... if she is successful, could one day follow in her husband’s footsteps and become the first female President of the United States. These women have all obtained equal roles and respect as leaders of their countries similar to Bill Clinton and Jean Chretien. Other examples of women who have favourably impacted on today’s society are the late Mother Theresa and Lady Diana. These ladies’ tireless efforts for the good of humanity impacted the whole world. Only in the 20th century, and most recently in the last 20 years, have women overcome social barriers and been allowed to obtain a scientific education. Today, women are becoming an ever-increasing percentage of ...
... That consequence was not by Congressional intent. For over a quarter century, the Congress has asked the Department of Justice to evaluate . But as the preceding Chapters show, the Congress has never provided the tools needed to get the job done. Those tools include adequate funding for program evaluation, and a structure of federal program funding that permits controlled testing of crime prevention effectiveness. In order for Congress to learn whether DOJ programs are effective, it must provide a more balanced approach to program funding and evaluation. The latter cannot be accomplished without some small compromise in the principle of State and local c ...
... person? People put an animal down once it has imperiled a human's life or safety. If humans are so concerned with their well being they ought to be guaranteed the same sanctuary from killers. Prisons, for the most part, are inescapable. But what if, the man that hunted you down, kidnapped you, and killed your friend, was the one of the few whom successfully escaped from jail? Once life has already been taken; your life should not also have to be lived in fear. Serial killers such as the Hillside Strangler prove that they need . Killing the monsters that have already killed others gives the legal system spare money to spend on more important things. I find no logi ...
... activities like; time with the family, socializing, work and health concerns. One of the most extensive studies on to date was conducted by Dr. Kimberly S. Young of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. In her study, she revealed concrete evidence supporting the claim. However, help for web addicts is available. There are several web sites available for the treatment of , as well as counseling centers and clinics. Is it Live, or is it Internet? The Internet is the largest most versatile source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the earth. But ...
... who exchanges his testimony for a lighter sentence would have sufficient motivation to lie in court the fact is that his testimony is simply verifying the testimonies of other witnesses. In a majority of cases plea bargains is utilized to ensure that the truly guilty criminal is punished. In our less than perfect world, plea bargaining is easily the lesser of the evils. I agree with the definitions submitted by the affirmative speaker. Americans have always emphasized getting a job done. We place a great deal of value on efficiency and industry. The government is expected to run with efficiency and operate with the good of the people in mind. Every aspect o ...
... poly told him that her dad abused her. This statement out raged many people, including Mr. Clauss. Just sit here and think how he feels. His daughter was just brutully murdered... and on top of all this he has to control his rage in the court room. Put your self in shoes for a minute, would you really want this man back on the streets on parolle for good behavior in prison. Would you find any relief in knowing he is locked up in a comfy jail cell with cable tv, and recieving a chance for parolle in 20 or so years. No this man needs to be on death row, awaiting execution. Rehabilitation isn't used on death row because the criminals have aready been fou ...
... at the height of his popularity a twenty-seven year old rock sat would put a twenty-two gauge shotgun in his mouth and pull the trigger. The media attacked the incident. Every type of media from MTV to the entire local Newspapers spoke something of Kurt Cobain’s suicide. Some blamed the suicide on his unhappy childhood and how he was a Ritalin child. While others blamed it on his drug addiction that he had spent all of his young life trying to relieve himself from. But why the reasoning for the unpredictable suicide, Cobain left behind millions of fans asking why he’s gone. Why? Most people who commit suicide do so for personal reasons, such as despair, fears ...
... be available to people of any age because of the amount of responsibility these activities require. However the segregation between younger and older adults is unwarranted. Up until 1984 the legal drinking age was 18, however Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) spurred a campaign to raise the age limit to 21. They succeeded with the passage of the National Minimum Purchase Age Act in 1984. (Shamed, Legal Drinking) The law aimed to lower the number of drunk driving accidents, which it has done, but only by a small margin. However, what it has also done is reduce the rights of citizens between the ages of 18 and 21. Americans hold personal freedom to be an undeniabl ...
... these animals because of economic slums and or food shortage. When these conditions are present horse is not the only animal these people resort to for sustenance they also eat dog and other animals that are uncommonly consumed in the United States. Our country should not stoop to the slaughtering horses for human consumption for sale and/ or export to foreign countries. Horses can also be bought without any history of the horse or its owner so there is no way to tell if the animal was stolen or if it has had a bad medical history which could result in somebody's pet to be slaughtered or sending a sick and/ or disease infected animal to be made into food. ...
... 1750 B.C., when it was part of the code of Hammarabi. The bible itself, also prescribes death as a penalty for any of thirty crimes committed. The crimes ranged from any between murder and fornication. In the 18th century more than two hundred capital crimes were recognized, and as a result over one thousand people a year were faced with the sentence of death. Now at modern time, the death penalty, has been rekindled. Although, it is not as barbaric as it was. Now the law only allows itself the use certain types of “disciplining”. In the early 18th and 19th century the death penalty was inflicted in many ways. Some ways were, crucifixion, boiling in oi ...