... be severed" (Lindsmith Center). Second, many illicit-drug users commit crimes such as robbery and burglary, as well as drug dealing, prostitution, and many others, to earn enough money to purchase the relatively high-priced illicit drugs. "Unlike the millions of alcoholics who can support their habits for relatively modest amounts, many cocaine and heroin addicts spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars a week" (Lindsmith Center). If the drugs to which they are addicted were much cheaper- which would be the case if they were legalized-the number of crimes committed by drug addicts to pay for their habits would, in all likelihood, decline. Even if a legal-drug ...
... to themselves? Not too many. Most guns obtained by criminals are not obtained through the lawful purchase and sell transaction. The government is aware of this. All the gun control laws are not about preventing crime. Law abiding citizens who are armed will prevent crime. You can hire all the police you want. They do not stop crime while it is happening. Armed citizens can stop the crime before it ever even happens. How many times have you read about someone walking into a public place and opening fire? Sometimes the person even stops and reloads. What would you do if you were there? Hide and wait to be shot? Or would you hope that someone else is armed? ...
... delegated to the Executive for all practical purposes. The powers of the Government, and its cohesion under the convention of Collective Responsibility, ensured that the Government could maintain a united front in the face of parliamentary opposition. Within such a system, the PM could be described as 'primus inter pares' - first amongst equals - because, although he was the leading memberof the Government and its chief spokesman, it was the Cabinet rather than the PM that dominated the decision-making process. Almost 100 years later, when Richard Crossman edited 'The English Constitution' and wrote its Foreword, he was able to state that the doctrine of Cabin ...
... dilation of the pupils, and some facilitation of the spinal reflexes. Once ingested, LSD takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes to fully onset and the effects last anywhere from six hours to four days, depending on the dosage. If taken in large enough amounts, one can die of an overdose of LSD. Psychologically, LSD has a tremendous effect on a person. LSD is an unpredictable drug in which the effects are different each time it is ingested. A person under the influence of LSD ifs flooded with visual experience, as much when the eyes are closed as when open. Light is greatly intensified; colors are vivid and seem to glow; images are numerous and persistent, yield ...
... of time physical force has been used to keep subordinate groups in their place by dominant people in society. Men have always been physically larger than women and since most societies are male dominated, too no surprise the woman has almost always been the most common victim. In Roman times, a man was allowed to divorce, chastise, or even kill his wife for adultery, attending public games, or public drunkenness. All of which the husband was allowed to freely partake in. During the middle ages it was mans right to beat his wife or kill her for so much as giving her husband a dirty look. The first recorded advocates against domestic violence were two au ...
... the marketing firm again. Unfortunately, he never hears from them again. The main reason why he was not chosen, was because of the color of his skin. Since he is Asian, they could not hire him, because 50% of their employees are Asian. Under the affirmative action, they must employ someone who is underrepresented. This type of situation happens often. It is not the qualifications, but the color of the skin that employers look for today. Affirmative action is a step backwards. We are back to color and race differences. We are all Americans and should be treated as so, not what ethnicity we are. Affirmative action should be abolished solely because we do no ...
... rights, they have some kind of warped sense of expression. If people continue to desecrate the American flag, it will lose its significance and value. From 1968 to 1989, politicians and true red blooded Americans understood how important it was to respect the American flag. Congress passed a law in which it prohibited desecration of the American flag in 1968. According to the law, it was illegal to cast contempt, either by word or act upon the American flag ((Federal law, 18 USC Sec. 700 States, 1968); Sec. 2(a). The law states that whoever knowingly casts contempt upon any flag of the United States by publicly mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, or tram ...
... ideas of nationalism, loyalty to the emperor and traditionalist ideas of self-sacrifice and obedience. Thus ideas that were originally propagated to mobilize support for the Meiji government were easily diverted to form broad support for foreign militarism. Japanese society also still held many of the remnants of feudal culture such as strong confusion beliefs that stressed support for social order and lack of emphasis on individualist values. These values taught obedience not to a democratic but to the emperor; so the fact that the militaristic government of the 1930's ruled under the emperor meant that the Japanese were loyal to this government just as they had ...
... of each. Burglary is the break-in and entering of a home or other building with the intent of carrying out a felony. An example of this would be when a person breaks into your house and steals money or possessions from you. Robbery is when the perpetrator takes personal property from another against their will while threatening to do bodily harm or damage. An example of this would be when a bank robber holds up a bank and orders the tellers to hand over money to them while holding a gun in their hand. The robber is threatening to harm the workers while steeling the money. Define discovery in the litigation process and identify and explain the most commo ...
... of whom lost their lives from injury or disease. During the 1890s a depression because of the very short growing season and very high cost of shipping the grains. This lack of rain caused many Canadians to immigrate to the U.S. for a better life. Not very attractive to immigrants to Canada. Around the beginning of the 1900s the economy was boosted by the increasing need for Canadian food products. Europe had a large population explosion and tax increase caused more and more to move to Canada. With the construction of the CPR it was much easier to go west and settle the land which was cheap or free. The Canadian government was promoting it's self every where wi ...