... gate, the Brandenburg Gate is closed. Now all crossing points for all Berliners are closed. It wouldn'e be until two years later that any type of crossing is opened. The Berlin Wall separated family, freinds, and a nation for over 28 years.Early in the morning of sunday, August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall began contruction under the leadership of Erich Honecker to block off Eastern Berlin from Western Berlin with barbed wire and anti-tank obsticals. Streets were torn up, barricades made, tanks gathered at crucial areas, and the subway and local railway systems were interupted. People of Eastern Berlin were no longer allowed to go into Western Berlin at all. In the ...
... his authority. The Powhatans Indian tribe were part of the woodland culture; a culture of pressure-flaked projectile point, stone-headed hatchets and war clubs, and primitive farm tools constructed of stone and bone. The Wood land "culture" was actually an amalgam of various tribes that belonged to different linguistic families not related by blood, their only common ties being certain tools and implements marked by great stands of pine, cypress, and walnut trees and productive in cleared areas of pumpkin, maize, and beans (pecctatoas). (Woodward, 9) The Powhatans were made up of different combinations of Indian tribes some included the Cherokees, Iro ...
... Given, there were the occasional mob torching of a wealthy tory’s home, but on the whole, it was very little like any other revolution in previous history. In this way, the American Revolution was unique unto itself. It was utterly different than the conventional revolution. It could almost be called an intellectual uprising. The fact that “The true revolution lies in the hearts and minds of all Americans.” (John Adams) is the key to understanding why the American Revolution may not necessarily seem to be a revolution in terms of guns and death, but in terms of enlightenment, and the thirst for freedom, there has been no more fervent war fough ...
... if you weren't alive during the '60s, you know what they meant when they said, "tune in, turn on, drop out." you know why the nation celebrates Martin luther king, jr.'s birthday. all of the social issues are reflected in today's society: the civil rights movement, the student movement, space exploration, the sexual revolution, the environment, medicine and health, and fun and fashion. The Civil Rights Movement The momentum of the previous decade's civil rights gains led by rev. Martin luther king, jr. carried over into the 1960s. but for most blacks, the tangible results were minimal. only a minuscule percentage of black children actually attended integrat ...
... himself by copying every word from an abridged dictionary from cover to back. He joined the Black Muslims while in jail, an important organization which would later be the downfall of his life. In 1952, while on parole, he took the name of Malcolm X, which he claimed the X symbolized his true African name and renounced his white-slave master's name. The 60's would be an important decade for Malcolm X, it would be his last. During this time, civil rights movements gave a lot of publicity to blacks struggling for equal rights. The Nation of Islam, formally the Black Muslims, was a much more militant organization then of Martin Luther King Jr.'s organizations. ...
... The far west was the land of high mountains, deserts, strange rock formations, brilliant colors and immense distance. Fur trade with Europe had now become a lucrative business and the fur traders became the pathfinders for the settlers. Migration was now possible by the discovery of paths over which ox-driven carts could be driven through seeking mountains and across the western desert. People wanted to move away from the overcrowded cities and this led to the migration into the uninhabited lands. Increased transportation like roads, railroads and canals and their construction created a demand for cheap labor making it easier for people to get jobs now, in contras ...
... that the hammers were of different weights, it occured to him that the intervals might be related to those weights. Pythagoras was correct. Pythagorean philosophy maintained that all things are numbers. Based on the belief that numbers were the building blocks of everything, Pythagoras began linking numbers and music. Revolutionizing music, Pythagoras' findings generated theorems and standards for musical scales, relationships, instruments, and creative formation. Musical scales became defined, and taught. Instrument makers began a precision approach to device construction. Composers developed new attitudes of composition that encompassed a f ...
... ART. In 1965 the Putnam’s commodious art collection came back home and was hung in its permanent quarters on the Prado in Balboa Park, and the Timken officially opened on October 1 of that year. Today, the Timken collection is comprised of 126 works of art, predominantly paintings augmented by small holdings in sculpture and embellished art objects. The works consist of three distinct collections: European Masters, Russian Icons and American Artists. Each collection boasts unique and priceless representations of the specific genre. In the European Masters collection, Rembrandt’s Saint Bartholomew is the only painting by that Dutch artist on display at any museu ...
... out the businesses and the help would trickle down through the system and eventually help the people. Hoover thought that the government should not support people. He believed that private charities and local communities should help people, not the federal government. He thought that organizations at a local level could best help the people. Hoover wasn’t opposed to all forms of aid however. He was for giving aid or businesses so that when business picked up, more jobs would come forth. Under Hoover, the government took more steps to shape the economy than ever before. Hoover got together many business leaders and asked them to keep up their employment rates ...
... had turned his idea of art into architecture. New buildings and Cathedrals were being built in Florence, and Brunelleschi’s amazing sense of contrast of light, classical proportions, and spatial effects made him one of the best. Later in the 1400’s there was a painter by the name of Masaccio. This amazing artist had a special was of creating 3 dimensions in all of his paintings. As time went on, more talented artists, architects, and sculptors had found themselves as part of a special time in Italy. Masaccio life was short, and because of that he was not able to teach many people his skills. But his talent of light, color, contrast, and perspecti ...