... it within the boundaries of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. In 1972, when the Golden Gate National Recreation Area was created, it was mandated that the Presidio be transferred to the park when it was no longer needed by the Army. In 1988 the Presidio was slated for closure by a BRAC (Base Realignment and Closures) commission and thus began the transfer of property to the National Park Service. In June of 1995 the Sixth U.S. Army marched out the Presidio, ending almost 219 years of military presence in the city. By September 30, 1995 all Army Facilities were transferred to the National Park Service. is the first of its kind in the United States. With ...
... task of running a country is not unlike the complex task of running a corporation with its many divisions and subdivisions. Still, the fact remains that when a newly-elected president assumes office, he indeed has no ‘presidential’ experience. Granted, he may be a Washington insider (like Bob Dole), who has spent a great deal of his life in Congress working with (or against) the president on various bills, campaigns, etc. Nevertheless, he has still not had the experience that even approximates that of an incumbent president. Primarily this is because the presidents task is so multifaceted. (Neustadt 103) In one of his capacities, as head of state, the presi ...
... someone in the past, and an innocent person was going to be executed in his place. The lawyer told his client how he could not reveal that information, even though someone was going to die for a crime they did not commit. Where and how could such a rule be put into place that would make it totally acceptable for an innocent person to be put to death for a crime that they did not commit? Try to vision if you can, a family member accused of murder, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for a crime they did not commit. How much faith would you now have in that family member or friend telling you that he or she is innocent. Now picture a lawyer, knowing that y ...
... some of my data from my own experiences (and others soon to follow) from the Perkins School (Lancaster). This school is a home for the time being for abused children and adolescents. They try to teach the individuals how society works and what is accepted and behavior adjustments. This school does not try to cure them, but to help them understand and deal with their difficulties. The remaining part of my research came from journal articles and books. In my findings, I am implying that maltreatment affects a child a great deal, most likely for a severe amount of one's life. The emotions that are built up in the child are going to cause outbursts of anger, confusion, ...
... sense to preserve life in an over populated world. True, one less person here on there will not make a large dent. Yet if everyone who attempts or had attempted were not stopped, the impact would be noticed. Another popular argument for stoppers, people who want to prevent , is that nothing can be bad enough. Yet how do they know this? They do not have to put up with the same stuff the victim does everyday. How could they possibly know what the potential victim feels. Just as a severely burned victim may wish to be allowed to die in peace, the victim wishes the same. To die in peace with no argument from others. The argument of "look at the people you will hur ...
... of guns if you are: a convicted felon, alcoholic, drug addict, mentally ill person, alien, or a fugitive from justice. Some laws require prospective gun buyers, to get a purchase permit, which comes with applicant passing all background checks. A few states even require that all persons possessing guns must have a license to do so, even in their homes. Some states don't ban guns from addicts. This is a problem. Gun concelation isn't the same in each state. Also it is commonly unlawful to fire a gun within city limits or in other congested urban areas. These are some of the common laws that most states have. Guns are a form of power. Many individuals, ‘in ...
... in high school or even in grade school. We can see the "Drug Abuse" in everywhere in the United States, from 5 to 10 million young people who are between the ages of 12 to 17 years old who are using alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs (Focus). Also, among of youths is also related to drug trafficking and criminal activity. Every year, government is spending a lot money and time on the crimes, drug users, and addicted. But government policy regarding illegal drugs has proved a failure after 25 years because of the forfeiture laws which allow law enforcement agencies to keep the assets they seize instead of focusing on slowing the flow of drugs (Nilsen. Blumenso ...
... as well over the same time period. This bias of the past 30 years as well as voter turn out has only recently began to change in the South. In the beginning of and prior to the 1960's the South was a Democratic stronghold and it was rare for there to be any competition from Republicans in these non competitive states (Mulcahy p.56). A poll taken in the 1960's showed that " the southern states were the obvious stronghold of Democratic identification. The extreme case was Louisiana, where 66% identified with the Democratic party"(Black p.44). This all began to change as the Democratic party became more liberal in its national policy views. The Democrats became to ...
... “Without animal research, medical science would come to a total standstill”(O’Neil 210). It is not as if Scientist and researchers just sit in their labs all day and torture animals for fun. Not to mention animal use is being reduced as much as possible, “most scientist are glad to use alternative test because they are usually faster and cheaper than test on animals”(Yount 72). However, “you cannot study kidney transplantation or diarrhea or high bloodpressure on a computer screen”(O’Neil 212). Besides, “Animal research has led to vaccines against diptheria, rabies, tuberculosis, polio, measles, mumps, cholera, whooping cough, and rubella. ...
... is wasted away. I was not going to be a crazed addict, who would stop at nothing to get a hit. I was not going to be dodging the law my whole life. I was going to be everything I wanted to be, and drugs were definitely not going to get in the way. I promised myself I would not end up like Jimi Hendrix, or Janis Joplin, both found dead after overdoses, because I had the power to say no. I had read stories and seen news flashes about the side effects of some drugs. I had read newspaper articles about people in Rome, which is just a few minutes away, dying of heroin overdoses. I had seen people on TV that were alive, but were not conscious of their surroundi ...