... states of the United Nations to protect those rights. This is where the United States is lacking. The U.S. is one of the founding nations of the United Nations and one of the most influential, yet it has failed to take adequate state responsibility for human rights. Before tates can be discussed, the concept of state responsibility for human and civil rights must be clearly defined. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines state as "a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory," and responsibility as "moral, legal, or mental accountability." These definitions of state and responsibility can be interpreted and combined to provide a lit ...
... careers were severely limited"(Falkner 28). Jackie had his eyes opened to prejudice at a very young age. "Everyday prejudice was Robinson's silent companion wherever he went, to and from school, to the neighborhood parks, to the segregated movie theaters, to the curbside markets where the Bond- Bread truck, the vegetable truck, the milk truck, sold their wares because most local food merchants refused to welcome nonwhites in their stores" (Falkner 30). Jackie grew up in the era of segregation. "During the period of segregation in the United States racial controversies were, of course, serious issues that often held deadly consequences. Lynchings were common. ...
... National Party and New Labor are neck and neck as to whom will have the majority of seats in the new Scottish Parliament. The parliament marks the first time in 290 years that Scotland has had their own rule. Right now the parliament will only be responsible for home affairs. However, there is a thought as to if devolution will be Scotland’s future. If devolution does occur, then one must think to themselves, is this a good idea? Is this going to affect the United Kingdom’s political system that is intricately in place between Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland? What happens to investment? What happens to the people of the land? Where has thi ...
... who garnered only 52 seats. Because the Bloc ran candidates only in Quebec, it would be difficult to think of them being a national political party, even though they hold a significant number of seats in the national legislature. This paper will examine the significant early history of Canada's four main national political parties, and then will analyse their current state, referring to recent major political victories/disasters, and the comparison of major economic policy standpoints, which will ultimately lead to a prediction of which party will win the next federal election in Canada. Starting on the far left, there is the New Democratic Party of Canada. T ...
... will have room for them. Ultimately, legalization will open 75,000 jail cells. Of 31,346 sentenced prisoners in federal institutions, those in for drug law violations were the largest single category, of 9,487. Forty states are under court orders for overcrowding. Funds are not available to build prisons fast enough to provide the needed space. Violent criminals are being paroled early or are having their sentences chopped to make space for drug users and dealers. Legalizing drugs would immediately relieve the pressure on the prison system, since there would no longer be "drug offenders" to incarcerate. And, since many drug users would no longer need to commit vi ...
... activist groups such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Congress has had a tough time passing any legislation that would benefit the public and curtail the sail and manufacture of armor piercing bullets, automatic rifles and Uzis. Unfortunately, we tend to interpret the Constitution to broadly. Obviously, in the late 1700's, there were no deadly weapons to contend with. They had muskets, which could hardly be used in a very swift and deadly manner. Granted, the musket could kill, but if you asked any semi-sensible person if they would rather use a musket or a handgun, they would take a handgun any day of the wee ...
... any prohibited by law drug. Despite the consequences of such action, the person continues using it. Eventually, some type of physical or mental harm occurs within that person's body, thus, the occurrence of changes in health is the result of one's free choice. Any of the above stages can be easily applied into mother-child scenario. If a mother becomes, at some point, totally drug addicted, she can no longer control her actions, psychological stage of mind, etc. She can no longer be in a position of making the right choices and decisions, and of course, she will not be in a position to recognize and face the reality. The only choice such mother could make woul ...
... is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favour of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant. According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execution that is carried out in the U.S.A. He goes on to say, "If one execution of a guilty capital murderer deters the murder of one innocent li ...
... mostly peaceful daily protests that paralysed Sofia and brought much of the country's business to a halt, the Socialists, who lack the kind of fiercely loyal police and media that have sustained President Slobodan Milosevic in neighbouring Serbia, submitted to the protesters demands on Wednesday, February 5th 1997. They agreed to hand over power to a caretaker government until new elections in mid-April, which they are unlikely to win, when recent polls conclude that only 10% of the population currently support the BSP. "We'd better celebrate now, because we have very hard days ahead," said Ivan Kostov, leader of the opposition United Democratic Forces. ( Source ...
... is prevention through education. Of course it is easy to hand out literature and condoms to adults, but are they really going to listen? As a community, we can encourage HIV/ testing, but will it be taken advantage of? Since these are adults being familiarized with HIV/, how to contract it, the consequences, and the raw statistics, they will probably disregard all of the information. Education on the issue of HIV/ obviously needs to begin at an earlier age. HIV is spread most commonly by sexual contact with an infected partner. The virus can enter the body through the lining of the vagina, vulva, penis, rectum or mouth during sex. HIV also is spread through ...