... injuring them, then the muscles heal quicker adding more fiber increasing their bulk. Many athletes turn to steroids more often because they're cheaper then marijuana or cocaine. A ten week cycle of testosterone cypinate and methandrostone costs only about one hundred dollars. Steroids are also very hard to trace because of their water base composition. They can pass through the body within two days. All these benefits of steroids help an athletes become more competitive and increase their chance of being a winner. Of course everybody wants better biceps and triceps but when using steroids to achieve this goal there is a large price to pay. However, steroids ...
... a story. On August 15, 1997, the Reverend John Miller preached a sermon at the Martha Vineyards Tabernacle in New Hampshire. He told his congregation, which included the vacationing President Clinton and his wife, that is wrong. "I invite you to look at a picture of Timothy McVeigh and to forgive him," said Miller. "If we profess to be Christians, then we are called to love and forgive." Once the sermon ended, Rev. Miller, Clinton, and their wives got together for brunch at the Sweet Life Café. What the Rev. did not know was that 24-year-old Jeremy T Charron; an Epsom New Hampshire police officer was gunned down in cold blood just hours before Miller's se ...
... is much easier and healthier for our bodies. Secondly, as known around the world, the most common cause of death is heart attack and the average man is at a 50% risk while a vegetarian man is at a 4% risk. Another fact most don’t think about is that every one out of three chickens is infected with salmonella bacteria. Speaking of bacteria and disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implies that it protects meat-eaters through regular and thorough meat inspection while in reality, fewer than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues. As a matter of fact, breast milk of a meat-eating mother versus a non meat-eating mot ...
... further research. First it need to be legalized for this to happen. Not like its counterparts, marijuana has medical benefits. It is morphine for glaucoma, and cancer patients. If they are allergic to any painkiller, patients could use marijuana to kill their pain. It gives an appetite to AIDS patients. The cloud of suspicion would disappear, and doctors could get on with investigating marijuana's medical uses without fear of controversy. If you think about it marijuana is just like all of those cigarettes behind the counter. Legalizing it will create problems, but we can control those problems. We would treat it as a prescription drug, not like cigarette ...
... which is the bearer of culture par excellence, opens the door to the world of the other and gives us the means to apprehend other ways of viewing our common world and our common humanity. Why study Spanish? Beyond the argument just made for the truly cosmopolitan view, there are, for the US citizen, compelling internal and external reasons. First, one has to consider the rise of the Hispanic community within our midst. The US Census Bureau shows that the Latinos residing in the United States total about 27 million people and make up almost 10% of the population. Projections indicate that, by the year 2050, almost half of the US population could be Spanish sp ...
... can judge many things better than any one man. In addition, that which is many is less likely to be corrupted. So, although an individual's judgment can be corrupted when he is overcome by anger or some other emotion, it is difficult for all to become angry and make erroneous judgments simultaneously. If all the men are good men and good citizens, they are less corruptible than one man. However, seldom is this the case with American politics. There are far fewer politicians then there are low class workers or unemployed, and yet these politicians decide upon most all of the important decisions the country is faced with. The only time the rest of the people are inv ...
... change those who want to change. Those who are taught to produce useful goods and to be productive are "likely to develop the self-esteem essential to a normal, integrated personality" (Szumski 21). This kind of program would provide skills and habits and "replace the sense of hopelessness" that many inmates have (Szumski 21). Moreover, another technique used to rehabilitate criminals is counseling. There is two types of counseling in general, individual and group counseling. Individual counseling is much more costly than group counseling. The aim ...
... ics. Some say it is genetic on the stress gene, triggered by psychological or social stress. While others say it is a learned maladaptive coping behavior. Studies have shown that ism may be genetic. If ism is genetic it would be indirect. it would be related to the stress gene. This means that stress would set off a trigger that makes a want to the person. If ism is learned behavior it means that drinking is a bad coping skill, most likely learned through an ic parent. What are the effects of ism, on both the ic and their family? has terrible effects on health, family and work. The effects of on the body are cirrhosis of the liver, loss of brain cells, stomach ...
... forged Fascism in post-World War I in Europe. The national aspirations of many European peoples nations without states, peoples arbitrarily assigned to political entities with little regard for custom or culture had been crushed after World War I. The humiliation imposed by the victors in the Great War, coupled with the hardship of the economic Depression, created bitterness and anger. That anger frequently found its outlet in an ideology that asserted not just the importance of the nation, but its unquestionable superiority and predestined role in history. Italy was the birthplace of Fascist ideology. Mussolini, ironically a former ...
... children -- who, not so coincidentally, often come from lower-income groups – to enjoy the richness and opportunities of American life”, but he also writes, “… is a failure, a tactic that in the end will harm the chances of the generally poor, non-English speaking children ever having a equal share in the promise of American life.” By simply having everyone learn a second language eliminates the lines of income, and ethnic background. Truly would also eliminate the psychological effects it has on non-English speaking children. When they are in a classroom filled with people who do not speak the same language they do, they are forced to feel alone becau ...