... they focused on was the doctrine of predestination. Calvin believed that the grace of God was the ticket into Heaven and that his grace could not be earned. God's grace was bestowed upon a select few regardless of what they did to earn it. This ‘ doctrine' stated that God determines a mans' destiny, whether it be redemption or condemnation, regardless of any worth or merit on the person's part. It could be compared to the failures of Communism in that no matter how hard a person worked, how devout a person was, how often a person went to church, there was no way to get into Heaven unless they were chosen. Aside from the doctrine of elect, the Puritans had othe ...
... have very conflicting views abut abortion. If a women is at risk of death, if she is raped, or if she pregnant as a result of a failed birth control device the pregnancy can be terminated. Yet, if the abortion called for because of deformity in the fetus, it is opposed because it interferes with Karma. recognizes that everyone has their own road to choose. People need to make their own decisions and answer to the Laws of Karma. ...
... .These include ~Wicca ,druidism Santeria and many others. Wicca focuses on the worship of a god and goddess .In Wicca , there is a plethora of pantheon of deities that one can choose from including: Greek, Norse ,roman etc...... Focusing on a Greek Wiccan tradition ,this will be describing the pagan festival of Hectare. The Festival of Hecate The festival of Hecate is celebrated between the 3rd and 4th Saturday of August. (which ever is closest to the new moon) It is in honor of the Greek goddess Hecate. She was first worshipped in ancient Greece -called the triple goddess of magic. She is often represented in triple form ; maiden (youth) ,mother (fertility ...
... and goddesses. Other examples of Greek gods and goddesses are Apollo, god of music, poetry, medicine, archery, and young unmarried men and Hestes, goddess of the home. As you can see, the Greeks believed in many gods unlike the people of the Jewish fate who believed in one god. The Jewish god does not have an emblem that which it is represented by. The belief is that the god is represented by everything. For example, members of the Jewish religion believe god is everywhere, in everything, and represented by everything they do. Another example of the religious differences is how Ancient Egyptians believed in idol gods which are gods represented in statues. A ...
... justify his faith to a strong Catholic family whentrying to prove that salvation is a free gift and not a time card for "good works." There is much difference between the religion of Catholicism and non- denominational Christianity. Though both groups believe in one God, the same God, growing up in the midst of the bickering of the two groups can confuse a child and bring bitterness toward this God that Christians believe is all-loving. School is an area where temptations are thrown in people's faces each day. Many people are challenged each day in these situations; children may be challenged in their home or in school because of the issue of salvation and try ...
... Shortly after his birth, his father consulted with a number of astrologers, all of whom declared that the newborn prince would become a great king and that he would rule the world in truth and righteousness. Among these astrologers, there was one who declared that if the prince were to see a sick person, an old person, a corpse, and a world renouncing ascetic, he would become dissatisfied with life and become a wandering monk in order to seek final peace. King Shuddhodana decided to prevent his son from running into any of these four sights and surrounded him with pleasant diversions during his early years. Finally the prince convinced his father into lett ...
... earth will be ruled by those who fight and win." Satanism challenges the biblical teachings regarding mans relationship to others. Young Satanist's believe that the strong will rule with Satan. Power has become an obsession with young Satanists. It is sought after on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Gaining knowledge that others do not posses is another aspect of the occult. When an individual has more knowledge it allows them a degree of power over those who do not have access to that knowledge. The Ouija Board has proven particularly useful. The Ouija Board is an instrument for communication with the spirits of the dead. The Ouija Board is an open doo ...
... of God. ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS God generally refers to one supreme, holy, personal being,. The divine unity of ultimate good-ness and of ultimate reality. St. Anselm of Canterbury developed what we have learned to be the ontological argument. He began his argument by saying that even a fool can grasp or understand the concept of “a being than of which nothing greater can be conceived.” He continues to state that a fool would say that the concept of this being’s existence is only in his mind and in the mind of others but not in reality. However he also admits to the possibility of this being existing in reality. Whatever is understood by the fool is argued t ...
... the names of lesser gods that presided over the minute details of human life. The importance of these gods was that each type of person was to follow the worship in the god that applied to them the most even though they worshiped all of the gods. The Relationship between the Greek and the Roman religion is that the Greek's had different names for the gods and they contained some different details of how they were and what roll they played in civilization. In these next paragraphs a more in depth description of the gods and their roll in Roman civilization. Jupiter was the king of the gods and the lord of life and death. He was also called Jove. Jupiter ...
... actresses, have been looked up to as role models and leaders, and many of them have been brought down by their own immoral standards. Some of today's lawyers bend the truth. People, who deserve a life in prison walk free today because of people who twist the facts. Their is a definite similarity between those who have power but do not have moral standards today and Aaron's sons thousands of years ago. In all these years people have not changed. Now people have technology that allows them to break laws even easier than thousands of years ago. Without pressure on law and morals, people do what they want. I WILL NOT BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! There have been ...