for Women (NOW) Homepage) Many of the statistics that I found showed why affirmative action is definitely needed for women to gain the same privileges as men at the workplace. Women hold only 3-5% of senior management positions. Women held only 6.9 % of the seats on corporate boards of directors in 1994. Of the female senior managers in Fortune 1000 industrial and Fortune 500 service industries in 1992, 95% were white women, 2.3% were African American women, 1.8% were Asian American women and only .2 % were Latinos. Although 23 % of the female workforce is made up of women of color, only 15% of female managers are members of minority groups. The percentag ...
... pinpointed more to their condition that can actually do something for their pain rather than taking the easy way out and resulting to death. People that have had someone like Dr. Jack Kevorkian assist in their death are crying out for help, they are allowing death to be their last measure to result to in life. activists are allowing people to believe that it is an acceptable solution to result to when life gets you down. How can an individual solve a problem by getting rid of the people to whom the problems happen? Overall, people that wish to end their own life as a result to are not in their true mental state when making such a decision. People need to learn to ...
... estimation, “ an estimated 585,000 women do every year”. This article explains how pregnancy affects many women. By using this statistic, it gives the reader an approximation, but not an exact number. This is used to make the reader think that the statistic is very high. Another article in The Toronto Star, “Tamil health crisis probed”, on October 29, 1999,demostrates bias by saying, “ At least 70,000 people”. The article is talking about the Tamil community and how 70,000 people have been affected, but it does not give the amount of people in that community. This type of bias is often used in print media to make an article more important than it ...
... to declare who would or would not be able to bear arms on the basis of vague religious tests or any other nebulous standard or artifice" ( Caplan p.39). The first infringement on the Second Amendment came on November 30, 1993 when President Clinton signed Brady Bill I. The law required that there be a five day waiting period on all hand gun purchases. The Brady Bill also banned semi-automatic rifles and other military type weapons. ( Moore 1994 p.434) The five day waiting period is suppose to stop felons from buying guns. But, Waiting periods do not stop felons from getting guns. Since 1968 it has been illegal for a felon to possess any firearm. ( Moore 1 ...
... With new research, scientists think that the disease was first contracted through a certain type of green monkey in Africa, then somehow mutated into a virus that a human could get. AIDS is a complicated illness that may involve several phases. It is caused by a virus that can be passed from person to person. This virus is called HIV, or Human Immuno-deficiency Virus. In order for HIV to become full-blown AIDS, your T-cell count (number of a special type of white-blood cells that fight off diseases) has to drop below 200, or you have to get one of the symptoms of an AIDS-induced infection. Most people recently infected by the AIDS virus look and feel healthy. Th ...
... support of capital punishment is that the consequence of execution influences criminal behavior more effectively than imprisonment does (“Against the Death Penalty”). Although the argument may sound reasonable, in reality the death penalty fails as a deterrent. First, punishment can only be a useful deterrent if it is rational and immediately used. Capital punishment cannot meet those conditions. The number of first degree murderers who are sentenced to death is small, and of this group an even smaller number of people are eventually executed. Moreover, the possibility of increasing the number of convicted murderers sentenced to death and executed by requiring ...
... the state and local governments have failed in correcting the nation wide epidemic of juvenile crime, since juvenile crime rates are rising so rapidly. Subpoint 1:An example of an ineffective state plan is that many states are attempting to incarcerate juveniles along with adults. Putting juvenile offenders in with adults increases their chances offending again when they are released by 65%. Subpoint 2: SHOCAP, a local crime reduction plan, was shut down because it was ineffective. Subpoint B: Local plans are too diverse and lack uniformity. Subpoint 1: A plan that can lift up the entire country are far superior to those that can only effect small parts. ...