... of our population has either contemplated or actually attempted suicide at some time or other. For many of those seemingly happy people we meet on the street or in our jobs, the thought of suicide has been a more or less silent alternative in the midst of life's reversals. It is not an impulse that people commonly publicize regarding themselves, hence one naturally imagines that few others experience it. Sympathetic friends typically regard a suicidal person as being an unfortunate victim--of blind chance, of other people's thoughtlessness, of an unfair social system--or some combination thereof. While th ...
... ability to develop products which demonstrate superior performance and comfort through the combination of patented and other proprietary technology and unique styling. The company has focused on eyewear innovations for sports applications, and its products are worn by a variety of athletes, such as skiers, cyclists, runners, surfers, golfers, tennis and baseball players and motocross riders. In addition, the company’s products, which are currently sold in over 70 countries worldwide, have become increasingly popular with fashion-oriented consumers in the larger nonsports, or recreational, segment of the sunglass market. Oakley’s products currently include su ...
... of irrigation and flood control projects. Power not needed in the operation of the projects was sold commercially. In 1932, private electric companies owned 93 percent of the generating capacity in the country (Weidenbaum 1995). Today private electric utility companies own over three-fifths of the electric power industry when measured by sales or generation of electricity. The remainder consists of the federal government, municipalities, state and district agencies, and cooperatives (Weidenbaum 1995). The movement toward regulation of electric power resulted from two basic factors. The consolidation in the early 1900s of competing utilities often produced ...
... the advent of Christianity, the Igbo belief system revolved around one God, "CHI". In my culture, CHI is an omnipotent and omnipresent God and symbols or sanctuaries (deities) representing CHI can be found in every home, compound or village square. These sanctuaries are called different names in different parts of Igbo land due to the vast dialect of the people. The fact that CHI can be personalized as well as shared by the community may explain the Igbo acceptance and affinity for the Christian religion. Also, there are many names in the Igbo culture that begin with CHI. For example, my niece’s name is Chinyere, which means God’s gift. When consider ...
... by trivia. Every day, they turn to the sports page and study last night’s statistics. They simply have to see who has extended his hitting streak and how many strikeouts the winning pitcher recorded. Their bookshelves are crammed with record books, team yearbooks, and baseball almanacs. They delight in remembering such significant facts as who was the last left-handed third baseman to hit into an inning-ending double play in the fifth game of the play-offs. Last of all, baseball fans are insanely loyal to the team of their choice. Should the home team lose eight in a row, their fans may begin to call them “bums”. They may even suggest, vocally, that the slum ...
... than more difficult. But a prostitute's sexual life is hardly typical; and other products or other methods of use might prove better. For any product to be acceptable, says Eka Esu-Williams, the Nigerian president of the Society for Women and , it must be possible to separate the spermicidal or contraceptive function from that of killing harmful micro-organisms such as HIV. In third-world countries, many women (and still more men) value protection against AIDS, but not against procreation. WHO could add, though it does not, that one of the men, ecclesiastically speaking, could be the pope. Why has it taken more than a decade of AIDS to get serious attention paid t ...
... organizations would be better advised to develop MkIS sub-systems to support the different steps in the marketing management process and also sub-systems to support sales activities directly, although still allowing technical and functional integration when needed. According to marketing managers surveyed, those who invested in more sophisticated MkIS sub-systems such as direct mailing and telemarketing systems, have achieved good results in implementing and controlling their marketing efforts. Later discusses the opportunities for these types of operational MkIS sub-systems. Content Indicators: Readability**, Practice Implications**, Originality*, Research Im ...
... run around in the front line and fire their guns. Warfare is now totally dependent on sophisticated computer technology in numerous different areas. Examples are the navigation of a submarine and intelligent long-range missiles. What most people associates with computers and war may be various simulation and action games. This is big business for software developers and merchandisers all over the world. As in all businesses money is the most important criteria for the big companies so they have no morale problems with making warfare into entertainment as long as it's selling. The same goes for the film industry, but at least some war films also describe the pain and ...
... and memory, which abstract a man from his bodily presence even while awake; all such facts suggest the existence of something besides the visible organism. An existence not entirely defined by the material and to a large extent independent of it, leading a life of its own. In the psychology of the savage, the soul is often represented as actually migrating to and fro during dreams and trances, and after death haunting the neighborhood of its body. Nearly always it is figured as something extremely volatile, a perfume or a breath. In Greece, the heartland of our ancient philosophers, the first essays of philosophy took a positive and somewhat materialist ...
... works. Efficiency has its advantages for both consumers, who get what they want quickly and with little effort, and for workers, who can perform their tasks in a simple manner. The fast food industry is very streamlined, because hamburgers are the simplest food there is to make. Other foods also do not need a lot of ingredients, and they are simple to make and to eat. Most of the food is also prepared so one can eat it with their hands, thereby reducing the need for utensils. In the process of McDonaldization, consumers are forced to do a good deal of work as well. They have to stand on line, carry their own food, and throw out the garbage. This is ...