... animals and occasional fires. Producer: An autotroph organism (grass). Consumer: Organism that eats producers (caterpillars, bison). Primary consumer: Organisms that eat consumers (chicken, meadowlark). Secondary consumers: Organisms that eatprimary consumers (praire felcon, eagle). Decomposers: Organisms that uses nutrients from dead plants and animals, it starts the chain over (bacteria). Say that an organism was removed from the web, such as a caterpillar. Though it's not the only grass eating organism it would still mess up the web. Say you put the bison in its place, that part would work, except for the fact that the indigo bunting wouldn't eat the bis ...
... weather the glaciation process affected the cleaning chemicals, it is first important to establish its potency prior to freezing. Accordingly, two test sets were created by the researcher. The purpose of the test was to determine how well the chemicals could break down household grease before and after the substances were frozen. The first test set would focus on unfrozen chemicals, while the second was set up for previously frozen chemicals. The Test: To start the experiment the researcher fried four pieces of bacon until there was enough grease in the skillet to perform the test. He then put a quarter teaspoon of the grease onto two nine by thirteen casse ...
... limit to their southern range in the middle of Argentina, and their range is expected to be similarly limited to the southern and coastal states in the United States. They have hybridized to some extent with resident wild and hive populations of European honeybees. However, many of the basic African honeybee traits remain, including rapid population growth, frequent swarming, minimal hoarding of honey, the ability to survive on sparse supplies of pollen and nectar, and a highly defensive nature. Africanized honeybees are more difficult to manage than European honeybees and produce less honey. The businesses of many beekeepers in Latin American countries have ...
... another dead species every 6 minutes. We're trashing the planet, washing away the topsoil, paving over our farmlands, systematically deforesting our wildernesses, decimating the biota, and ultimately killing ourselves. The world is getting progressively poorer, and it's all because of populating, or more precisely, over-population. There's a finite store of resources on our pale blue dot, spaceship Earth, our small and fragile tiny planet, and we're fast apporaching it's ultimate carrying capacity. The limits to growth are finally upon us, and we're living on borrowed time. The laws of population growth are inexorable, Unless we act decisively, the final resul ...
... the explanations behind UFOs (Doherty 17). The theory, however, that UFOs come from outer space is called the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The only problem with this theory is the distance involved in interstellar travel. Another hypothesis on the nature of UFOs is the demonic force hypothesis. It states that the UFOs represent demons coming to earth for the final battle between good and evil (Randle 112). The not so widely accepted theory is that of hallucination/dream. Its major debunker is that mass hallucinations would have to be fairly common. The final hypothesis on UFO sightings is the null hypothesis, which states that they simply do not exist (Randle 11 ...
... more neutrons produced that will split more atoms. As this process is repeated over, it becomes a self-sustaining chain reaction. This energy producing process is called a chain reaction. uses the uranium-235 element because it is the easiest of all atoms to split apart. Uranium-235 is made up of many protons and few neutrons. Protons naturally repel one another so a nucleus made up of many protons tends to ‘fly apart’ more easily. In addition, uranium makes a good nuclear reactor because it can sustain a series of fission reactions, each time producing more neutrons in chain reaction. Therefore, uranium-235 can produce a steady flow energy output. Uraniu ...
... Consequently, a single ounce of gold can be drawn into a wire five miles long. Gold's malleability is also unparalleled. It can be shaped or extended into extraordinarily thin sheets. For example, one ounce of gold can be hammered into a 100 square foot sheet. Gold is the most reflective and least absorptive material of infrared (or heat) energy. High purity gold reflects up to 99% of infrared rays. Gold is also an excellent conductor of thermal energy or heat. Since many electronic processes create heat, gold is necessary to transfer heat away from delicate instruments. Gold alloy is the most tenacious and long-performing material available for protection of t ...
... which in turn creates a photochemical reaction that produces ozone – a benefit to the environment since ozone protects people, plants, and animals from harmful radiation. The ozone layer is important because it absorbs most of the damaging ultra-violet radiation from the sun before it reaches ground level, where it can cause sun burn, skin cancer and cataracts. Research suggests that any additional UV-B (ultra-violet radiation) at ground level could depress our bodies’ immune systems, damage the natural food chain and reduce crop yields. Although ozone makes up less that 1ppm of all the gases in our planet’s atmosphere, but it is essential to life on earth. S ...
... important to discuss is the initial hardware and software fees, and maintenance and reliability which often go hand in hand. According to Sunworld, the estimated minimal required hardware costs that would go with a Linux machine is $200. In an NT machine, the minimal hardware cost rose up to $1300. This is because NT requires at least a 486 Pentium with 16MB of RAM. Linux can run fine on a 386 computer with only 8MB of RAM. What do the majority of users need a computer for? Mainly word processing and the use of a database program. An NT user doesn’t have to go with Microsoft Office, but a lot of people do, costing a couple hundred dollars. Linux can ...
... reshape the future of our society. The sources of these feelings were complex, but usually centered around the basic fact that this technique would permit human procreation in an asexual manner, would allow for an unlimited number of genetically identical offspring, and would control over the genetic profile of our children (Hopkins, 8). Eugenics is accomplished through a field of science known as eugenics, which basically is an attempt to improve the human race. Advances in eugenics have only helped mankind in pushing forward to a greater civilization, a more perfect evolution (Silberner, 5). When new innovations in science are not encouraged but prohi ...