... heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying, the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to spill into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century. The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature rises occurring in winter. Most areas will experience summertime highs well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. New temperature records wi ...
... find a home range of its own. Home ranges house several burrows, that are located along the river bank. There are two different types of burrows, dwelling burrows, and nesting burrows. The nesting burrows are used for rearing young, and the other dwelling burrow is used by both sexes as a place to rest, sleep and eat. Burrows have a problem with maintaining a flow of air through them. If a platypus stays in a burrow for too long it will begin to use up its supply of oxygen. The nesting burrow has an entrance above water level to increase oxygen supply, whereas the dwelling burrows are located below water level. has a bill like a duck, and a tail like a beaver. ...
... not. So, just to be sure, doctors usually take out a lot of the healthy tissue surrounding the area. This could damage the person's system and their appearance. Also, cancer sometimes forms around structures that can't be taken out, like an organ. In these cases, surgery alone is basically useless. Radiation therapy is another option, and many doctors prefer this in many cases. When a patient receives radiation therapy, gamma rays are sent in to treat the region that the tumor is in. Patients usually receive five to eight weeks of treatments every day, but they don't have to stay in the hospital. Radiation works because when the high amount of rays treat the tumor, ...
... They suspect that the Red Tide off of the coast of southwest Florida has some connection with these mysterious deaths. A red tide is a bloom of flagellates which are deadly to marine life, but cause no harm to the human population. Another possible cause is a virus that is unknown to scientists. Many people believe that this problem will eventually stop an the manatee population will flourish, but others are rather pessimistic. Ecological Problem: The manatee population is quickly dying off and unless they make an astonishing comeback, they will soon be extinct. Ecological Solution: A possible solution to this problem is to move the manatees from the ...
... the lungs. The air completes its path down the trachea when it reaches the bronchus which is a speration of the trachea into the two different lungs it is used to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. These bronchus break into many bronchioles which then branch into many many microscopic tubs that cary the oxygen to every part of the lung till they meet the thin sacs called aveoli. Aveoli are thin sacs in the lungs that carry oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the blood stream. They diffuse the oxygen into the blood cells that need it and in turn diffuse carbon dixoxide out. Diffusion is an easy method for the transfer of oxygen because it dosent take ...
... most respected evolutionary biologists has defined biological evolution as follows: "In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything fro ...
... hydrogen called synthesis gas, used for the synthesis of methanol and ammonia. High-purity oxygen is used also in the metal- fabrication industries; in liquid form it is of great importance as a propellant for guided missiles and rockets2. I have chosen the element "Oxygen" because without Oxygen, human beings would not be able to live. Oxygen is probably the single most important element in the world as we know it. With out Oxygen we would not breath, have water, eat plants. Oxygen's Electron configuration is 1S2 + 2S2 + 2P4, it's electron dot symbol is: . Gaseous oxygen can be condensed to a pale blue liquid that is strongly magnetic. Pale blue s ...
... selection. Studies were being done during Darwin’s findings that indicated there was a “gene” associated with certain characteristics. Mendel’s pea plants proved there was a way of artificially creating trends in color of flowers. This discovery led to modern genetics. We now know chromosomes carry valuable information that determines characteristics in living species. When you put these two discoveries together you really understand how animals have evolved to their currant state. When animals are born the have traits that help them live or inhibit their ability to live. If the die they cannot mate with other animals therefore they don’t pass on the ...
... mainly one reason and that is because of poaching or illegal hunting. “The Black Rhino also has a long gestation period of 15 months with an interbirth interval of a single calf every 2.5 to 4 years, making it a slow process for rhinos to be introduced back into the world by birth” (International Rhino Foundation 3). “The Black Rhino is illegally hunted for its ivory horn that ranges between one foot to one foot eight inches long” (Speart 26). The animal is slaughtered for its horn while its carcass is left for the vultures. Since the Black Rhino was put on the list in the 1980s, conservation agencies have aided to help the Black Rhino to rebound. “No ...
... network the server would re-route the information in an alternate path through a new technique called "packet switching". Packet Switching is a means of breaking up the message being sent into small packets which carry enough information to seek out its destination and sending them out separately towards the destination server. The message after being broken up would take separate routes to the destination and then be re-assembled by the computer at the server where the message was being sent. This was good because with more than one route for information to travel on, the enemy did not have one central point to target their attack to break the lines of communic ...