... news contradictions, has been kicked out of the military press reporting pool. This Chechan conflict is just another example of an ill equipped militia fighting one of the most powerful militaries in the world to a standstill. This is as it was with the Afghans who were even so primitive that they had to forge rifle barrels in their own backyard furnaces. The Afghani ultimately kicked the Soviet invaders out of their homeland. This was just like the Warsaw ghetto Jews, who kept the murderous Nazi's at bay for almost a month with only a handful of small arms before the Jew's valiant final defeat. History repeats with the citizen patriots of Lexington and Concord, w ...
... defies comprehension. South of the Sahara, more than 14 million have died these far. In some countries one in four adults infected, the majority under the age of 25. In South Africa, which has the highest rate of infection in the world, 3.5 million people will die in the next decade. The united nations has called the spread of "The worst infectious disease catastrophe since the bubonic plague," which killed one- third of Europe's population in the 14th century. For these people aids is not just a humanitarian problem. It is as Vice president Al Gore argued in a forceful speech to the security council yesterday, a 'security crisis" in attacking the young it saps ...
... ways. First, the victim can call 911 to report a stolen vehicle. When the call is received, the person can request that a patrol officer comes to the scene of where the car was stolen and make a report with the officer. In this case, the officer comes to the location, and gets information such as the victims name, address and general information about him or her, including the place of employment. The next important piece of information required is the VIN number from the vehicle, which is the vehicle identification number and/or the tag number. Without this information, the proof of owner is hard to determine. If this VIN number is not presented, the initiali ...
... in the open when researchers found that 25% of 16-year-olds has some kind of crash in the first year driving (Getting Your Drivers License). Some action needed to be taken in order to insure safety on the road. More than 20 states have a program where first time offenders (or those who refuse a Breathalyzer test) are forced to face a panel of drunken driving victim’s families. Liability on bars, parents, and others who buy for minors has increased. In the website www.aaahoosier.com, teens can chat about driving safety with parents. In SADD and the program “Safe Rides,” children are less likely to drive home while intoxicated because someone sobe ...
... this title of literati, you were considered intelligent and were considered to have high status (TA session, Oct. 28, 97). "They were a group of smart guys with a good education." (Steve, TA session, Oct. 28, 97). This of course deprived the hereditary aristocracy of power 'they had enjoyed during the period of division, when appointments had been made by recommendation, and opened government service to a somewhat wider class of people...' (Schirokauer, p.103). For the first time, men who entered office through examination could attain the highest office, even that of Chief Minister. Examination graduates earned (earn being the operative word) prestige, and even ...
... utilizes one or more of Microsoft's products and they have no choice but to use the other Microsoft's products because if everyone is using it and you will be out of the loop. The New York Times article reported that the software security breaches has been verified. This means that if one hacker has the knowledge of hacking through this loophole, then we are in great danger because everything you can imagine is stored in the computers and large databases. This article just proves my point on Microsoft's power to influence and danger our personal everyday lives. Did you know that there is a secret imbedded program called " The Hall Of Tortured Souls"? Yes, there ...
... reform of the juvenile justice system and enacted legislation that, among other things, abolishes the trial de novo system in the juvenile courts, requires the trial of juveniles charged with murder, manslaughter, aggravated rape, forcible rape of a child, kidnaping, assault with intent to rob or murder and armed burglary in adult court and permits prosecutors to open to the public juvenile proceedings when they seek an adult sentence. Although proponents tout these measures as a sagacious solution for the vexatious problem of juvenile delinquency, abolishing the trial de novo system, providing for automatic adult trials and opening juvenile proceedings to the pub ...
... good reasons for doing as he did, and felt he was helping the world as apposed to Adolf Hitler. Immediately after Lenin's death, a man very much the same in nature as Hitler, Stalin, came to control the Bolsheviks and throw Russia in a civil war in a quest for power. You now have two men of equal aspirations soon to be in control of two very similar governments. In any rise of power, there needs to be a period of careful planning requiring much thought. These two men had very little history with which to work with which to model their revolutions. Times had been changing rapidly, technological improvements in the fields of manufacturing, transportatio ...
... be used as a prescribed drug. Also many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphine and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimously voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for " legitiment medical use." City council women Christine kehoe said she wanted the city of San Diego "to go on the record we support the medical use marijuana.; marijuana can be a drug of nec ...
... greatest social cost of legalized gambling is the probable increase in problem and pathological gambling. In Connecticut for example, the Foxwoods Resort Casino opened up in 1995 and the number of pathological gamblers sky-rocketed. In 1994, there were 235 calls to the Gambling Anonymous hotline and in 1995 (after the casino opened), there were 588. In 1997, the state of Connecticut also launched a massive media campaign for community awareness of the social problem and encourage to get help for people with gambling addictions because at least 70,000 adults in Connecticut have gambling problems. Pathological gambling is a progressive disease that devastates not onl ...