... NO2 and NO3, collectively called NOx). These gases are produced almost entirely from burning fossil fuels, mainly in power satations and road transport. (Kucera, (1973) The Challenge of Ecology, The Mosby Company.) Tremendous quantities of this nitric acid and sulfuric acid mix are reflected in the lowering of the acidity of rain. Earthworms (Annelids) are a species of worm which are many segmented. They live in damp soil, usually forming intricate tunnels beneath the surface. Their bodies are lond and cylindrical, and have "bluntly tapered ends and are somewhat depressed posteriorly." (Storer, et. al, (1972) General Zoology 5th ed., McGraw Hill Books.) As earth ...
... rapidly decay unless used or rehearsed. Encoding can be an automatic process, this occurs when little or no effort, without awareness, and without interfering with our thinking about other things. Encoding can also be effortful processing; although we encode an enormous amount of information unintentionally, many other types of information we remember only with much effort, rehearsal, and attention. We can forget things because of encoding failure. Sometimes we fail to encode information, so it never entered the memory system, short-term or long-term memory. A vast amount of what we sense, we never notice or process without encoding effortful process. We also ...
... has also been recorded both in the Budongo Forest, Mahale Mountains and the Gombe National Park. In Jane Goodall's, May 1979 article in the National Geographic called "Life and Death at Gombe" it reveals the first time that chimpanzees who were always perceived to be playful, gentle monkeys, could suddenly become dangerous killers. "I knew that some of our chimpanzees, so gentle for the most part, could on occasion become savage killers, ruthless cannibals, and that they had their own form of primitive warfare."(Goodall, 1979:594) To try and explain this ruthless behavior it is necessary to first analyze their social upbringing and unique lifestyle. ...
... sea floor to continent boundary, the sea floor is subducted. As the plates move together, molten material from the mantle seeps up between the converging plates. The gap is closed as the plates move more into each other, locking the molten material in. This, by the way, happens at all of the convergent boundaries. After much time, pressure builds up as the molten material churns in its chamber. It gets hotter, and as we know from the laws of physics, heat rises due to its kinetic energy. So, as the pressure get to be too much, the molten material goes up. As you may already know, molten material mostly does not just come out of a big hole in the ground. It comes o ...
... europhia as a feeling of intense happiness and well being. Most users take the pills orally, often with alcohol. The most common way to get the barbiturates is in tablet form. Other ways to get barbiturates include ampoules, syrup, or capsules. For injection, which is rarely used because of its risk factor, capsules are opened and the powder is added to water. However, this can cause damage to the veins. Barbiturates come in different types such as Soneryl, Nembutal, Amytal, and Tuinal. Small doses relax the user, depressing the nervous system while the effects last up to 8 hours depending on the dosage. Large doses can cause loss of co-ordination, slurred ...
... barium, serpentine, concrete, and stone. The exploding steam fires the floor up like shrapnel. The metal plate goes through the four foot thick concrete roof like butter and reaches and altitude of sixty meters. You can hear ripping, rending, wrenching, screeching, scraping, tearing sounds of a vast machine breaking apart. L. Ray Silver, a leading author who covered the disaster at Chernobyl, said that within the core, steam reacts with zirconium to produce that first explosive in nature’s arsenal, hydrogen. Near-molten fuel fragments shatter nearly incandescent graphite, torching chunks of it, exploding the hydrogen. The explosion breaks every pipe in the bui ...
... fuel which contains energy©giving substances that our bodies can store until we need this energy to use our muscles. When we do use our muscles within us, we may not always be sure that heat is given off. Our bodies do not burst into flames but the perspiration on our skin is a clue to what is happening. The movement of the windsurfer has a different explanation. The windsurfer is propelled along by a sail which collects mechanical energy from the winds that sweep along the water. This energy has been produced by the sun which warms the earth's surface and sets the air above in motion. The sun's heat comes to the earth as a form of radiant energy. When ...
... caterpillar is striped black and yellow. As it grows and becomes ready to become a chrysalis by forming a cocoon it uses the plant again. The caterpillar forms its cocoon on the Butterfly Weed. By the time the caterpillar is ready to become a chrysalis it has grown to be about 45 millimeters in length. The chrysalis is pale green and spotted with gold. It becomes more transparent as the butterfly gets ready to break free. The adult Monarch has a wingspan of about 4 inches. The male and female can be told apart by a gland on the wings. It is apparent as a black circle on the male, which is not present in the female. The Monarch is native to North and Central Amer ...
... are associated with them. For example, Lyle Alzado, a popular star in the NFL, developed a brain tumor and died. Also one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time and famous actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, had to have an operation to repair an aortic valve in his heart. This scared a lot of people and the recreational uses of steroids decreased. With the dangers of steroids well-known people started looking for other substances to give them an edge. Bee pollen, carnitine and chromium picolinate, were among the things people tried. Of course none of these worked. But now there is a product on the market that has been proven to significantly enhance athletic perform ...
... the muscle is called oxygen debt and results in lactic acid being formed. Lactic acid is a waste product of anaerobic cellular respiration within the muscle tissue, which can cause muscle sourness that, usually, is felt after a hard or long workout. Fatigue usually sets in with the onset of lactic acid production. Oxygen is carried to the muscle by two delivery systems. Three percent of oxygen is carried in plasma and ninety-seven percent is in hemoglobin, the principal protein in erythrocytes (red blood cells). If hemoglobin amounts are increased, this will lead to increased oxygen levels that can be transported to the muscles. Allowing the muscles to become ...