... marketing firm again. Unfortunately, he never hears from them again. The main reason why he was not chosen, was because of the color of his skin. Since he is Asian, they could not hire him, because 50% of their employees are Asian. Under the affirmative action, they must employ someone who is underrepresented. This type of situation happens often. It is not the qualifications, but the color of the skin that employers look for today. Affirmative action is a step backwards. We are back to color and race differences. We are all Americans and should be treated as so, not what ethnicity we are. Affirmative action should be abolished solely because we do ...
... officer to death with a homemade knife. This inmate is not allowed to possess or manufacture such weapons and has no need for such a weapon. Under the “Justice Model” this inmate is held accountable for the life that he had just taken by receiving the death penalty, but the “ Medical Model” would have sentenced this inmate to a number of rehabilitation programs believing that this decision to take human life was caused by the environment that the inmate lived in. Unlike the “Medical Model” the “Justice Model’” will not sentence a person to rehabilitation, but it will provide rehabilitation programs and certain incentives to participate in ...
... to life in the last third of the 20th Century. But who in reality is using arguments of a bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science - Make no Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant of science, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a new human being is created. A new human being who carries genes in its cells that make that human being uniquely different from any and other human being and yet, undeniably a member, as we all are, of the great human family. Al ...
... is where the hacking really begins, the hacker tries to bypass this anyway he knows how to and tries to gain access to the system. Why do they do it, well lets go to a book and see "Avid young computer hackers in their preteens and teens are frequently involved in computer crimes that take the form of trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism. Quite often they are mearly out for a fun and games evening, and they get entangled in the illegal use of their machines without realizing the full import of what they are doing" , I have a hard time believing that so lets see what a "hacker" has to say about what he does "Just as they were enthraled with their pursu ...
... to aid with either rent or utilities. Because of this income from welfare, crime is reduced. This is because there is now more income so the poor no longer have the need to go out and commit crimes to attain that income. Welfare also aids in improving the economy because the children of these families can afford to go to school and have a chance to make someone of themselves. Instead of enrolling in welfare themselves, in the future these people will make contributions to the economy and will be tax paying citizens. On the contrary, welfare is currently a great government expense that tax payers pay for. Federal tax rates throughout the country are extremely high ...
... FAA's policy of problem solving has also hindered the advancement of airline safety. The FAA has not tried to solve a problem until after a problem has already occurred. They have not tried to prevent problems when it may impose a high cost on to the airline industry either. In August 1990 the FAA issued a rule that required airlines to install fire-resistant cabins into new planes. The materials were also supposed to be installed into the cabins of in-service planes that required a “ significant” amount of the cabin replaced. The FAA failed to define what a substantial amount of the cabin was. The airlines also weren't required to report the materials that ...
... changed their constitutions to include most white males. Virginia, an exception to this statement, still had one third of the white male population, or around 80,000 people still not allowed to vote. (Textbook.) It was not really until the early 1850’s when the voting bracket was truly changed to include nearly the entire white male American population. The voting process from the beginning of this country was a horrible thing. It started off with people saying in front of their peers which candidate they were voting for. This made peer pressure a great influence in the voting process. “Vote for the wrong person, get beaten” (that was you, Wood.) Most state ...
... this is extremely inaccurate. Electric chair victims can take up to 14 minutes to die, maintaining full consciousness as their flesh begins to scorch and burn off. During lethal injection, "even a light error in dosage or administration can leave a prisoner conscious but paralyzed with pain, serving as a witness for his own demise." The following is an eye witness account of an Arizona gas chamber execution given by Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens: "When the fumes enveloped Don's head he took a quick breath. A few seconds later, he looked again in my direction. His face was red and contorted as if he were attempting to fight through treme ...
... heritage, and more importantly not to think of there lifestyle as primitive they should automatically put people and there ideas on a pedestal, it is new and different doesn’t mean its good for the Indian people. Ghandi was a man who took advantage of his home countries colonization and took the opportunity to go to England and study law, were he met many Indian anarchists. He thought methods were to brute and would not be sufficient, he came up with his idea of “hind swaraj” or Indian home rule, swaraj alone means self rule or independence. This was an idea that Ghandi felt extremely strong of, with that in mind Ghandi wrote a pamphlet describing his i ...
... Issues Only sixty years ago Hitler took away the rights of Jews in Germany to bear arms. At that time it look like it was being done for the betterment of society. History has told us what followed. Taking away peoples abilities to defend themselves is the easiest way to subjugate, enslave or eradicate them. Many times an over zealous government takes actions that cannot be justified. A good example of this is the Ruby Ridge Incident, where a mans wife and son were killed over a minor firearm offense. Some States have enacted their own laws. Florida has aloud its citizens to carry a concealed weapon. Since this law was enacted the murder rat ...