... distinguishing reality from fantasy, as being susceptible to coaching by powerful authority figures, and therefore as being potentially less reliable than adults” (Ceci & Bruck 1993). The suggestibility of child witnesses, the effects of participation on children's reports, and the effects of postevent information on a prior memory representation must be taken into account when it comes to seeking answers to the reliability of their testimony, especially because sexual abuse and sexual assault cases are a big part of children's testimony and they are often the only witness. Those psychologists who feel that children can be rated as “Highly resistant to sugg ...
... larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. By 1800, more than 200 capital crimes were recognized, and as a result, 1000 or more persons were sentenced to death each year (although most sentences were commuted by royal pardon). In the American colonies before the Revolution, the death penalty was commonly authorized for a wide variety of crimes. Blacks, whether slave or free, were threatened with death for many crimes that were punished less severely when committed by whites. The Reform Movement Efforts to abolish the death penalty did not gather momentum until the end of the 18th century; in England and America this reform was led by the Quakers (Society of Friend ...
... In some circumstances however, these advances have created problems for the elderly. More aggressive technology approaches are used to extend the life of the elderly. On the whole the elderly, as well as others, welcome that development -- even if they fear some of its consequences. With these advances it has become possible to keep people in a vegetative state for almost unlimited periods of time. Moreover, there are situations in which neither the patient nor the family has the ability to bring such unhappy circumstances to an end. For this reason, advance directives are becoming increasingly prevalent. In a recent study, King ...
... obsolete because people are finally speaking against their one sided beliefs. The Ceaucescu Revolution was a good example of a dictatorship brought down by its people. The people were driven beyond the limit and over powered their bad governmental leaders for both their own good and their nations well being. Another instance where this was displayed was when the Berlin Wall was torn down by the people of Germany. They tore down the barrier that was made by their leaders that had kept them from their families for over 30 years. The laws of Hammurabi and Machiavelli would be going through these problems if they were still being frequently used today. Locke als ...
... problems. One of the most deplorable results is the active murder and abortions of female babies and fetuses. There are now nearly 30 million missing females in China. The family planning program has changed the status of women. Males are most often wanted more than females, for males can do the work in the fields. If there is a chance a baby might be a female, it will either be killed or the parents may hide the child from the authorities. Even so, the females that are kept are usually not treated well. In times of famine, a male will be fed over a female, and when seeking a job, the men are more likely to be successful in locating jobs. Women are ofte ...
... "they are also intrinsically and irreducibly political." Her ideas are similar to that of general budget concepts over balancing expenditures and revenues, but differ in fundamental ways according to Stillman. "The open environments within which budgets are developed, the variety of actors involved, the constraints imposed as well as the emphasis on public accountability, give budgets special and distinctive features in the public sector." The differences between microbudgeting and macrobudgeting are just what their prefaces imply. "On the one hand there are a number budget actors, who have all individual motivations, who strategize to get what they want fr ...
... who were sentenced to death for committing a crime. Death could be by firing squad, lethel injection, the gas chamber or electric chair. Chances are you've been in this room for many years and will be for many more. Your lawyers have began the lenghthly appeal process. Once all the appeals have failed, it soon is time, and you will be moved to a holding cell. There you will be offered your final mean, of your choice. Your last visitors arrive, first your lawyer, your family members and at last a preist who prays with you. You take your final glance around the room, as you are lead to another room close by, the execution room. A few prison officials are p ...
... in infant mental development and adverse behavioral problems in children such as attention disorder. Nicotine crosses the human placenta and has direct effects on the developing fetus. Pre-clinical studies suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy produces changes on the offspring's neural functioning, including reductions in uptake of serotonin, alterations in dopaminergic systems, alterations in peripheral and central noradrenergic neurons, and changes in DNA and RNA synthesis in the brain (9). Children prenatally exposed to nicotine consistently score lower in the two subcategories of expressive language and conceptual comprehension. Evidence from stud ...
... criminal act on someone because they have refused your advances or simply because they got pleasure out of hurting people is also terrible? Are you than saying that the former case , the ones that you would call "hate crimes" are more terrible even if the actual act is the same? You do realize that this is what you are saying by assuming that hate crimes deserve a more severe punishment? Possible inherency 3. Rise in hate groups promotes violence. - People are not forced to listen to hate mongering groups. The people who mostly follow them are people who believe what they are preaching. - You are aware that you are recommending that we limit freedom of tho ...
... of expression and that students do not have to give up their 1st Amendment rights at school. This landmark Supreme Court case was known as Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District. From the case of Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. School Board obviously came some conflicting viewpoints about the armbands. The school board said that no one has the absolute right to freedom of expression, where the Tinkers said that only banning armbands and not other political symbols was unconstitutional. The school board said that the armbands were disruptive to the learning environment, where the Tinkers said they were not. Finally, the school board said that order in the cl ...