... rags to riches. The 1920’s were called the Roaring 20’s, partly because people were carefree and willing to have fun. Jazz became the dominant form of music. Finally along comes the 1950’s. America has gotten out of WW2 and is now ready for a new evolution. People are feeling how they did back in the 20’s; carefree and willing to do anything for fun. On March 5, 1951, a rhythm-and-blues band, Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats, recorded “Rocket 88”, a frenetic, toe-tapping tribute to a customized car.2 This was the birth of . The music didn’t catch on until 1955 though, when Bill Haley produced “Rock Around the Clock”. The song soared ...
... bonds and bank accounts. As the prices continued to rise, some economic analysts began to warn of an impending correction, but they were largely ignored by the leading pundits. Many banks, eager to increase their profits, began speculating dangerously with their investments as well. Finally, in October 1929, the buying craze began to dwindle, and was followed by an even wilder selling craze. On Thursday, October 24, 1929, the bottom began to fall out. Prices dropped precipitously as more and more investors tried to sell their holdings. By the end of the day, the New York Stock Exchange had lost four billion dollars, and it took exchange clerks until five o'cl ...
... laws against being a witch, the people thought that witches were therefore bad and used the laws to their advantage to point fingers at those of whom they were jealous, or wanted vengeance upon. As another example, contributed to the case of Quok Walker resulted in polarization of the people about the issue of slavery. Although American society has evolved considerably over the past few centuries, there are still refinements needed. Our current congress, I believe, takes too long to make simple decisions. When they do, they make too general statements about it, as so to satisfy people because the people wanted a law about something, so the congress gave them one (n ...
... standards, and prevent future economic crises. Many economic, political, and social factors lead up to the New Deal. Staggering statistics, like a 25% unemployment rate, and the fact that 20% of NYC school children were under weight and malnourished, made it clear immediate action was necessary. In the first two years, the New Deal was concerned mainly with relief, setting up shelters and soup kitchens to feed the millions of unemployed. However as time progressed, the focus shifted towards recovery. In order to accomplish this monumental task, several agencies were created. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was the keystone of the early new deal ...
... into an international conflict. The United States and some 40 other countries supported South Vietnam by supplying troops and munitions, and the USSR and the People's Republic of China furnished munitions to North Vietnam and the Vietcong. On both sides, however, the burden of the war fell mainly on the civilians.1 On January 27, in Paris, delegations representing the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Provisional Revolutionary Communist Government of South Vietnam signed an Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. The cease-fire officially went into effect on January 28. Both the US and North Vietnam asserted that there were ...
... best and the worst of the Nazi artists. His technique was excellent, and his choice of subjects, poses and theme were outstanding. On the other hand, he was much more directly and effectively a supporter of the Nazi cause. Had his sculpture been ugly, ambiguous in meaning, poorly executed or less directly associated with Nazi militarism, the negative effects on the world of his sculpture would have been considerably lessened. In a certain sense, Breker uses his numerous "naked men with swords" to unite the notions of health, strength, competition, collective action and willingness to sacrifice the self for the common good seen in many other Nazi works with ex ...
... John F. Kennedy, the invasion launched about 1300 exiles, trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and armed with U.S. weapons, at the Bahia de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) on the coast of Cuba. Castro's army quickly stopped the exiles that hoped to find local support. Ninety of the invader's were killed and twelve hundred captured. This failure was a big embarrassment to the Kennedy administration. As of 1962 the Soviet Union was loosing a desperate arms race, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived an idea of placing intermediate-range cruise missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double their strategic arsenal as well as act as a deterrent to a ...
... son of Osiris and Isis, later defeated Set in an immense battle and became king of the earth. Another version tells that Ra emerged from primeval waters. From him came Shu, the god of air and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. From their union came Geb and Nut, who held the same positions as the above version. Yet another version tells that Ra became the god of the afterlife, but was still supreme. GODS The ancient Egyptian theology dealt with hundreds of deities. These gods changed during the different dynasties and their importance depended on the views of the rulers of the kingdom. The Egyptians worshipped their gods at temples, ...
... into a plane, and then taking to a place completely new to them. They were expected to learn the “right way” and to never speak their Native language. I don't know what I personally would do, I cant imagine what to think. The Two children were soon separated and all they had were memories. They slowly started the program that the were obtained against the will to take. It was clear that they dident want to do what was planed for them. They stayed with it trying only once to excape, after enough was taken they finally dicide to break out for good, after hearing that their family wasent dead after all. In the end it made me think a lot more about what actu ...
... “for the maintenance of public schools”, “ knowledge being necessary to good government, and the happiness of mankind , education shall forever be encouraged”. Article 3 however did not specify however if federal money would be given to the schools for use, nor did it specify if African-Americans could attend schools with whites' and although it the separation of church and state had been previously outlined, the Ordinance did not mention if it was ok to teach creationism in schools. These problems are still being debated on. (Northwest Ordinance packet, 40-41) The Northwest Ordinance ensured the loyalty of the territories by promising protection fo ...