... he needs, even a wife. God gives them a simple command to not eat of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” but He told them they can eat from any other tree in the garden. What tree do they eat from? Of course, the “tree of knowledge,” which directly disobeys the LORD’s basic command. God gave Adam and Eve a paradise to dwell in and the opportunity to manage it and all the animals there in, but even with all this, they weren’t content and violated God’s request. They directly disobey God even after He has taken care of them so well. God brings about a great flood to destroy the wicked people that inhabit the earth. Noah is told by ...
... is pleased by followers that love not only God, but each other also. These seem like simple, logical rules to live by. But, they reflected a time in history where that kind of love for one another was hard to find because of the hardships inflicted upon the people. I find some conflict in Jesus' actions, however. Jesus never (as far as I know) says to ignore to commandments of God in the Hebrew Scriptures; however, constantly breaks the Sabbath (Matt 12:13 and others), and gives VERY flimsy and unconvincing explanations for it. I am not sure what his message was in those actions. Perhaps he didn't care? In general, Matthew was a good, entertaining sto ...
... best applies to society today. To do that we must look at marriage's state in the 1990's. Religion is losing its dominance in the issue of marriage. We cannot argue the fact that there are more divorces in the country today that there were 20 years ago. This points to America's increasing acceptance of divorce. Therefore, we can conclude that religion has become less of an issue for many Americans when marrying because most religions strongly discourage divorce, some to the point of not allowing it at all. This leads to the question, "What is today's basis for marriage?" Some propose that the sole purpose of marriage be to bring life into the world. If this ...
... issue within public schools involves the First Amendment, how the school system enforces certain things and how schools can get around the separation between church and state. The First Amendment is being violated by allowing public officials(teachers) to direct prayer in schools. The reason that this is a violation is because prayer, bible readings and moments of silence are prohibited in public school systems. The First Amendment has many different interpretations that people are attaching to it. People took this amendment to mean that the government was not intended to be banned from assisting religion or was intended to be erased from public or govern ...
... to the fullest extent. In doing so, they received numerous blessings. Matthew records nine beatitudes and among those, Luke recorded the first, second, fourth, and ninth. He also recorded four separate woes (curses or warnings of): “But alas for you who are rich; you have had your time of happiness. Alas for you who are well fed now; you will go hungry. Alas for you who laugh now; you will mourn and weep. Alas for you when all speak well of you; that is how their fathers treated the false prophets” (Lk. 6:24-36 Ox.). Following Luke’s account of the sermon, the law of love proceeds the beatitudes. God’s commands concerning love are given for ap ...
... with joy through their lives. Zeus bid the gentle rain to fall and fertilized the fields and meadows. Zeus was a life barrier to the Earth and its inhabitants and a necessary part of their every day lives. Zeus was the life giver to the people. He was the father of both Gods and men, although did not create either. He was a father in the sense of being the protector and ruler of both the Olympian family and of the human race. He preserved and ruled the world. Zeus was believed by the people to posses of almost every form of power and endued with great wisdom. Zeus observed attentively the general intercourse and dealing of people-everywhere demanding and rewarding ...
... (from "Octavius" by Minucius); "detestabilis- hateful" (Tacitus); therefore it was outlawed and persecuted, because it was considered the most dangerous enemy of the power of Rome, which was based upon the ancient national religion and on the emperor's worship . I interrogated them and even tortured them to get them to admit to the crimes , only to find that they are an harmless group . I discovered nothing more than an innocuous superstition . Christians faced persecution with courage, a very large percentage with heroism, but they did not submit to it without opposition. They defended themselves with great strength by confuting the accusations of those crime ...
... you do wrong you will be punished. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, if not in this life, then the next. Hindu's also believe that punishing the body is part of the path to salvation. Christianity is nothing like this. Many Christians live in high©class society. Christianity is one of the most appealing in that any sins may easily be corrected and that Christians may live comfortable, if not wealthy lives without guilt. Christianity, like other religions though, has many weaknesses. Although as time goes on, Christianity is slowly evolving and trying to become even more appealing to society, there are still many downfalls. One thi ...
... clearly on the spot That object which is now, While finding and living in A still, unmoving state of mind. This focus on the present is the beginning of the path to enlightenment which is comfort through understanding. When you are able to keep your mind focused on the present in a ‘still, unmoving state of mind' you have reached enlightenment, where you will be beyond all emotion including suffering and worry. Jesus: That is not so. A search for the entire true of life can never make you content in your life because you can never know everything there is. That is for God alone to know. To enter the kingdom of heaven you must have faith in our Fat ...
... comes to this conclusion from the first two statements. Now he moves to the conclusion that a greater being than God can be conceived. This is evident from his third and fourth statements. By the definition of God no greater being can be conceived. Hence it is false that God exists in the understanding but not in reality. This is evident from all of the previous statements. By granting the fool's statement as true he's setting up the fool to contradict himself. He then leads the fool to a statement that he cannot deny. He says that the existence in reality would be greater than the existence in understanding alone. This statement cannot be denied because thr ...