... or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. We must look at the historical context of the passage. Written approximately 2000 years ago, many parts of the Bible seem outdated. The passage portrays a time when women were property and were “trained” to be weak and fragile. This stopped only about 30 years ago. Before this time, society taught women from birth to be submissive to men. What does this mean to us today? It means that although American Society is no longer training women to be submissive, the problem is still present in our belief system. Many churches do not believe that women should be part of the clergy. This is because they interpre ...
... to Akiba's classroom and shown the sophistication that the Rabbis have when they interperit the Bible. Moses is put in the back of the class witht the new students as a symbol that he is not the master of the Bible. Moses was the writer. He had no say in what it meant or contained. Rather he was the first to interpret the words of God and write them. The fact that God put in the Bible, obscure text for future Rabbis is a symbol that he expected them to pick apart at even the most minute pieces of grammar. The Rabbis are expected to find what is necessary in the Bible. The story of Elizer shows that God's word is secondary to the Rabbis' interpritation of ...
... II has altered the Roman Catholic Church more that any other council that took place. It has great significance as it made the church more reasonable and realistic. The Church, after the council, was much more down-to-earth and open-minded. One of Vatican II's changes that took place was that Mass became vernacular. This change was very important because it made people feel more at a personal level when mass was held seeing as though the priest was speaking their language. It made them feel more at home and increased their understanding and ability to respond. Another very major and important change that took place due to Vatican II was the relationship wi ...
... For everything you do wrong you will be punished. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, if not in this life, then the next. Hindu's also believe that punishing the body is part of the path to salvation. Christianity is nothing like this. Many Christians live in high©class society. Christianity is one of the most appealing in that any sins may easily be corrected and that Christians may live comfortable, if not wealthy lives without guilt. Christianity, like other religions though, has many weaknesses. Although as time goes on, Christianity is slowly evolving and trying to become even more appealing to society, there are still many ...
... a second-, fourth-, or even sixth-grader view the routine recital of prayers during the school day as a voluntary action? This invasive practice would create unnecessary divisions among children by making them unduly aware of their religious differences. Public schools are for everyone, whether they are Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, or Taoist. The practice of organized prayer in schools invades the student's right to an education free of the discrimination which organized prayer would encourage. Many people mistake the religious indifference of public schools for hostility. Public schools must to be very careful to neither discriminate for nor against any singl ...
... wishing of good cheer to all - these ingredients came together to create that special Christmas atmosphere. The custom of gift-giving on Christmas goes back to Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Kalends. The very first gifts were simple items such as twigs from a sacred grove as good luck emblems. Soon that escalated to food, small items of jewelry, candles, and statues of gods. To the early Church, gift- giving at this time was a pagan holdover and therefore severely frowned upon. However, people would not part with it, and some justification was found in the original gift giving of the Magi, and from figures such as St. Nicholas. By the middle ages gift givin ...
... the Dead” 1. I have not acted sinfully toward me 2. I have not oppressed the members of my family 3. I have not done wrong instead of what is right 4. I have known no worthless folk (Encarta ‘96) Their were also what we would call "Priests" who sold the people "magical" items that they said would ensure the dead people a way into heaven. Therefore, the authority of the Egyptian religion was controlled heavily by the government. Second, the Egyptians Faith was an important characteristic of their religion. First, they believed that the Pharaoh was a god, and what he spoke became law. The Egyptians worshipped almost every form of life, the worshipped trees, ...
... God is a spiritual God. Romans 12:1 (Give your bodies to God) and 1 Corinthians 2:13 (his words were given to us by the Holy Spirit) tells of God's spirituality. God is very just. He judges all that sin with eternal punishment. But God is also a fair God and allows us to repent and trust in him to get forgiveness and eternal life. Psalm 9:16 (The Lord punishes the wicked justly) and 101:1 (I will sing about your kindness and justness) tell of how God is just. God is very truthful. He never lies or breaks his promises to us. 1 Kings 17:24 (Everything from the Lord is truthful) and Isaiah 45:19 (I Jehovah speak only truthfulness) say that God is truthful and ...
... that god is an observer. They do not believe in providence. They also denounce the church. Thomas Paine believed that the mind is the church. Deists also believed that the bible was hearsay. Thomas Paine thought that a revelation could only effect the person that it was directed to because after that the people that listen to the revelation have the right not to believe it because it can not be proven. The Deists also believe that through nature God is revealed. Puritanism is a religion and believe that god is active. They also believe in providence. They believe that god guides them through life. They also believe in predestination. The puritans thin ...
... GOSPEL CHURCH, ASSEMBLY OF GOD, and UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH also accept only Baptism and Holy Communion, but refer to them as ordinances, not sacraments. BAPTISTS also believe in these two ordinances, and they very strongly resist the use of the term "sacrament." Though all the Christian denominations practice Baptism, they disagree on when they should do so. ROMAN CATHOLIC, EPISCOPALIAN, LUTHERAN, PRESBYTERIAN, REFORMED, and METHODIST churches baptize both infants and adult converts. Baptism is prior to Confirmation, which typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. In the REFORMED CHURCH, Confirmation is optional and very flexible. The ORTHODOX ...