... since the Supreme Court re-instituted the death penalty through 1994, there have been approximately 467,000 homicides in the United States. Based on that number, 2.8 people will die every hour at the hands of another person. Death row inmates are often on death row for years, some upwards of twenty years. This puts great financial strain on taxpayers' money. While in prison, inmates have many privileges, including cable television, the chance to pursue a college degree, and free health care, all at taxpayers' expense. There are many law-abiding citizens who don't get these benefits. It is appalling to think these people have a virtual life of leisure whil ...
... likely will drink in their lifetime. After that happens, they need to know that they are not capable of driving. This knowledge could prevent many accidents. Drinking is not necessarily a bad thing, if you are a responsible drinker. I think that if you know your going to a party and there is going to be alcohol, then you can reserve a ride before the party takes place. It’s all about taking responsibility for your own actions. It seems so ridiculous that people don’t have the common sense to know they can cause mass destruction if they are drunk behind the wheel. It’s a terrible thing to know that you can be killed because of somebody else’s stupidity. Las ...
... of dams (barrages) as it would flood reservations. Using legal protest and open protest, the Indians succeeded in some cases but other projects flooded most of Dakota ‘ s arable land for example. Another sensitive issue is about Fishing rights. Indians have always fished for a living (pour vivre) and thus they have been granted special tribal fishing rights. These rights are now challenged by environmental groups. A movie to illustrate the story of Indians : « Little Big Man », starring Dustin Hoffman is a 1971 Hollywood movie which broke all stereotypes people had about Indians : westerns : cow boys, indians.... Indians have often been treated unequally an ...
... future. They are the future teachers and doctors, lawyers and politicians. Class sizes have grown to very high numbers, it is not unusual to see a class have an average of 35 students. With the larger class sizes, you create a balance for the students. On the one side, you have the very smart kids. In the middle, you have the average kids. And on the other side, you have the kids that have a lot of potential, but they need the attention to succeed. The smart ones will be fine, the average ones will likely sneak through, the ones that is going to have the worst time of all, and who the cuts are going to hit, is going to be the kids that need the attention. It is ...
... drinks. It is not good to drink and drive when you are in a good mood, but your driving is also influenced by your mood. It can make you drive faster, pay attention less, etc… Study's have shown that the combination of anger, and drinking is responsible for much of reckless driving. Not only can alcohol enhance your mood, but it has been proven that it can quickly alter your mood. When alcohol is consumed, it is not digested. It passes through your stomach and small intestine directly into the bloodstream and is carried to all parts of your body. It reaches your brain in small amounts. When alcohol is ingested in larger amounts, it dulls the area of your ...
... crime. I had the opportunity to work with the "CAPS" organization (Chicago Alternative Policing Stradegy) of the Chicago Police Department. Citizens complain about young people being out of control, or that someone parked two inches inside thier handycap parking spot. Criminal justice majors are hired by the city of Chicago to explain to the citizens that working together with the police can produce solutions to minor problems like the "Parkers", or the "Loud People". are often divided between acts that most people would consider evil and acts that lawmakers decide should be regulated in the interest of the community. The first group includes such major as a ...
... of Federalist 45 would have a strong opinion against. Madison’s comparison to the federal government as a type of feudal system is true to an extent in todays government as the local sovereigns can speak more for their smaller population whereas the larger governmental bodies cant speak as well for the people as the smaller ones were able to do. Therefore, the federal government cannot have power over the states because the states have a larger voice directly from the people, that is, it is more directly a democratic branch of government. It is also true that the state governments are a necessary part of the federal government, but what Madison fails to mentio ...
... I know what your thinking, but it is effective in serving two main purposes. The first purpose is that it is an ideal representation of the new structure of government that will be implemented by the New Federalist party. The two heads represent the two governing bodies, the federal government and the state governments. Both "heads" do nothing more than serve or govern over the body, which represents the citizens of the United States of America. The second purpose of the hydra is to shift the focus from the representative party to the individual members of the party. A political party should, like the hydra, should be nothing more than a myth. Votes in an ...
... If you are diagnosed as an ic you can not just try to cut down on drinking and think that this will help. Studies show that nearly all ics who try to merely cut down on drinking are unable to do so indefinitely. Instead, cutting out is nearly necessary for successful recovery. has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Some cases even require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems can be dramatic. A wide rang of digestive-systems can be affected, such as ulcers, inflammation of the pa ...
... who come here. We can only begin to help the situation now, because it would take decades to solve a situation like this. There is a quickly growing problem of overpopulation in this country. As the population grows at an insane rate, our free space is going to get much smaller. Not only is the population rising extremely fast, but also we are letting thousands of people into the country. The more people there are, the less room there is for everyone. We can’t continue to place everyone together as close as possible. It will only result in a large population moving away to avoid being overcrowded. The more people that live in an area, the more tra ...