... was a new arrival to the city. This man's name was Running Bear. He was an American Indian who had gone to New York to seek his fortune; however, he soon fell upon hard times. He had lived a life of monetary deprivation on the plains of Colorado, and had proceeded to New York by Amtrak with only a dollar and a dream. Things did not go as planned, though; he could not find a job and had taken to panhandling and sleeping in the streets. His dreams, no doubt influenced by the fumes coming up from the sewer, were of money. A good man who only wanted to work and make a decent living, he had gone to the welfare office a few blocks north of Goldstein's shop. He ...
... "I dont know... I might get caught..." I answered reluctantly. "Aww... come on.... what are you, chicken?" they taunted. "We'll pay you...." At that moment I began to think. I could not believe what I was hearing. I could get paid for something very simple. "Alright. I'll do it. What were your last names again?" I said. The next day my algebra teacher got me to help him out with his rollbook program. When he was not paying attention, I began to change their grades from F's to A's. Later on that day one of studens approached me. "Hey, did you do it?" he asked. "Yes, and I expect to be paid in full." I replied. "Dope!!! alright, Here's my money. I'l ...
... bust out of their transparent, segmented shells. The smell of hors d'oeurves served to whet the appetite of all in attendance. The hickory smell of beef stood out to draw everyone near. The shrimp had a salty smell with a hint of ocean water. The bell peppers, both green and red, had a tart smell, compared to their fleshy counterparts. My taste buds watered, but nothing could compare to the next course I was about to see. After devouring the hors d'oeurves, the main course was set before us. The arrangements of Chinese styled meats, rice, and vegetables were scrumptious. The roasted chicken with its dry skin was covered by an orange sauce with green onions ...
... forward with the white scrunched up piece of paper that told me my classes, I tried to look like I fit in. As I looked around for my class, I noticed I was on the wrong side of the building. ‘At least I know where the main building is,' I said to myself. The main building looked bright and cheery, like the sun. I trudged over to the main building trying not to look at anyone, the pavement looked really white. When I got to the main building I walked up to a Miss Kerby, sitting behind a desk and asked her if she could tell me where this building was. Instead I felt like I had just been arrested for murder. I was bombarded with about 5 questions all at once. I an ...
... cleansing my hands, the very sight of the sink made me wonder if using it would clean my hands or only contaminate them more. Globs of traveler’s toothpaste stuck to the cold water handle were teeming with ants, and clumps of hair gripped tightly to the drain. After thoroughly washing my hands under the hot water, I blindly grabbed for a paper towel from the mold covered dispenser. In a rush, I attempted to dry my hands over the trash can when my ring slipped off my finger and into the disgusting pit of vile objects. At first I was upset at my loss, but then I became furious. I rolled up my sleeves and began to root through the sludge for it. Inside, I witnesse ...
... mother is that she was a free spirit. His dad left when he was three because he couldn't take care of any one, not even himself. He recalled that John told lots of tall stories; something that grandpa does often. His first school was in California and it was a two room school house. He had to walk home and there were water snakes in the gutters. One time when he got home, his favorite toy, a refrigerator handle, was missing. Then he noticed that the two trees that were in front of the house were gone. He called the police. When the police got there, the baby-sitter was there and said the owner had taken the trees out. When the police officer found out that ...
... Sally getting ready to set the table for dinner when in came Nina and she said "So have you thought it yet" " no" said Mammy Sally. The next day Nina woke up early she put on here rags and took some food from the kitchen and woke up Mammy Sally and Mammy Sally said "if we get caught "I know I know" interrupted Nina " we gonna get whipped tell our days are done working." Well at least you know" said " Mammy Sally and they left. "So said Mammy Sally" Where is this secret passage you were talking about" you'll see" said Nina. When they got to the secret passage Mammy Sally said, "We aint gonna get out with out getting caught. Nina looked awkwardly at Mammy Sally and sa ...
... was my life. That year, I was juggling three baseball teams, an intramural league, a travel team that everybody made, and I was trying out for the All-Star team for the first time. I did well for my intramural team, and my coach, Mr. Keubler, was also a coach for my travel team and All-Star team. He asked me to play for the travel team, called the Devlin Team and I accepted, always eager to play as much baseball as possible. I had a good season with the Devlin team that year, and my two coaches were Mr. Keubler and Mr. Seabright. They were also going to coach the All-Star team. At the end of my intramural season, All-Stars tryouts began. My coach, Mr. Ke ...
... to go to America, the land of opportunity. We escaped from Cambodia twice, the first time we got caught and were sent to jail for one day. The second time, we escaped into Thailand and stayed there for about one year. My aunt living in the United States decided to bring my family to the United State, so we made the long and tuff struggle to America. We went to the Philippine Island for six months so that were medically prepared to go to the United States. After six months we were given a departure date. During these times, my parents struggle to keep us alive through any means. They wanted us to have a future, an education and a good job. After years of h ...
... to destroy all that we have accomplished. It is time for us as nations and as individuals to set aside our long-standing feuds and unite. The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us and we must seek refuge upon higher ground lest we be swept away by the flood. The confederacy is no more. Whatever semblance of unity and protection it once provided is a phantom - a memory. With our enemies left unchecked, whom will you turn to for protection? The devastation brought by the alien invaders is self-evident. We have seen our homes and communities destroyed by the calculated blows of the Protoss. We have seen first-hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nigh ...