... Rights Agencies and Fair Employment indicates that the Affirmative Action techniques have the advantage of not only persuading employers not to discriminate when hiring or accepting, but to expand employment and educational opportunities for minority groups (22). Therefore, Affirmative Action is legitimate because it does reduce discrimination in the work place and related areas such as University acceptance of college students. In the end, it should in no way be abolished. Scott2 However, Affirmative action is highly controversial. Right now Proposition 209, in California which bans all programs involving race and sex preferences run by the state, has passed but i ...
... this coalition caused outrage across Europe, where the freedom party is viewed as something between neo-Nazis and conventional U.S Republican conversations. While all this stuff was stirring in Vienna, on Thursday European rabbis said they would move a planned meeting from Vienna. One of the men in charge Joerg Haider is unacceptable to the European family of nations. Aba Dunner, secretary general of the conference of European Rabbis, told a Slovakian newspaper. The thoughts of the Holocaust, Hitler and SS and concentration camps are not acceptable at the start of a new century and never can be, since we know exactly what they led to in the 30's and 40's. In Switzer ...
... age these people are well acquainted with the certainty of death. However, for members of western society, death is an issue that most prefer be left behind the closed doors of a hospital. To a large proportion of our society the topic of death and dying is best left unspoken, many find it uncomfortable and disturbing. This fear of a 'thing' we have little control over is very much apart of our society, and is manifest in the writings of the article "Why is Euthanasia Wrong". The writer of "Why is Euthanasia Wrong", a self confessed pro life activist, has entered the public arena in an attempt to persuade his readers to a point of view that not only shows little ...
... all life. Many would argue that this so-called "eye for an eye" approach is unconstitutional, citing the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Th 8th Amendment states "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." This was meant to limit the severity of punishment imposed on an offender by judge or jury, but instead it creates a paradox with its usage of the words 'cruel' and 'punishment.' Webster's dictionary defines cruel as "causing, or of a kind to cause pain, distress, etc." Using this definition, one has to wonder how our justice system is suppose to punish criminals at all. Wouldn't e ...
... will discuss if interest groups and minorities have real political power, or perhaps they are just given token compensation. Hopefully, by the end of this essay, there will be a better understanding of who really has political power in Canada. Though this paper is an analysis of elitism, we must also dissect the concept of democracy. Needless to say, without democracy in a political system, elitism would not exist. Democracy was a concept developed by the Greeks and the Romans during the classical period. It comes from the Greek word "demos", which means "the people"; and "kratien", which means "to rule". In essence, democracy is a nation’s people rule themselves ...
... The United States doesn't like the death penalty because they say its not a valid purpose of punishment. The states say a punishment that conflicts harm can hardly be good for us. The states don't want to kill a man who is already imprisoned. They say he's already being punished. However the states don't keep all murders in jail forever. Some of these criminals will get out and will probably start all over again. Its not that they have to kill, but they have a problem. Problem or no problem the states just can't let a killer get away with it. These criminals are taking an innocent persons life and they get to live. They also get a place to live, free ...
... her. In addition, if a person causes the death of another, the consent of the deceased does not provide the person who caused the death a defense to criminal responsibility. Is there a difference, do you think, between a person who, at a dying person's request, prepares a poison and leaves it on the bedside for that person to take, and a person who helps the patient to drink it or who administers it directly at the request of a dying person who is unable to take it personally? Is there, in short, a real distinction between killing and letting die? Well, this is the difference between passive and active , and if you believe in , you must decide which one is correct ...
... speech, or of the press…". As far as I'm concerned, this is abridging freedom of speech and press. Although pornography and obscenity are technically not protected by the First Amendment, it becomes a question of, how far will the government go? When do they stop censoring, and how do they decide what is obscene? "The equation is simple: Those who have power get to censor, and those who lack power get silenced. If you find yourself in a position to demand and get censorship, you can be sure you are among those who have the power, and you are acting to oppress others." (Avedon Carol: BM FAC, Ph: (0181)552-4405) Another reason against censorship is that the Intern ...
... for the abolition of slavery were based on the words that were scripted in the Declaration of Independence and the meaning of those words as they related to American citizens and the celebration of the 4th of July. Many American's argued that the Negroes were not entitled to the same rights because they were not legally citizens of the United States of America. This issue was dealt with in the ruling of the Dredd Scott case. Lincoln points out that the ruling of the case was based on historical fact that was wrongly assumed. Judge Taney, who presided over the case stated that "Negroes were no part of the people who made, or for whom was made, the Declarati ...
... scene three, pg.92). Song knew from experience that men of the Western world loved submissive women who would do anything to please the man they were with. Femininity is displayed as weak and passive. In order to find a man, a women had to do anything, even accept the fact that there husbands would find a mistress on the side. It was socially acceptable to be intentionally blind to what your husband was doing. The same also seemed to take place in the Western world as well, although not at such extreme cases.. Helga assumed that Gallimard took up a mistress while living in the Orient. Masculinity in this novel seems to be, the more women you have in your lifetime ...