... the best interests of society were said to be in jeopardy. It was confidently argued that political participation by women would mean "pretty girls button-holing strange men on Election Day in behalf of the `handsome candidate'" and women locked in jury rooms with males, subjected to tales of shocking behavior. To the threat of social disintegration was added the authoritative pronouncement that the involvement of women in politics was prohibited by natural and divine law. Nature and Scripture were called upon to show that woman's place was in the home and not in the voting booth. Regarding the desire of women to vote, the Council of Congregationalist Min ...
... might feel an obligation to help congress get certain laws passed by not vetoing. This would put a dent in the checks and balances system. Even with this problem the system was voted for and approved on four different occasions (Peirce 39). Basically the Electoral College system works like this today. Every ten years the census figures adjusts how many representatives each state has. This number plus two, representing the two senators, equals how many electors each state has. Also Washington DC has 3 electors. Then each state has the right to decide how to select these electors. Forty-eight states use the general ticket system, two, Maine and Nebras ...
... but use appeared in colleges and among middle-class youths in the suburbs (Himmelstein 103). Marijuana became a so-called culture, and rebellion towards the government. However, President Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs in 1973 and over the next 20 years, each succeeding president continued to escalate the drug war. This policy has obviously done nothing to stop the recreational use of drugs in this country; on the contrary it is causing great harm. When most people imagine the legalization of marijuana, they fear a marijuana free-for-all with everybody constantly getting high. Legalization would include a law passed by Congress allowing the government to c ...
... agreement is huge to Canada because 20 per cent of Canada’s GDP comes from exports to the United States. This agreement eliminated “all trade restrictions such as tariffs, quotas, and non tariff barriers.” The Canadian economy gains access to the U.S economy that is ten times its size. While the U.S economy will gain the lower-priced Canadian goods. These two agreements show how much the Canadian economy relies on the United States economy and threw these two agreements the Canadian producers can export and import U.S goods easily and at an affordable and profitable price. In this paper I will show you how the FTA and the NAFTA help the Canadian economy e ...
... broke away. On October 9th, Mr. Parizeau, realizing that his campaign was failing, handed over leadership of the separatists cause to Lucian Bouchard. Bouchard was head of the Bloc Quebecois (BQ), a distinct, federal level party which swept[t the polls in Quebec in the 1993 federal elections, and whose 53 members in the Ottawa parliament are second in number only to the ruling liberals of Jean Chretien. Already in June, Parizeau had retreated from his outright separatist stance by agreeing with Bouchard, and with Mario Dumont, leader of a small nationalist party, to couple a declaration of sovereignty with an offer to negotiate with residual C ...
... could order bussing to desegregate schools. However in most cases bussing became much more of a hassle than a helper. There were many revolts from parents making situations even more horrible. Most students wanted to go to their neighborhood schools and not be bussed for long trips to attend a 'better' school. In Seattle the school board unanimously voted to "avoid race-based school assignment and increase enrollment in schools closer to home."(Lilly) The busing plan was not working and soon many schools were trying to deactivate this maneuver. "There is evidence that federal courts are realizing that the 25-year-old policy of busing to achieve racial balance in s ...
... monologue by Elaine Brown entitled "Ask Saddam Hussein," because when a Senator notices the reality of racism it seems authentic. Although both Bradley and Brown give similar information it is ironic that a white Senator showed more anger toward racism than the former Black Panther. When Senator Bradley begins telling his story his he points out how our society still has inequalities as he says, "I mean, you know, it's still... There are people who are, uh, who the law threats in different ways" (Smith: 214). The following statements Bradley makes during his interview shows his anger for racial differences. When Bradley informs the reader about an Africa ...
... located at: http://www.paris.org/Musees/Louvre/Treasures/gifs/venusdemilo.gif; the Sistine Chapel at: http://www.oir.ucf.edu/wm/paint/auth/michelangelo/michelangelo.creation and Michelangelo's David @ http://fileroom.aaup.uic.edu/FileRoom/images/image201.gif could not be accessed and used by anybody under the age of 18. These works of art and many other museum pictures would not be available. The bill says these sites show indecent pictures. The next part of the CDA has everybody in a big legal fit. We, concerned Internet users, took the writers of this bill to court, and we won. This part of the bill states: "Whoever....makes, creates, or solicits...........an ...
... they portray, in fact, that is what they thrive on. The worse self-image a woman has, the more beauty products she will buy to try and “improve” her looks. And there is no better way to make her think she is ugly than to subject her to thousands of unrealistic, airbrushed pictures of models to compare herself to. This way of thinking is further drilled into the female mind through women’s magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Vogue and so on. Never do you find an article entitled “Big is Beautiful”. More often you will find “How to lose 20 lb.. so your man will love you!” sprawled across the cover of the latest issue. Occasionally magazines will run a he ...
... arms oppose requiring a permit for concealed carry, and prefer a permitless system like that of the state of Vermont, which simply punishes misuse of guns, rather than restricting their lawful use. Restricting the ability of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms on their own property, and in defense of their homes and families, punishes them before they have even done anything wrong. In 1990, guns, which gun control supporters claim are "designed only to kill," were involved in about 1,400 accidental deaths, 18,800 suicides, and 13,600 murders, for a total of 33,800 firearm-related deaths. There are more than 200,000,000 firearms in private hands in the U ...