... its causes more deeply so that we can take collective action. We must understand the sociology of rape in order to effectively work towards the elimination of it. Despite the necessity for rape prevention, it must focus on eliminating the conditions in society which make women easy targets for rape. Victim control teaches women to avoid rape, but doesn't reduce the threat of rape. Furthermore, rape cannot always be avoided, no matter what precautions the woman takes. It also puts part of the responsibility and blame for rape on the victim. Rapist control confuses prosecutions with prevention. There is little evidence that punishment serves as a deterrent. B ...
... feel that Capital Punishment will not discourage crime, Capital punishment should be legalized in all states, because it is morally just and it will deter crime. The many opponents of capital punishment who are against it feel that the death penalty is not a deterrent and that it is barbariaertic of the past. It has no place in a civilized society today. One of the biggest arguments against capital punishment is people feel that it violates the eighth amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishment. People against Capital Punishment believe the death penalty is absurd and is in un-christian practice. Further more, they feel society should not" encourage senti ...
... In 1974 at an Arab summit in Rabat, Morocco, the PLO was recognized as the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people". Subsequent to this, Arafat addressed the United Nations where the organization was given official observer status. In 1970 the PLO commandos fought a short but bloody war with the Jordanian army after which they were expelled from that country and settled in Lebanon. Little by little, they became a state within a state, and thus contributed to the disintegration of Lebanon after 1975. The aftermath of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 was to disperse some 12,000 PLO members to Syria and other Arab countries. ...
... that humans must learn to cope with. Coping comes in many forms. It can be a walk in the park, some quiet time with a loved one, or even reading a good book. Conversely, coping can come in the form of substance abuse. Substance abuse can take humans to that alternate reality they seek. Different drugs have different effects on the mind and body. The reason for the effect is the same no matter what drug is used. This reason is to escape reality. Addiction follows this escape from reality. Once addiction comes into play, it is no longer a matter of escaping. People addicted to drugs, such as cocaine, need the drug in order to function. Without the drug ...
... 72.4% of the child prostitutes in Asia carry HIV. Many Asian men also believe that sex with a virgin will rejuvenate them, and that sex with a virgin will cure venereal disease. Many different countries have been promoting the brothels by selling child sex tours. Police also keep their information about brothels and pimps quiet, making Asia a prime pedophile playground. Pedophiles who find the laws in their countries too strict can go off to Asia and find themselves young girls, or boys. Many of the non-pedophile tourists believe child prostitution to be custom, or feel they are helping the children. What these people don’t know is that most of these children do ...
... Chavez. In 1894, California held its first strike organized by San Francisco and Sacramento Carpenters who pushed for a whole sixteen dollars a day. Well, they settled for fourteen. However, a year later the first official union was organized in California, the San Francisco Typography Society. Formed by printers at the Alta California newspaper, the San Francisco Typography opposed a wage cut and in no time the power of collective bargaining overwhelmed its first obstacle. The first of many. Unions thrived for several decades after, sending a sonic boom of labor reform across the nation. Working conditions improved and wages increased. Life in America as we knew it ...
... the freeing of convicted criminals could be prevented (Rodriguez). Capital punishment is also cheaper than life imprisonment because it is less expensive to execute a prisoner than to keep him in an institution. Every year, valuable tax dollars go towards keeping prisoners in jail however, if the death penalty was used more often, some of this money could go towards other important causes such as gun control and education (Caldwell 598). Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that laws do change as do parole boards and people eventually forget the past. Life imprisonment lets the murderer live and as long as the person is alive, there is always a chance, n ...
... At this policy of institutionalised, publicly funded multiculturalism should be scrapped. We are a non-racist organisation and attempts to convert the debate to one of race and emotion is a deliberate ploy to silence critics and avoid the real issues. We believe in freedom of speech. The philosopher Spinoza said, “In a free state every man can think what he wants and say what he thinks”. This should apply here to debates on immigration. We care about Australia and want to pass our heritage to our children and their children. We want to preserve our Australian identity. We stress that migrants already in Australia are welcome, what we are against is furth ...
... such office. Unless the act of which a defendant is accused is expressly defined by statute as a crime, no indictment or conviction for the commission of such an act can be legally sustained. This provision is important in establishing the difference between government by law and arbitrary or dictatorial government. Under common law, a crime was generally classified as treason, felony, or misdemeanor, but many offenses could not be defined exactly, and the rule was adopted that any immoral act tending to the prejudice of the community was, per se, a crime, and punishable by the courts. Crimes are now usually classified as mala in se, which includes acts, su ...
... are raised for slaughter each year. A cow "has a natural life span of twenty- five to thirty years, but only survives for an average of five".1 An estimated "seventeen million raccoons, beavers, bobcats, lynx, coyotes, muskrats, nutria, and other animals are trapped each year in the United States for fur".2 They suffer from unbearable pain for several hours before their lives are ended by the trapper's club. Is the price of live worth the price of fur? Psalm 104, 27-30. All creatures depend on you to feed them throughout the year: you provide the food they eat, with generous hands you satisfy their hunger. You turn your face away, they suffer. You stop their br ...