... command of the 22d Virginia Regiment who was killed at the Battle of Winchester in the Civil War for the Confederacy. His mother, Ruth Wilson, was the daughter of a savage fighter nicknamed “Don Benito” who was very well known for once returning from a battle with Indians, with a basket full of the enemies heads. George Smith Patton Junior was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. Even though George grew up on his father ranch, he learned a lot of things. Here he was taught how to hunt, fish, sail, horseback ride and many things about agriculture. His mother was an excellent horsewoman who taught Patton, while his father read to him the works o ...
... Virginia Military Institute. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry in 1901 and served in the Philippine Islands from 1902 to 1903. During World War I he served as chief of operations with the U.S. First Army in France. He became a colonel in 1918 and received wide military recognition for his handling of troops and equipment during the Saint Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne operations. From 1919 to 1924 he was aide to the U.S. commander in chief, General John Pershing, and during the next three years he saw service in China. Marshall taught in various army schools and organizations from 1927 to 1936, when he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. I ...
... were a form of painting where a painting was directly applied to a wall, often when the plaster was drying so it would become part of the plr and last nearly forever providing it were in the right conditions. Roman literature was also some of the greatest in history. It is often overlooked because it is compared only to Greek literature which the Romans tried to emulate. They did have their masterpieces though. The Ænid is arguably the greatist books in history. It is all to often thrown out as erotic garbage from two thousand yers ago, when in actuality it competes on the same literary plane as Plato's Republic and Homers duet epics, the Illiad and the Oddes ...
... the Enola Gay, which was named after his mother and was a B-29-45-MD Super fortress. (Peter Wyden “Day One” 1984) It was 2:45 A.M. when the Enola Gay took off, after it got going it was flying at a ground speed of 330 M.P.H. The flight was going to take six and a half hours until they reached Hiroshima on the Honshu Island on Japan (U.S. National Archives “Hiroshima” 1999). Even though the crew knew their destination, Hiroshima, their target, the iota T-bridge, and that they were dropping a bomb, they didn’t know that it was an atomic bomb that would take out almost the entire city. (Peter Wyden “Day One” 1984) The name of the Bomb was named the ...
... in many places. At times, these rituals would involve the entire community. At other times, small groups would perform for the rest of the community. From that time until the present, every type of performance has created its own environmental conditions of performer-audience relationship, and these have varied from a patch of beaten earth to complicated built structures (Leacroft 1). The various Greek tribes worshipped many different gods. Dionysus, or Bacchus, was an important god for the Thracians, a tribe who lived in the northern part of Greece. When the Thracians discovered how to make beer, they thought intoxication divine and gave honor to Bacc ...
... Pharaohs or strong kings were in control of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom (2040-1786). This made a stable government and made cultural life and economics better. Trade was carried on between Egypt and Palestine, Syria, and Crete. Around 1800B.C. The strong kings began to weaken. The nobles began to gain some of the power. Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos, which were mixtures of the Semites and Indo-Europeans. They were not driven out until 1570B.C. Then a new and revived empire began. Egypt was not interested in the development of their civilization or the progress of it. They were mainly interested in the stable and long lasting terms of civilizat ...
... ‘The Code of Chivalry’ for my comparisons on literary characters great successes and failures. For my first example, I chose the brave and fearless Beowulf. According to the 19th code of chivalry, one must ‘Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms,’ and also ‘Exhibit courage in word and deed.’ Beowulf proclaimed to fight the evil Grendel, saying “We shall fight for our lives, foe against foe; and he whom death takes off must resign himself to the judgment of God (1200).” After the battle, the terror-filled Grendel crept away, mortally wounded. Beowulf had upheld this particular code with valor and bravery. For my second example, I looked to Sir Ga ...
... a place to spend the summer months. With a large area of nightlife, DJs and clubbers, and with one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, Ibiza is sure to continue long into the future. Ibiza is described as the island of parties. In the 60's, cult religious leader Baghwan Shree Rejneesh chose this island as a center for his quasi-religious events, and introduced a new form of religious worship. Disciples were encouraged to take a drug, originally developed to assist in the combat of mental illness, before dancing themselves into a magical, spiritual trance. The name of the drug was MDMA. Rediscovered by the jet set in the late 80's, ecstasy, as it became k ...
... Another gate was located somewhere towards the back of the castle. It was a secret gate that was very hard to find, and only the king knew where the gate had been hidden. The gate was used during an attack to escape from the siege. In the middle of the castle there was a huge building called the keep. This is where the king and queen slept, the kitchen and armory was also located inside. The dinning quarters (the largest room inside) was used very frequent and many employees were assigned to it. The castle was the heart and soul of the country. The king and queen and all of their loyal servants were inside, running the country. That’s ...
... internal affairs of the academy ruled the next 20 years of Plato's life and he wrote nothing. Many Greek youths were attracted to the new school. Plato then went to Syracuse to supervise the education of the ruling prince. Plato was not certain about the success of this adventure although he felt he could not refuse this opportunity of putting his ideas to a test. It did not work out for Plato and he returned to Athens in 360 B.C. He then devoted himself to teaching and lecturing at the Academy. He died at age 80 in Athens in 348 B.C. Before his death Plato completed the Sophist, the Politicus, the Philebus, the Timaeus and finally the Laws. (Inter ...