... to pick the forbidden fruit, but Eve did and the punishment was the Original Sin. The Original Sin was when the serpent, woman, and man were given different punishments, because of the woman. The serpent would have to crawl on his belly, be enemies with mankind, and always have to fight with humans. The woman would have to bear children in pain, and man will dominate women. The man would have to work for a living and be no longer immortal. There were also people who did live up to ; they were usually rewarded and lived happily. Noah, Abraham, and Daniel are three examples of them. Noah was the only good person in the world, so God did not kill him, his wife ...
... they preach Christianity, but don't come close to practicing it. Strangers I have met at work ahve invited me to join them in their worship. I get pamphlets on my car, and messages on my answering machine. It seems taht everyone is trying to "save" me. From myself? From eternal damnations? I have a lingering suspicion that I am supposed to bleive in "something", so I try to reach deep within me for some spiritual faith. The futile attempt for absolute truth leaves me feeling frustrated. What the search has left me with is faith in myself, faith to make my own decisions and to choose my own destiny. I am not limited by chance. I can and will rely on my ow ...
... these animal sacrifices were stopped, and there were no more active Jewish priests. The religious leadership in the synagogue was led by the rabbis. In the Protestant religion there exists a "priesthood of all believers"("Priesthood", 529). This meant that each member in the community serves as his or her own priest, with direct access to communication with God. Protestants believe that the role of the priest is an "officiating mediary"("Priesthood", 529), rather than a one who performs ritual sacrifices. This stems from the Protestant belief that Jesus Christ served as "the ultimate" sacrifice, and therefore there is no use in animal sacrifices. Protestants ...