... have only come in the past decade. Previously, followers had only gathered in what could be described as `sects' in many different countries, with the highest concentration being in North America. It wasn't until 1986 that Jeff Krantz, a 19 year old art student at the University of Michigan, started came to be known as `The Union', a wave of change that would sweep across the world over a period of two years, and would result in united international Schwa religion. "I had just been transferred from (the University of) Wisconsin in the earlier part of that year," Krantz says. "I had attended regular meetings with about half a dozen other believers. We met o ...
... 20, 1996 NOTE: This document is quite lengthy, so it might be best to either print it or copy it to your word processor so it may be read off-line. Dear Friend, The choice of whether or not to read this message all the way through may have important consequences for you as the events of our immediate future unfold. This is being done solely for the benefit of others so that people may understand what to do about the times now approaching humanity. What I'm about to explain will strike many people as ridiculous, because this kind of thing has been predicted over and over again and people are not inclined to take ...
... Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine". In times past the book has been referred to as "Al Azif", or "The Book of the Arab". Azif is a word the Arabs use to refer to nocturnal insects, but it is also a reference to the howling of demons. It was written in seven volumes, and is over 900 pages long in the Latin edition. Abdul Alhazred Little is known about Abdul Alhazred. What we do know about him is largely from the small amount of biographical information in the Necronomicon itself. He traveled widely, from Alexandria to the Punjab, and was well educated. He had a flair for languages, and boasts on many occasions of his ability to read and translate manuscripts which ma ...
... monotheistic religion developed the God of Israel now being seen as the God ruling universal history and the destiny of all nations. I'm not going to delve any further into the history of Judaism. At this point in time I will simply state that there are many differences in between Christianity and Judaism The Jews believe in "anointed prophets," or someone who speaks for God. The majority of Jews rejected Jesus Christ because Jesus claimed to be God. The Jews believe that Jesus was just a prophet and he is not God. The Jews understand God as being set apart from everything else. God is the "wholly other." There are different levels of Jews. ...
... blacks and Hispanics congregate to their own services. It is often the members of the church who have the most objection interracial marriages. They say to me "love all races, just don't marry outside of your own." These days we are All receiving two different messages concerning . How did God intend his people to interact with one another? For that we must turn to God's word, the Bible. Genesis 1-2 gives the account of God's creation of the universe, the earth, and its inhabitants. It is very evident that mankind is a very important part of his creation. Man (and woman) was created in God's image. "The human race not only reflects the creative power of God but als ...
... Mummification, the feathe rof truth, and the trials of Tuat, are a few of these tasks that have to be completed before entering Tuat. The land of Tuat has mant gods, ceremonies and myths surrounding it. Tuat was originally a place through which the sun god Ra passed each evening after his setting, or death, on his journey to that portion of the sky where he would appear the next morning. Thus, came the phrase of "coming into the west". The sun sets nito the west as does Ra. Tuat was the realm of the great god Osiris, who reigned over all the gods of the dead as well as the dead themselves. Tuat was separated fro the world by a mountain range that surround ...
... of devaluing money, and placing the true importance on the spirit in which it is given. We see Jesus sit down and observe how the people give money to the treasury, and his commentary on the donations shocks his disciples. "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood," says Jesus, teaching us an important lesson, one he stressed throughout his ministry. Jesus taught that the poor would be raised up, that the powerful, the bosses as modern day anarchists say, will be layed l ...
... not follow the good life, he was consigned to hell. Myself as a six-year- old I never wanted to go to hell. I remember what my Sunday school teachers told of this place where you live in a a fiery pit always in pain. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't sound like fun to me. I began from then on being the best person I could, I never missed church on Sundays, and to the best of my ability tried to live the life Jesus has paved for us. This is by far the most religious experience, that I have ever experienced in my life. I never found myself so part of a religion, that I was so Christian that I was going to live my life in such a way that I was going to heaven. In ...
... The interior volume of this 'structure' i s an ex tension of the space that the person looking at the work is standing in. The adjustment of the spectator to the pictured space is one of the first steps in the development of illusionistic painting. Illusionistic painting fascinated many artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The proportions in this painting are so numerically exact that one can actually calculate the numerical dimensions of the chapel in the background. The span of the painted vault is seven feet, and the depth is nine feet. "Thus, he achieves not only successful illusion, but a rational, metrical coherence that, by maintaini ...
... breach.” (Barton, Original… p.13) This exact case began the reversal of Supreme Court trends and opinions that had lasted for one hundred and fifty years. Now, for almost fifty years, the Supreme Court , and the United States population in general, has used the phrase “separation of church and state” when referring to the religion clause of the 1st Amendment. The 1st amendment's actual wording is “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” (Barton, America: To… p.15) But, because of the Supreme Court's continuous citing of a “ wall of separation” and “separation of church ...