... of over 10,000 commercial banks. The organization of the Fed is included in the Appendix to this paper. The Board of Governors is the most important group within the Fed. The Board consists of seven members, each appointed for 14 years by the President of the United States. The chair of the Fed, also appointed by the President, has a term of 4 years, and is sometimes said to be the second most powerful man in the country. The Fed is an inde-pendent agency, and thus does not take orders from either the President or Congress. Page 2 The US is divided into 12 Federal Reserve districts, each having its own Federal Reserve bank. (These districts can also be see ...
... the offenders spend a lifetime in jail. Offenders feel it is not their fault and they could still function in society if properly treated. Many groups will take the side of the victims like child protection groups and victims of the crimes. Offender may have doctors on their side saying that the reasons for the crimes are a mental disorder. The outcome to be reached is the need for stricter sanctions and clearly defined laws on sexual abuse. The sanctions should be clearer in the span of one year. The target is too start convicting all newer offenders under the new laws. The result is tougher penalties for the offenders under the new laws. More than fifty percent o ...
... feeling of confidence in the nation's future. Progressivism had many aims. The general aims of Progressivism were as follows: to extend political democracy by shifting control of government from the political bosses and powerful industrialists to the people; to curb the power of big businessmen, in order to give greater economic opportunities to small business and labor; and to eliminate the social ills of society through needed reforms. Although the aims of Progressivism were shared by all Progressivists, support came from many different groups. Progressives came from both major parties, as well as from minor or third parties. Important political lea ...
... of drugs that make you stupid? The campaign for drug legalization is morally disgusting.The number of people who are addicted to illegal drugs or are users of these drugs is quite shocking. Drug abuse is clearly an injurious and sometimes fatal problem. The leaders of the international economic summit in Paris in July 1989 concluded that the devastating proportions of the drug problem calls for decisive action. On September 5, 1989, President Bush called upon the United States to join in an all-out fight against drugs. The United States Congress reports an estimated 25 to 30 million addicts of illegal drugs worldwide. Not all users are addicts, but some of the ...
... to own a gun is set out in the American Constitution which reads, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." In 1997, 63% of gun related arrested in the United States were under the age of 25. Another disturbing trend is that those using guns are getting younger. Boys are learning to live by the gun, and sort out their arguments with guns. In 1997, more than 27,000 young men between the ages of 12 and 15 were killed or injured by handguns. Television and films have helped to glorify the gun through the Westerns and police dramas where shots are fired in almost every scene. On the average, the American child sees 10,000 people die on ...
... visible woman in the group is the bosses wife, referred to as the ane-san (older sister). However, despite attaining the same respect as the boss, she does not get involved in the day-to-day happenings of the group. Some of the reasons for the banning of women include that there is a strong belief that woman are weak in that they were not born to fight. To a Yakuza member, the most substantial trait is courage, in that these members must be willing to die for their boss, and women, it is believed, do not possess this trait. Additionally, another reason that women are excluded from these groups is that there is a strong code of silence. There is a notion that ...
... of their products. 1. Some advertisements all capitalize on half-truths and trickery. The people cheated are often too embarrassed to admit their gullibility and seek redress, or decide that the amount lost is not worth the cost of pursuing the advertisers. This allows the advertisers to continue their scam and trick even more people with their dishonesty. People have to try to figure out if advertising is legitimate and plausible. For example, shopping via Internet, consumers usually disappointment and being cheated when they receive the goods by Mail. 2. One of them is the appeal to an authority. This is clearly seen when companies use celebrities to sell their p ...
... shocking statistics of Canada's foreign ownership, and the final payment for our country, free trade. All in all we have our own government, our own flag, our own anthem; but are we really Canadian or a not quite United State of America? In Canada, strong government involvement plays an immense role in determining the destiny of its people for the good of the society. In Canada you are reminded of the government every day. It parades before you. It is not content to be the servant, but will be the master... Henry David Thoreau, 18861 Although slightly outdated, as of 1982 47.3 percent of Canada's GNP was in government hands, compared with 38% in ...
... sent to jail. While not being free is bad, these men really lose nothing but time. The victim should also get the relief of seeing some damage done for his pains. This would be a little bit of vengeance for the victim. As a victim this might not set it right but it would help them feel a little better. This would also make a very big impression on me. If I knew I could get a very bad lashing for doing something wrong, I would not do it. With the growing crime rate some different actions have to be taken. What we are doing now is not working very well. Corporeal punishment seems like a good place to start. It is a deterrent step which we could take withou ...
... code, which is more time than it takes to build every car, truck and van produced in the United States. The cost of complying with the tax system totals about $200 billion annually or when broken down: $700 for every man, woman and child in America. The main reason the tax code is so complex is the proliferation of deductions, credits and other special preferences in the tax law. Because of these loopholes, taxpayers with similar incomes can pay vastly different amounts in taxes. This uneven treatment of taxpayers is fundamentally unfair and is at odds with the American value of equality under the law. The American people are beleaguered by the highest tax burden i ...