... of some wrong, such as adultery or abandonment, done by the defendant to the plaintiff. In the past, almost every state divorce law required the plaintiff to prove one of a number of recognized grounds for divorce, included adultery and desertion, even when both spouses wanted the divorce. The divorce system also required that the plaintiff be without fault, and therefore a variety of fault-based defenses were recognized. By the mid-20th century most state legislatures had recognized one or more no-fault grounds for divorce, usually consisting of a substantial period during which the spouses had lived separate and apart. However, even these few no ...
... example, would find marijuana easily available. If the madical advantages that are claimed for marijuana are real,many more patients would benifit. Another good thing is that the doctors could get on with investigating marijuanas medical uses with out fear of controversy. The last reason is the Fedral government would benifit two ways, First the fedral revenues would increase, because marijuana ciggaretes would be taxed at the point of sale. The companies that make the ciggaretes would also pay income taxes. Secondly there would be a reduse in the amount spent on law enforcement efforts to apprehend and procecute users and sellers of marijuana. III. There are ...
... law-abiding citizen is entitled to the ownership and legal use of firearms, . . . " The NRA does many things to help display their beliefs and persuade others to their beliefs. This association also has a strong pull on legislation, because it has many lobbyists and supporters in government. This group has many members in Congress, and former presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan are NRA members. The NRA lobbies for several types of legislation. For example, the NRA is currently trying to repeal the ban on assault weapons. A lot of money is spent each year on legislation (See Appendix for figures). The Gun Owners of America is another group that is ...
... before took a girl with him to his apartment with his gang and then raped her. Then when the police arrived he said you can not touch me” . This to me is very sad first off because he is only 11 years old and he raped a girl but the thing I found most shocking and the rest off the media was that when the police arrived he told them that they could not touch him. Even though he did committee the crime and he should have been charged but sadly e was right. This young offenders knows that the young offenders act is a joke and that is why he committed the crime. He could care less about what he did. Another case talking about the young offenders act is the James B ...
... What the City of Seattle's affirmative action program does is very simple: first, it gives City managers and personnel officers a snapshot of the labor market, so that they are aware of the availability rates for different groups for a given job classification. Through these availability rates, the City can determine whether or not women, people of color, or persons with disabilities are underrepresented in a given job classification within the work force; second, the City's affirmative action program encourages managers and personnel officers to make special outreach efforts into groups and communities that are underrepresented in our work force, in order to ...
... be until birth. In 1973, the United States Supreme Court decided that as long as the baby lived in the womb, he or she would be the property of the mother. Because of this decision almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by , over one and a half million babies a year (Willke vii). Many countries have followed our decision on the issue and some of these include Canada, England, and France. Other countries still believe should be illegal, they include Germany, Ireland, and New Zealand. Although many believe that is a women's choice, should be banned because its immoral and life begins at conception. is the choice of a women whether or not she wa ...
... and lethal injection"(Bedau 124). There were drastic penalties for such serious crimes as homicide. Execution was a suitable punishment for those times. Today, though, the law is not as strict. This leads potential criminals not to fear the death penalty because government today uses more "humane" methods of execution, rather than the brutal punishment that history portrayed. People who oppose the death penalty say that "there is no evidence that the murder rate fluctuates according to the frequency with which the death penalty is used" (Masur 153). It is more likely that the convict would be paroled instead of being executed because of the present practice of a ...
... population shares respectively. Meanwhile, African Americans, while slightly growing numerically, were a constant share of the county population (11%) during this period. (Oliver and Johnson:57-94) Thus, on the eve of the twenty-first century, Los Angeles has one of the most ethnically diverse populations of any metropolitan area in the country. What does this ethnic diversity mean for multiethnic coalition building in the politics of Los Angeles County? Does the changing demography increase the opportunity for ethnic cooperation? Or, has the ethnic changes increased rather than decreased the prospects of interethnic conflict? Introduction After the 1992 riot ...
... the situation of loved ones on medication, being treated by physicians, sometimes relying on technical means to stay alive arises a great moral conflict. I wish to explore this topic on ethical, not legal issues. Do people have a right to choose death? More in particular, are euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide morally legitimate? Euthanasia involves a death that is intended to benefit the person who dies, and requires a final act by some other person, for example, a doctor. Physician-assisted suicide, which requires a final act by the patient, can also be undertaken for the good of that patient. The essential point is that both involve intentionally en ...
... new party was totally against imigrants. They disliked them because they would take up jobs. Anytime they were asked their plans or were talked to, they replied simply with “I know nothing.” This party soon became to be known as the Know Nothings. The Republicans were a new party that rose aound the 1850s. There were against slavery in the South. Their nominted President achieve 2nd place in the Presidential Election. Since this was a very new party, they called this the “Glorious Defeat.” The reason is that this party now gain recognition. The Whigs dies out. The Know Nothings come around and begins to die out. After the Kansas-Nebraska act and the inc ...