... an edict that fixed maximum prices and wages throughout the Empire. It was an unrealistic and unenforceable idea, which failed. The emperors still felt the tax issue needed to be addressed. They decided to make the hereditary class of tax collectors pay the difference. In other words, if a poor person could not pay their full share, the tax collector paid the rest. This concept wiped out a whole class of moderately wealthy people. Later, slavery split communities. Rome believed the workers of society should not benefit from slavery. Slaves then had to reason to try hard or improve. Eastern slaves started doing technical work. Thus, all technical work was looke ...
... America goes through many changes she still tries to maintain a nation of unity. James Monroe aspired to achieve a government of national unity. Through his efforts he hoped to counter-act the rising feelings of sectionalism. His cabinet reflects this attitude. Representing the North he appointed John Quincy Adams (a Federalist) as secretary of state. To represent the South he appointed John C. Calhoun as secretary of war. In an attempt to create a government of unification, a major problem is encountered, the issue of slavery. In 1819 the number of slave and free states was equal. Then, Missouri applied to the Union as a slave state. Northern politicians pr ...
... agreeing that the State had proved a likelihood of success on the merits and the probability of irreparable harm, the Court of Appeals decided against the injunction on the ground that the relief granted exceeded the District Court's authority to rule in such a manner according to § 16 of the Act to order "injunctive relief." The court relied on an previous decision in which the court had concluded on the basis of its reading of excerpts from subcommittee hearings that § 16's draftsmen did not intend to authorize the remedies of "dissolution" or "divestiture" in private litigants' actions. Thus, held the court, the "indirect divestiture" effected by the p ...
... military means; Angola, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan, as a pattern of Soviet expansion, which was not consistent with détente. Many actually believed that these expansionist moves were encouraged by détente. Ultimately, the expectations that détente would achieve more were held by both powers. It was the failure to satisfy these expectations which led to its demise. Kissinger suggested that "détente, with all its weaknesses, should be judged not against some ideal but against what would have happened in its absence. Détente did not cause the Soviet arms build-up, nor could it have stopped it. However, it may have slowed it ...
... the West needed a labor force. Workers with special skills and qualities were necessary to support a booming new frontier. Previously untaught skills such as riding, roping, and branding could not simply be acquired by the average American. Athletic, rugged men were needed to settle the West. However, these men also needed inborn courage and quick thinking to utilize these skills effectively. The general public, however, under the influence of decades of "Western" movies and television shows have created an imagery of these "men of the west" or "cowboys" that is extremely inaccurate. American society has come to regard these settlers as the purest and ...
... in on a dolphin. The food was brought in thousands of crystal and silver dishes served by dozens, sometimes hundreds, of gentlemen. Rich Elizabethans dined twice a day--breakfast at eleven or twelve and supper between five and six. Of course, the meals of the common man were not so extravagant. The common man ate three meals a day: breakfast in the early am, dinner at twelve and supper at six. The poorer sort supped when they could. A poem by Thomas Tusser gives a good idea of the break fast of the typical farmer: Call Servants to breakfast, by daystar appear, a snatch to wake fellows, but tarry not here. Let Housewife be carver, let pottage be eat, a dishful e ...
... smaller parts. The first and last movements have nine parts that make up the contrasting sounds in the music. The final movement concentrates more on the pitch transformation. Structurally, this format would be a recapitulation, but the use of pitch transforms it into something new. To emphasize the pitch fluctuation, three different kinds of flutes were played. Because of the pitch variation in this piece, there were many melodies to follow. In a way, the music sounded like sound effects to a horror flick. For example, the tone color of the piece would be nice and calm then all of a sudden the percussion would contribute a crashing sound and ...
... finally issued a report of their findings. They concluded that President Kennedy was murdered by a single gunmen, Lee Harvey Oswald. There were numerous reasons why the Warren Commission came to this conclusion, varying from Oswalds background and most predominantly the hard evidence there was against him. In fact, there was a substantial amount of evidence that linked Oswald to the murder weapon and the crime scene which, undoubtedly helped a great deal in his conviction. The main evidence against Oswald was a unique Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, which was recovered on the sixth floor of the school depository building and had allegedly been used for the shoo ...
... and instruments. When Americans saw those instruments they began to create different versions of them, which would later evolve to be part of the percussionist's repertoire. For example, the dundun. The dundun is an hourglass-shaped, two-headed drum whose twin heads are laced together by thongs of gut or leather (Hart, 52). By manipulating the tension on these thongs a player can alter the pitch of the tone he is making, thus enabling the dundun to "talk", or produce tones that sound like words (52). This allows him to communicate with neighboring tribes (52). Americans took this idea and converted it into a single-head drum, constructed of brass, in which a ...
... the feudal system was created early in the Dark Ages to secure a sense of safety among the upper class. The feudal system involved the granting of land or a fief by a lord to his vassal. The lords and vassals were exclusively the very wealthy and powerful with the king as the highest lord and the knight as the lowest vassal. The main purpose of the feudal system was to provide fighting men who could ensure protection. Feudalism was the first emergence of organized government in the Dark Ages. Charlemagne was a born leader and a talented general, but also a man so convinced of the value of religion and education that he made a genuine ...