... of those with the power to interpret and stigmatize behaviors as inappropriate. "Moral crusades" that lead to definitions of criminalized deviance tend to reduce the meanings of polysemic acts to unidimensional ones that limit understanding of both the nature of the acts and their broader relationship to the culture in which they occur. This has occured with the criminalization of computer phreaking and hacking. In this paper, we examine the computer underground as a cultural, rather than a deviant, phe- nomenon. Our data reveal the computer underground as an invisi- ble community with a complex and interconnected culture, depen- dent for survival o ...
... they can access any programs or information already contained within the computer. Another password security method would be to have the computer user carry a digital screen that fits in your pocket. This digital screen receives an encrypted message and displays numbers that change every few minutes. These numbers make the password one needs for the next few minutes in order to access the computer. This password method is somewhat new. It is also better, for the previous password method is not totally fool proof. This is because the passwords are stored in the computer and if a computer literate person was to access this information, they could get into ...
... of living, increase efficiency in production and become a base for economic growth, without this transfer these countries will fall further into poverty and economic ruin, with little hope for survival. For most people of the developed world, the developing world is not something they concern themselves with; they do not see it everyday and therefore it does not exist. This could not be farther from the truth. The developing world is in need of help but the developed world constantly turns a blind eye. Our current love affair with technology may provide the answer for underdeveloped nations problems. The standard of living is so low in these countries that our every ...
... can provide you with the best exchange rate of your currency into the exchange of your merchants currency. Shopping online can be very private as long as you use a secure browser. This software allows you to navigate through the web. Your browser should have industry security standards, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or (SET) Secure Electronic Transaction. By having these security standards on your browser, it allows the transaction information being sent back and forth from the reseller to be encrypted. Most computers already come with this browser pre-installed. If this is not the case, to obtain one of the most popular brands of browsers, you can ...
... grew it made the world accessible to everyone and certain group's willingness to take advantage of the Internet. This would lead to need for regulation in what is acceptable content on the Internet, and how the first amendment has blocked many policy attempts trying to regulate the technology. We can point to the fact that emergence of any new technology is always the contribution of several intertwined social factors over a period of many years. The Internet as we know it today is no exception. We can show that the beginnings of the Internet started in the 1940's and took over in the 50's to be shaped into what we consider is the Internet of today. We can a ...
... green glow just moments before. You select the state of California, and it zooms in for a closer look. You see a network diagram overview of all the computers your company has within California. Two systems are flashing, with an X on top of them indicating that they are experiencing problems. Tagging the two systems, you press enter, and with a flash, the screen displays all the statitics of the two systems, including anything they might have in common causing the problem. Seeing that both systems are linked to the same card of a network switch, you pick up the phone and give that branch office a call, notifying them not only that they have a problem, but how t ...
... tries to bypass this anyway he knows how to and tries to gain access to the system. Why do they do it, well lets go to a book and see "Avid young computer hackers in their preteens and teens are frequently involved in computer crimes that take the form of trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism. Quite often they are mearly out for a fun and games evening, and they get entangled in the illegal use of their machines without realizing the full import of what they are doing", I have a hard time believing that so lets see what a "hacker" has to say about what he does "Just as they were enthraled with their pursuit of information, so are we. The thrill of the ...
... of sexual fulfillment. Obviously, his normal life has drifted away. The tendency to sustain people's lives, just because the technology is available, is intolerance under certain circumstances. It is the individual patient who must make a decision about whether to keep himself alive. "What is the point of prolonging a person's biological life if it is obtained at the cost of a serious assault on that person's liberty?" There is probably no simple answer for this question. Any patient's decision should be respected, not based on the fact of all available technologies. This medical technology has the potential for both good and bad results. However, it is very imp ...
... not copied, and the whole industry inflates. There are two categories of intellectual property. The first one is composed of writing, music, and films,which are covered by copyright. Inventions and innovations are covered by patent. These two categories have covered for years many kinds of work with little or no conflict. Unfortunately, it is not that easy when dealing with such a complex matter as computer software. When something is typed on a computer, it is considered writting, as it is all written words and numbers. However, when executed by the computer, it functions like an invention, performing a specific task as instructed by the user. Thus, software f ...
... less invasive. The bills for laws aimed at regulating the Internet for the sake of child safety are, in my opinion, extremely vague and broadsided. They give absolutely no definition of what should be considered "obscene" or "harmful to minors." Definitions annexed on to them are extremely broadsided and could not only ban pornography but also things like information on AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, breast cancer, certain forms of artwork, and many other things that should never be considered "obscene." However Internet censorship laws could potentially make it illegal to publish things like this on the Internet, and in being ...