... to the web, he or she has almost infinite resources right at the ends of their fingertips. Where else can you maximize the worlds resources from inside the comforts of home. I know that a young teenager can productively use this information. I have been using the net for about eight years for my reports and personal knowledge quests. My father would check on me every now and again to make sure I was on task. Not only was he keeping what I viewed pg13, he was helping me use different search engines and being my troubleshooter until I could surf the web by myself. Lots of the children now days are just tuned loose with a computer and not checked on until suppertime or ...
... it be me or the next guy , whose intelligence is greater then those who make the software . According to the federal government , that by the way has no real control over america since they can't even control themselves , software is protected from the moment of its creation . As soon as that software hits the store it is protected by the United States Federal Government . Yet , thousands of software titles have been put out there , and the government hasn't protected a fucking thing from happening . What a joke , how can we let such morons run this nation . The law in the USA states that a person may who buys the software may (I) copy it to a single computer a ...
... cause, and a small number of these organizations claim this fight as their only cause. Some of these organizations are broad based civil liberties groups, some fight for freedom of speech based on the first amendment, and other groups favor the lowering of laws involving the use of encrypted data on computers. All of these groups, however, speak out for free speech on the Internet, and all of these groups have utilized the Internet to spread propaganda to further this common cause of online free speech and opposition to the CDA. Context in which the propaganda occurs Five years ago, most people had never heard of the Internet, but today the Internet is a t ...
... to technology. First the progress and power of industrial technology, second the domination and exploitation of Africa and Asia by Europeans. In the book The Tools of Empire, Headrick the author connects theses factors through many examples in history. Leading into the twentieth century even though many would like to fast forward into the dawn of electronics, there is still a major focus on technology in Africa and Asia. However, the transfer of technology is now steering away from dominating and leaning towards local adaptation. Africa and India experienced a deeper affect of technological transfer because they were conquered and colonized by Europe. The steamb ...
... from five years ago is literally obsolete today. Electronics are also being used for new purposes continuously. The Internet, or World Wide Web, is a relatively new concept of being “on-line”. This new project has opened a limitless number of doors for our society. Now anyone can use the Internet to communicate with anybody else in the world a lot faster and cheaper. Cellular phones have also appeared recently in the electronic world. These devices allow a person to be reached from practically anywhere. With cellular phones a person can, from then on, be in communication with the world no matter where they go. For the next generation, electronics will ...
... West", says Donn B. Parker of SRI: "No laws, rapid growth and enterprise - it's shoot first or be killed." To understand how the Internet, on which so many base their hopes for education, profit and international competitiveness, came to this pass, it can be instructive to look at the security record of other parts of the international communications infrastructure. The first, biggest error that designers seem to repeat is adoption of the "security through obscurity" strategy. Time and again, attempts to keep a system safe by keeping its vulnerabilities secret have failed. Consider, for example, the running war between AT&T and the phone phreaks. When hostiliti ...
... to make children and adults for that matter, a little crazy. In an 18 month study, the team surveyed 917,840 sexually explicit pictures on the internet where pornographic. Trading in explicit imagery is now "one of thelargest recreational applications of users of computer networks." The great majority (71%) of the sexual images on the newsgrouls originate from adult oriented bulletin-board systems (BBS). According to BBS, 98.9% of the consumers of online porn are men. The women hold a 1.1% in chat rooms and on Bulletin boards. Perhaps because hard-core sex pictures are so widely available elsewhere, the adult BBS market seems to be driven by demand for image ...
... to learn and improve their knowledge. People would rely on the computers rather than "try to memorize enough to match someone else who knows" (Nine Tomorrows, Profession 55). People would not chose to study, they would only want to be educated by computer tapes. Putting in knowledge would take less time than reading books and memorizing something that would take almost no time using a computer in the futuristic world that Asimov describes. Humans might began to rely on computers and allow them to control themselves by letting computers educate people. Computers would start teaching humans what computers tell them without having any choice of creativity. Co ...
... it has the capability to process and display much more complex games than anything by Nintendo or Sega. Some problems with this, however, are the enormous cost of s descent system and software and the technology that moves at lightning speed. The computer you buy tomorrow will not be able to handle any of the new software two years from now. Owners must not only keep up with the new trends but must also be well aware of what their own system can sustain so that they do not overload it and cause it to crash. This article focuses on interactive video, which is a relatively new field in the gaming industry. The games that have been on the market have not lived up ...
... Other features include a 3.9 GB hard disk and an optional DVD module for $150. Sub-notebooks such as IBM Think Pad 600 packs a high-end punch into a 6.5-pound travel weight, including a Pentium II/266 CPU, a 13.3-TFT screen, and a 3.9 GB hard disk. The unit can take a CD-ROM, DVD, or floppy disk drive internally ideal for those who need supreme portability and don't want to deal with external drives. It lasted an impressive 3:12 on our test. For the road warrior principally concerned with weight, and battery life, there is still no better option then the IBM ThinkPad 560x. The system came with a Pentium MMX/233, an 12.1 inch TFT panel, a 2GB disk, a ...