... of a heated political controversy over the punishment. Opposers to the death penalty say no because of the large amount of people on death row today. They also say that states that have the death penalty have a higher crime rate than those that do not, and therefore it is not effective and somewhat contributes to the problem. I must point out though that states that have the death penalty are usually highly urbanized areas that most likely will have high crime rates because of the large population. Rather, in rural states there is no need for the death penalty because the population is most likely low and scattered throughout the region. States that practice ...
... in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated. Leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan.1 The above excerpt comes form the Charter of the Tribunal Article 6 section C, which makes it quite clear that in general the "laws of war" are there to protect innocent civilians before and during war. It seems to be a fair idea to have such rules governing armed conflict in order to protect the civilians in the general location of such a conflict. But, ...
... to be debated over. The Justice Minister Anne McLellan quoted the following passage about her plans with the Young Offenders Act: "We must send a signal today to all Canadians that there is going to be a new youth justice regime in place." The Juvenile Delinquent's Act was the predecessor of the Young Offenders Act. It was adopted in 1908 by the federal government. Its purpose was to change the old system of trying children as adults and holding them over for as long as the crown wanted to. They then decided to treat the children as "misguided" ones, instead of criminals. Although good intentions were meant in the act, there were extremely few guidelines ...
... of capital punishment. That resulted in the narrowing down of the list of one hundred crimes to twelve, punishable by the death penalty in 1833, and in 1869 it was cut down yet again to just three: treason, rape, and murder because of violent nature of these crimes. These crimes, even today, are still viewed as violent and should be punished with the highest degree of discipline available to achieve justice. After much public pressure, capital punishment was suspended on a trial run in 1967. This proved to be ineffective, because even though the law stipulated that crimes such as treason or the murder of law enforcement agents, were still to be subjected ...
... to be legalized. The organizations base there theory on the success that the Netherlands has had with reduction of crime due to the wide- spread legalization of marijuana. The differences between New Amsterdam and the United States is great due to a different structured economy and different cultures. This differences would prove to be the reason for their success and the United States failure. Legalization would also be very dangerous to the economy. The United States economy is a rather shaky one. The introduction of such a huge industry would be enough to crash our country into a depression. The market for marijuana would be very extensive. Between th ...
... the peace summit and is the most difficult issue as it is virtually impossible to please both sides. Presently, Israel has control over the city. Israel insists on retaining sovereignty over the “eternal” city and hopes a deal will win world recognition of that right. Palestinians, on the other hand, wish to reclaim east Jerusalem for the capital of a new Palestinian state and want to share sovereignty. This issue should be resolved by making Jerusalem ‘no man’s land’. Jerusalem should be governed by an independent, neutral third party. Palestinians and Israelis would share it, as neither party would have control. If the Christians can share it with the ...
... innocnt. In short, jurors can decide defendant is innocent even if a public prosecutor has disadvantageous proofs for the defendant. Juries who are representative of citizen make the decision value about proof. But, Jerome Frank, one of delegates of legal realists, criticized jury system in Law & the Modern Mind, 1930. " A lot of verdicts are irresponsible juries' products of caprice and prejudice, for example, the defendant is a rich corporation, the plaintiff is a poor boy and the counsel is an eloquent speaker. Such facts often decide who wins or loses." He characterizes that juries have tendency to like weak people and hate strong people. Jury system seems to ...
... for future violence. Even though I am against the news media presenting too much school violence, Americans should have been deeply disturbed by this shooting because of the child’s young age. The Michigan shooting should have enlightened Americans to the dilemma we face in this country. Two weeks after the Columbine High School shooting, information on the mass murder was still being broadcast on television. The press was feeding young viewers ideas on how to kill their classmates. News was reported how the teenage murderers acquired information regarding building bombs, obtaining guns, smuggling guns into the school, and proceeding to kill their classm ...
... to the party in general elections.” Duverger also states that parties usually tend to create an opinion formed by propaganda and improper procedure, such as the ballot procedure. In conclusion, “the party system is less a photograph of opinion is a projection of the party system.” According to this statement, Duverger expresses that “the general development of parties tries to emphasize their deviation from the democratic regime [which is a mode of system of rule or government].” The electoral processes are gradually losing ground in the appointment of leaders by nomination or co-option. Because of this fact, “discipline among members is tightened both ...
... makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do."(Cavanagh 4) In relation to the times in the French Revolution where murderers and thieves heads were thrown into the guillotine, our society today is at a much higher level of thinking. Why should we bring ourselves to the level of thinking that was used almost two hundred years ago? The executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that "…people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our society becomes…We could execute all three thousan ...