... innocent victims continuously, does not deserve to live in a luxurious North American penitentiary or anywhere for that matter, they deserve nothing but the death penalty. When the words ‘death penalty' or ‘capital punishment' are heard, they obviously are disturbing and uncomfortable, but so are their crimes. There is no hope for criminals with this kind of behavior and mentality. I believe that capital punishment is the key necessity. If capital punishment was enforced for severe crimes, it would eliminate a fair amount of tax money going towards the judiciary system. If a prison were to maintain a deadly criminal sentenced for life starting at the age ...
... democratic bureaucracy that causes a country to stumble. A is where the government is run by all the people who live under it. To have a true , everyone must vote. People vote to exercise their democratic rights; if only 70% vote, then 70% control 100% of the government. Voting without adequate understanding and choosing candidates for the wrong reasons are symptoms of voting for the sake of voting and not taking an active interest in how our country is run. Instead of making an effort to understand issues and party fundamentals, too many ignorant people actually base their decisions on what the candidates tell them. The result is that everybody feels "burned" by t ...
... not when they bought it off of the shelf because, once again, of no regulation. If some of our is given up, then we can get somewhere. If we are willing to give some up, then we can give that to certain groups and organizations that have the facilities, knowledge, and technology to help keep us safe and healthy (FDA), employed (AFL), living in a clean environment (EPA), and to allow us to hold on to more of our money (ICC). If all of our is given up, then we have lost the meaning for which the pilgrims sailed to America. To go somewhere where they could think for themselves and not be told what to do or how to live. If we gave all of our , then we would no lon ...
... of the other two passages. A unique interpretation of the British influence on the Caribbean people develops. Friction among people of different color is clearly displayed within the writings; However, looking at the story of "Crick Crack Monkey" through the eyes of a young white girl, rather than a young black girl, the reader might see the injustice and the ethnic discrimination that a black person must endure. She would not be accustomed to being called a "little black nincompoop" (Hodge 457), and she would most likely not have to suffer a physical beating with a ruler (Hodge 456). In Lady Aunt Gold Teeth, the issue of color is evident through the au ...
... most brutal and horrific cases have heightened the public's fear and anger over this issue to a near frenzy. When asked in January of this year, " How often do you see reports of violent crime on television ? " 68 % replied " almost every day ". Although the media have played an important role in raising the public's awareness of lawlessness, crime in America is far from a media - created phenomenon. Government statistics support the image of a nation which has overwhelmingly lost the war against crime. For instance, in 1960 there were 161 reported violent crimes per 100,000 people By 1992, the figure had jumped to 758 per 100,000 -- a rise of over 350 %. ...
... Similarly, the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, and Greeks all executed citizens for a variety of crimes. The most famous people to be executed are Socrates and Jesus. Only in England, during the reigns of King Canute (1016-1035) and William the Conqueror (1066-1087) was the death penalty not used, although the results of interrogation and torture were often fatal (Kronenwetter 12). Later, Britain reinstated the death penalty and brought it to its American colonies. Although the death was widely accepted throughout the early United States, not everyone approved of it. In the late-eighteen century, opposition to the death penalty gathered enough strength to le ...
... can happen. The fights include physical and verbal fights. The most common are verbal fights. Rarely do physical fights occur between gangs and groups in our community. Most organized gangs use verbal fights or a game to determine who is better. After a long and tiring fight, many changes can occur to the members of the gang. Personality and feelings can be changed greatly. Members of the group could have once been enemies to another but then they might feel pity for those they have beaten. We humans are born to socialize. It is very important to be in a social group. People in the are friends and it is very important to have friends. A good social group can make ...
... Strikes” law stops repeat violent offenders with the threat of longer sentences after each conviction. In agreement with the need for imposed jail terms, allowing three individual convictions to increase the sentence is a mockery of the judicial system. The “Three Strikes” law represents a faltering attempt at punishing violent criminals. “We have increased the odds of incarceration,” said Dr. Morgan Reynolds, director of the National Center for Policy Analysis’ Criminal Justice Center. “Perpetrators know it is more costly to commit crime, and that acts as a deterrent”(Reynolds). In the State of Florida, the minimum prison term for a repeat ...
... chief administrator for the Federal Government. These beliefs were reflected in their behavior while in the White House. Franklin Roosevelt believed that the Federal Government had an obligation and interest in bringing the nation out of the depression. In order to do this he initiated a number of agencies and projects to employ people. In the first "Hundred Days" of Roosevelt's first term he initiated a number of programs which increased the size of the Federal Government and the power of the President. He did all that he could to see that his proposals were put into place. This included a failed court packing scheme to have a more friendly Supreme Court to find hi ...
... of the Chinese now seems more like an attempt at intimidation than one of simply becoming equal to the other nuclear super powers. The idea behind China’s recent frenzy to get all the weapons and technology available is for them to be able to elevate themselves to the level of a major world power. As stated by Mao Zedong, “The atomic bomb is not so big, but if you do not have it, you are not counted. OK, let’s make some such bombs”(Huaqui). China’s nuclear testing site is considered to be the world’s largest at over 100,00 square kilometers, capable of handling underground, atmospheric and live missile tests. With this capability, it is interesting ...