... upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country." The court ruled that this rule was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment's "establishment clause," which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In response to the Engel v.Vitale case some schools adopted a "moment of silence." In 1963, another case was brought before the court dealing with school prayer, Abington School District v. Schempp. The Schempp family challenged a law in Pennsylvania requiring the students to say ten verses of the Bible before school. These readings from the Bible were declared unconstitutional. Members of the board felt reading the Bib ...
... mind and run amok with the senses upon which we so desperately rely? No. Our world is inescapably full of narcotics, yet many of them, including powerful and dangerous ones such as alcohol and tobacco, are happily tolerated by society. The nutmeg in your kitchen cupboard can have narcotic effects if smoked (and, used in this way, it can also give you cancer), yet few people have cause to think of this when they sprinkle it into their cakes and biscuits. Chocolate contains an addictive chemical called PEA, which stimulates our brains in the same way that Ecstasy does. Overdosing on chocolate can contribute to heart disease, the single biggest killer in this countr ...
... things I personally feel that I would not be able to focus on my schoolwork if I knew that such violent crimes are happening everyday. That is mainly because I would never know when such a crime like that would happen in my school or somewhere nearby. After reading many articles there was this one article that grabbed my attention right away. The title of the article was “Violence against U.S. kids is common”. Just imagine how many students must have read that heading and felt unsecure about themselves. When a person reads such articles they do not sit there and worry about what is going to be discussed in class that day but they think of how they can pr ...
... how the system works believe in the government, and the system. They know why things are the way they are. Thirteen out of the twenty-one people I interviewed believed that our government system works, yet there is still problems with a few people. The system is hampered by the few individuals who are corrupt, and don't communicate and listen to the people."…we've proven that really no other government surpasses us, our reputation is that of the greatest country ever, but we are still young." (Piccari 1) Also we are a very young country compared to the rest of the world. "Our government is run as it is suppose to be run" (Casagrand, Robert) the way the constitutio ...
... is Pluralism. Pluralism can generally be defined as group politics in a free market society. Pluralism takes its roots from the founding of the nation. James Madison saw the United States as a stronger nation if there was conflict rather than a consensus. Madison points out in Federalist #10 that citizens would be divided into many factions that would compete for benefits. The chief cause of division when Madison wrote this was economics in origin, but now race has emerged as a major factor in dividing American society. Robert Dali founder of Pluralism modernizes Madison's theory into theory of American democracy to incorporate into the theory of pluralism. Plu ...
... the situation of loved ones on medication, being treated by physicians, sometimes relying on technical means to stay alive arises a great moral conflict. I wish to explore this topic on ethical, not legal issues. Do people have a right to choose death? More in particular, are euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide morally legitimate? Euthanasia involves a death that is intended to benefit the person who dies, and requires a final act by some other person, for example, a doctor. Physician-assisted suicide, which requires a final act by the patient, can also be undertaken for the good of that patient. The essential point is that both involve intentionally en ...
... the gun control efforts, we must look at the history of our country, and the role firearms have played in it. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States makes firearm ownership legal in this country. There were good reasons for this freedom, reasons which persist today. Firearms in the new world were used initially for hunting, and occasionally for self-defense. However, when the colonists felt that the burden of British oppression was too much for them to bear, they picked up their personal firearms and went to war. Standing against the British armies, these ...
... and thrill of it. There are other recognizable reasons why honest people may commit a breach of trust. Need is the most common reason. A desperate financial need is usually the cause of most frauds. Still some people commit fraud to pay for an elevated life style which other wise they could not afford. Needs arise from a number of locations these include: Drug or alcohol addiction, Marriage break-ups and/of extravagant love affairs, Gambling Debts, Business losses, Unexpected family crises, Mounting debts, and the desire to live a lifestyle far beyond ones means. Fraud is costing society several hundred billion a year. Organizations loose close to 6 percent of a ...
... movement was perhaps seen greatest in 1991. Written in TIME Magazine by Greenwald, Former President F.W. de Klerk in February of 1991 opened Parliament with a pledge to legalize the militantly antiapartheid African National Congress and released A.N.C leader Nelson Mandela from jail (56). De Klerk also showed his intentions to "bring a swift end to legally sanctioned racial segregation" (56). "He called on Parliament to repeal immediately the remaining pillars of discrimination that dictate where blacks can work and live" (56). De Klerk also asked lawmakers to discontinue the Group Areas Act which segregated black and white residential areas and the Land ...
... basic human rights that will not be compromised by the popular vote. A challenge to this principle occurred when Asheville City district zoning was voted on many years ago, and unfortunately was passed. The rules and restrictions that are accompanied by zoning are phenomenal. In many cases the taxes rise depending on how property is zoned. For example, if property is zoned as commercial property the taxes are considerably higher than if property was in a residential area. Consequently the minority here is being punished. More permits must be acquired and plans must be approved before anything can be done to ones own land. Zoning was voted in by the majo ...