... that we have all been there. The author uses strong language to let the audience know that we have all sinned and that there is sin in us. Chapter 2 begins with an admonition to not sin, "but if anyone does sin," there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Sin in this passage is something within us that we have all at one time acted on, but now, as followers of Christ, must flee from. Chapter 5 brings yet another complication to this whole process. Here in v.16 is brought in the difference between mortal and not-mortal sin. The Johannine community believed that one could intercede for a brother or sister for forgiveness of a sin that is not mortal. The author goes so fa ...
... the void in the spiritual and moral life of the ancient Greeks, where in the same place other cultures had their belief in a religion. Wisdom, in the Greek sense, included not only a theoretical explanation of the world around them, but also provided a practical guide to life. From Homer to Hesiod, we see the reflections of the ancient Greeks and their use of Gods to fulfill their spiritual, social and psychological needs. A lot of temples were erected for Greek deities, and the ancient Greeks worshipped Gods to avert calamities, to secure the success of a certain harvest, or as thanksgiving for success in battle or deliverance in wants and wishes. Homeric songs ...
... in Jewish history is depicted in this scenario? Most people would say this was the Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis in 1943. But in fact it was the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple in the year 70 The destruction of the Second temple and the attack on the Warsaw Ghetto, although separated by nearly two thousand years have and eerie sameness. The Germans sealed off the Warsaw's Jewish population with and eight-foot brick concrete wall. The Romans built a high earthen barricade around Jerusalem to make certain the Jews could not escape. Germans shot, on the spot Jews discovered outside the Warsaw Ghetto. The Romans crucified the Jews they f ...
... of these spirits was Ahriman. He dwelled in the deepest depths of darkness. HE had a lust to destroy, and would take every opportunity to cause others to commit evil. The battle ground for the great confrontation between these two cosmic powers is the universe itself. Ahura Mazda created the world as a trap for Ahriman. Human beings draw him into this world creating a chance for him to cause others to do evil. As he enters the world he is now on Ahura Mazda’s battle ground. As the people from the world choose good over evil voluntarily, Ahriman is continually weakened until he reaches the point where Ahura Mazda will destroy him. The battle is said to ra ...
... On the Last Day, all the dead will be resurrected and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. The life of each Muslim is always within the community of the faithful, all are declared to be "brothers to each other," with he mission to "enjoin good and forbid evil." Within the community, Muslims are expected to establish social and economic justice. They are also expected to carry their message out to the rest of the world. In the early ic community, this meant the use of force in the form of jihad, or holy war. The object of jihad was to gain political control over societies and run them in accordance with the principles of . During the decades follow ...
... faith. Not on peoples efforts. But still every generation is marked by a tendency to classify worshippers by the way the act during worship. Or the way they pray out loud. Or the way the speak in church. Some are considered first class, others second class. In nearly every case, the segregation of the church results from add-ons to the simple, pure gospel of Christ. But when believers hold on to Christ alone, Their faith and the church will grow. That is the basic message of this great book Galations. So simple yet so potent. In Galations chapter 5, verses 1-12, Paul deals very specifically with the concept of the Christians freedom in Christ. This ...
... every year". Molinos recanted publicly. His admirers said that he was behaving consistently with what he believed and taught. His accusers said that his recanting was a proof of his guilt. What were real motives why Molinos admitted his "guilt"? Molinos once said: "The true quietists are always quiet, serene and eve-minded in Graces and in extraordinary favors as also in the most rigorous and bitter torments. No news causes them to rejoice, no event saddens them". Was Miguel de Molinos trying to be consistent way with his mystical teachings of total passivity?, or was he really guilty as charged? Was Molinos a victim of the jealousy of the Jesuits? Was his ...
... was usually armed with a thunderbolt He was also called Thunder. Hera was the wife of Zeus. She was the goddess of marriage and childbirth. She was also the queen of heaven . Poseidon was Zeus' somewhat unruly brother. He was god of the sea, of earthquakes, streams, and horses. Hesta was the sister of Zeus. She was the goddess of the household. Ares was one of Zeus' sons. He was the god of war. He loved Aphrodite. Apollo was also a son of Zeus. Apollo drove the chariot of the sun across the skies. He was the music maker of the gods and was the god of light, music, medicine, agriculture, and prophecy. He was also Known as Helios, the sun god. Herme ...
... religion. The Kabah is found inside Mecca and is supposed to house a meteorite. The third slide is for the Jewish religion, Judaism. All of the religions are monotheistic which means they believe in only one God, the God of Abraham. Although they have the worship the dame God, they have a few differences between them. One of which is the choice of the main prophets. Christianity believes that Jesus was God's son and was the savior for all. Islam believes that Muhammad lead the ideal life and everyone must base their lives on him. In class we handed in the postcard or letter that was assigned to us the previous day about our first impressions of the Middl ...
... political system to adopt the methods of Jen. Confucius sought to revive the ancient Chinese culture by redefining the importance of society and government. He described a society governed by reasonable, humane, and just sensibilities, not by the passions of individuals arbitrarily empowered by hereditary status. He felt that this could be achieved through education and the unification of cultural beliefs. He believed that a nation would be benefited by citizens that were cultivated people whose intellects and emotions had been developed and matured by conscious people. All purposes for betterment of man and society as one whole is known as Li. Li means the ratio ...