... greater equality of opportunity in a social context marked by substantial inequalities and structural forces that impede a fair assessment of their capabilities. In this essay I will expose what I see as the shortcomings of the current ethical attacks on affirmative action (1), the main one being, that these attacks are devoid of proper historical context and shrouded in white male hegemony and privilege. Then, I will discuss the moral and ethical issues raised by continuing to function within a system that systematically disadvantages historically marginalized groups. With that as a backdrop, I will make a positive case for continuing affirmative action programs a ...
... a whole. is a growing argument among our society. It is multifaceted and very often defined vaguely. Some can define as the ability to strive for equality and inclusiveness. Others might see it as a quota-based system for different minority groups. Is fair? Are minority groups on equal footing? Is gaining employment for minorities difficult? Is education easily obtained for the minority groups of people? pretends to answer all these questions, while allowing society to believe harmony exists. AA has provided many opportunities for minorities in America. It has taken thirty years to finally show minorities in greater numbers getting accepted to more colleges, a ...
... from the small bungalow that it was to a three bedroom house more complimentary to the surrounding homes and their needs. In order to begin destruction of the property and begin rebuilding the site the Nollans had to secure a permit from the California Coastal Commission. Upon submitting the permit application, the CCC found that the permit should be granted on the condition that the Nollans provide public access to the beach and to the local county park, which lay adjacent to the property. This provision called for the Nollans to use a portion of their land to be used as a public walkway to the beach and park. The Nollans protested to the condition, bu ...
... around the world: in Africa as "dagga," in China as "ma," in Northern Europe as "hemp." Although it is thought that cannabis most likely came from the steppes of central Asia, it now grows in almost any climate, spreading like milkweed of thistle, crowding out neighboring grasses and reaching heights of three to twenty feet at full growth. has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years; it is one of the oldest agricultural commodities not grown for food. The stalks of the plant contain fibers that have been woven for years to make rope, canvas, and paper. Cannabis is dioecious, spawning male and female plants at an equal rate. The flowering buds of the femal ...
... data relevant to this subject has been done on college and adult aged people. This study is due to the limited information regarding younger male athletes. The study was done to investigate and compare body image concerns between two groups of adolescent male athletes. The two groups were composed of football players and cross-country runners. Diet and exercise often modify body image. So data was also collected on reasons for exercising and attitudes toward eating and weight control. I believe that the football players will be the ones who accept their body image more than the cross-country runners. Methodology: The data was collected through a questionnaire. Var ...
... himself the information needed for the intelligent discharge of his political responsibilities." Powell is saying that it is the media's responsibility to inform the citizens of the news, because people cannot get this information by themselves, and in order for the people to fulfill their responsibilities as citizens, such as voting, they need to be informed. Lewis Powell goes on to say, "For most citizens, the prospect of personal familiarity with newsworthy events is hopelessly unrealistic. In seeking out the news, the press therefore acts as an agent of the public at large. It is the means by which people receive that free flo ...
... eye and a tooth for a tooth". Today, now that our society has become more advanced, we do not function by this ancient code of punishment. For example, we do not rape the rapist's daughter; we do not kidnap the kidnapper's children; but if the death penalty were permitted, we would " kill the killer". So why, as educated citizens, would we want to lower ourselves to this level? Do we feel that we need to show the power of the police force by killing the killers? The death penalty is extremely barbaric and is often botched in order to let the accused suffer for several minutes. Society by now must realize that two wrongs certainly do not make a right. You do ...
... which turned into a second founding. David Hume’s feelings were that government organization is necessary but basically evil. He said that goods, rather than money, are the basis of wealth. Hume stated that individual happiness is the unselfish regard for the general welfare of society. Hume was greatly influenced by John Locke and said that the concept of right and wrong is not rational but arises from a regard for one’s own happiness. Federalism was incorporated into the Constitution in order to make sure that the national government did not gain too much power. After the revolution, many people feared a monarchy or any form of government in whic ...
... and mandatory fees at any public Georgia college or university and a $3,000 dollar scholarship to any private college (Educational Uses of Lottery Proceeds 1). Also, they will provide full tuition, books, and fees to any technical institute in the state of Georgia. That sounds like a whole lot of incentive for young adults to make a 'B' average in school. I just don't understand why North Carolina does not have the same incentive for our children. To keep the college student a good student, you must also keep a 'B' average in college to keep your scholarship. Georgia has given more than 1 billion dollars toward college bound students since 1993 (HOPE scholarship 1 ...
... on the topic of and their effects. Sedating substances are used to enhance the effects of alcohol and/or other drugs and to diminish inhibitions. Although there are many sedating substances linked with date rape, my research will focus on the two main drugs associated with this topic, GHB and Rohypnol. In recent years, GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate) has become a popular recreational drug found mostly at raves and night clubs. For this reason, young people go to these places are the most vulnerable group and are most likely to benefit from a program of this type. GHB is a central nervous system depressant available in both liquid and powder forms which is used as an a ...