... he tries to change their minds. No matter what he does or what he says the situation is not getting better, so he decides to propose and asks Hermia to leave the city and go to a place outside of Athenian jurisdiction where they can get married. She gladly agrees and they decide to meet the following night in a wood a couple miles from Athens. At this moment Helen, Hermia's good friend appears, so they tell her about their plan and she promises to help the lovers. Helena, who is hopelessly in love with Demetrius, rushing to try to win his favor by telling him of Hermia's plan to elope. Demetrius got very upset and he hurries away to stop the elopement, but Helena f ...
... with the priests. He felt that they were trying to control him. Jim was not very receptive to authority. He hated it. Whenever, someone tries to force him to do something he turns his back on them. This lack of respect of authority could because of lack of male influence in his life. Jim looked at the church as an institution rather than a home. No, I do not hold this view on the church. I was raised in environment with personable priests. This helped me grow with the church rather than against it. A very controversial issue is whether drugs and alcohol are morally wrong. Catholics believe that anything that can harm your body is morally wrong. I believe that drugs ...
... the bodies, and is quite flustered to discover how his aunts treat it with such nonchalance. Humor is also found in the misunderstanding between Mortimer and his Brewster family. Throughout the entire movie, Mortimer finds himself ashamed of his Brewster name. He discovers that his aunts keep twelve bodies in the basement. Mortimer also receives a visit from his lunatic brother John, who, like his aunts, murders people. While Mortimer discovers more about his insane family, he still must deal with his brother Theodore, who believes that he is President Roosevelt. Finally, Mortimer commits his brother Theodore along with his aunts to an insane asylum. The humor i ...
... them across the border. The coyote said there's two ways of getting to the United States, through the mountain, which your most likely to get caught or go through a 2 mile dark tunnel and crawl on there hands and knees taking there chances. They went for the tunnel and even the coyote said, "it is living hell". During there tunnel journey, they encountered rats and they were getting eaten alive. Finally they were gone and they were able to continue and they found their coyote at the end. He got them hooked up at a motel to stay. Day 1 they try to find work, and people pick them up to put them to work and give them two dollars a week and they think it is a whole ...
... of the democratic Athenian attitude. Though her role is smaller, Antigone is the more difficult character to understand. Some have judged her to be guilty of the sin of pride and overwhelmed by an immature or masochistic desire to martyr herself. Others consider her a woman of innate nobility and idealism, unwilling to compromise the truth as she sees it, who suffers a cruel and undeserved punishment. In either case, it is important to realize that Antigone is driven by her principles and a reasoned analysis of the situation. The positions of Antigone and Creon are opposed, but both possess the same stubborn belief in their own righteousness. Thus, on the is ...
... death due to his obsession with the witches prophecies, so in turn, the witches could be partly responsible for Macbeth's downfall. Lady Macbeth can also be held accountable for Macbeth's decline of sanity and power. Although it didn't take much, her persuasion lead to the killing of Duncan. She wanted Macbeth to take the rank of king as much as he did. Pressure from his spouse added on to all the other pressures from the prophecies, also helped tempt Macbeth to murder. Not only did her doings contribute to Macbeth's turmoil, but it also lead herself to become mad. The character most guilty of Macbeth's physical downfall would have to be Macduff ...
... to accept his death and the end of his name he wants to go out in greatness. This causes him to make the decision to kill Duncan. However where is the decency in taking another mans life for self-greatness? Macbeth feels total guilt as well as remorse. However this guilt doesn't stop him from making evil choices. He also fears his friend Banquo, a truly honorable man. Banquo is a good example of a decent man, he is both caring and a courageous friend. Do any of Macbeth's fears make him decent or gentle? Macbeth is a very brave and noble leader, but this has nothing to do with what kind of man he is. Macbeth is a very shallow and weak man who is easily in ...
... is characterized as traditionally "feminine", a helpless woman that pays no mind to political affairs. Doubting the wisdom of her sisters plan to break the law and bury Polyneices, Ismene argues: We who are women should not contend with men; we who are weak are ruled by the stronger, so that we must obey....(346) Once again Ismene's words clearly state her weak, feminine character and helplessness within her own dimensions. Antigone, not happy with her sisters response chides her sister for not participating in her crime and for her passivity, saying, " Set your own life in order"(346). For Antigone, no law could stand in the way of her strong considerat ...
... It also represents the end of Willy's career. This is brought about when Howard, Willy's boss and godson, shows the tape recorder to Willy and appe ars to be more interested in the sound and technology of the machine instead of Willy, who i s fighting for his job. Howard no longer need s Willy's services and without concern fires him. This , to Willy, was like, "eating the orange and throwing away the peel". However, Willy is partly to blame, as he does not accept change and wants to remain in the pas t. This is foreshadowed in the scene where Willy is left alone with the tape recorder and is unable to shut it off. Willy believes in using his old techniques ...
... and now you have a corrupted person who in order to change would have to step out of power and become a person who doesn't control. Nothing can really be done to sustain it or avoid it, if you take a corrupt person in power and replace a fair and just person. Sooner or later they also become corrupt. You just have to assume and hope the replacement will be a fair person. In the tradgity "Macbeth" there are many examples of corruption. When Macbeth became Thane of Cowdor his wife, Lady Macbeth, was very delighted to hear of such news. And when hearing that Duncan, the king ,would be coming to dinner at their castle, gave her an idea that maybe they need a n ...