... Lenin’s government made many achievements. It ended a long civil war against the remnants of the old Tsarist military system and established institutions in government. During this period, censorship and the subordination of interest groups such as trade unions was imposed to stop dissension and increase conformity to the new government policies. After Lenin’s death in 1924, Joseph Stalin quickly gained control of the Communist party and the oppressive reforms started by Lenin were continued and at length became completely totalitarian. Stalin was able to attain control as a result of a multitude of reasons. He was not, however, Lenin’s choice for a success ...
... hence were the sympathy for the young boy comes from. The other main character is his child psychologist who is played by Bruce Willis. The two characters come together and the care they show towards each other’s remarkable. It even gets to the point where the characters care so much about helping each other that they abandon the other people whom care about them. The actors in this movie were remarkable. Everyone in the movie did an amazing job of conveying the emotions of their characters. Haley Joel Osment as Cole Sear the young boy, who could see dead people among the living, had an absolutely huge range of emotion to his character. He went from being scared ...
... The Greeks fought remaining Persians and had two days of victory and the third day they were defeated. During the battle the Greeks lost seventy ships out of three hundred and thirty. It was another story on land. The Spartan king Leonidas protected pass at Thermoplye with three hundred Spartans and 6700 non-Spartans. A Greek traitor knew Leonidas plans so the traitor led the Persians behind the pass. Once Leonidas was aware of this he sent large amounts of troops to block the Persians. They fled and had Leonidas was pinned. The 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians fought to their death. At Salamis the Persians occupied Athens and then burned down their city. A ...
... Spartan regent and general Pausanians, obliterated the Persian army. The Greeks also won a naval victory at Mycale. Although the war drugged on for many years, these two victories marked the end of the Persian threat to Europe and the beginning of the period of Greek greatness. The idea of panhellenism - the awareness of Greek unity- appeared as a reaction to the fear of the Persian invasion. This is how Persia helped the Greece to recognise their identity, which gave significance to the year 479 BC to be marked as the beginning of the Classical Greek period. At the other side, the year 479 BC does not represent a vital turning-point in politics. Sparta’s co ...
... since they could not speak or understand Spanish, they had no real way of communicating with the crew except for gestures, which were normally violent. Not knowing that they had been tricked, the ringleader of the slaves, Cinque, took a boatload of slaves ashore and unloaded. They refilled their water buckets, which had recently been emptied. One of the men on the ship catches their attention and they see another ship coming up along side of theirs. They jump in their boat and row back to their ship. They are captured and taken to shore. They are thrown into jail. After this, it is a fight to free the slaves and in turn, bring an end to slavery all together. One o ...
... order to keep their faces clean, provided themselves with a variety of razors.The dress of the Cretan was srange.On their heads, men had turbans.The women wore hats.There feet were usally free of covering.the upper class at times binded their feet with a white leatther shoes.Men wore no clothing above the waist.At the waist the men wore a short skirt or a waist cloth.The skirt had a slit at the side of workingmen.When there were dignitaries and ceremonies the skirt reached to the ground for both male and female.The men sometimes wore drawers in the winter time along with a longer outer garment of wool or skins.The clothing was tightly laced at the middle for both ...
... was a big rivalry between France and Great Britain there as well. There were also British and French clashes at Fort Duquesne, one of the prominent Ohio River valley forts. Whoever had control over fort Duquesne had a quite a strong hold over the Ohio River Valley. The British had many strategic advantages over the French and Indians. They had a strong militia in their colonies that could fight at any given time. They also had many more people, about one million. They also had a very strong navy and control of the Atlantic Ocean. Having control over the Atlantic Ocean meant destroying French supply ships that tried to enter North America. The British coloni ...
... language. This ensured the willingness of the conquered people to follow the Inca rule. “In a word, the Incas did not make their conquests any way just for the sake of being served and collecting tribute. In this respect they were far ahead of us, for with the order they introduced the people throve and multiplied, and arid regions were made fertile and bountiful, in the ways and goodly manner that will be told.” (Hanke, 55) Mancio Sierra de Leguizamo wrote about the purity of the society. There were no thieves, adulterous women, there were no loose morals, and trust was common through out the society. The men held honorable and useful occupation ...
... different from the average moderate Germans, and even more different than the Nazis. People like Hitler, Goebbels, and Julius Streicher played on this ignorance of other people to instill fear and loathing of the Jews. In general, people don’t like what they don’t understand. The Nazis exploited this truism by warping, retarding, and creating supposed grievances that the Jews were responsible. During the rallies, the speakers would rant and rave about how they would exact “vengeance against their eternal enemy, the Jew” (1), and how that “Europe will have defeated this threat only when the last Jew has left our part of the planet” (1). Hitler him ...
... how the Spanish conquered them over 300 years ago. It didn't last much because their leader Tupac Amaru was executed, but the slaves saw independence as a way of freedom. These groups were not the only cause of the Independence. Another cause that led to the independence of Latin America, was the French Revolution. With these enlightenment ideas, the people of Latin America were able to have their own government that protected their interest and gave them freedom. These countries liked the idea of having natural rights, liberty, and property, as any country would. They gained a little bit of more freedom when Napoleon conquered Spain. But, that did not last muc ...