... knows that a reality is "out there" to be defined and categorized.The hard sciences from the time of Newton and Decartes have traditionally relied on the positivistic approach.The positivist hopes to be able to approximate "reality" in a detailed generalization or theory on how reality operates.The theories of a positivist generallytake the form of cause and effect laws describing the outside reality.Robert Merton defined these theorems as "clear verifiable statements of the relationships between specified variables." 2.Epistemology. Positivism relies onan objective epistemology.The observer remains distant and does not interact with the observation or ex ...
... would. An adoption agency looks for good qualities in a foster home. Qualities such as financially security, emotional stability, and “proper” role models. Judge Judith S. Kaye wrote that “...adoption is a means of securing the best possible home for a child” (Facts on File 894). Some might argue that the child would be lacking the father in a lesbian couple and a mother in a gay couple. Sure, little Joey might not have a male role-model around the house, but all the kids raised by single mothers seem to be okay. Children who lose a parent and are raised in single parent households are not harmed. Or are they? If they are, they are affected in ju ...
... our own likes and dislikes. For instance, a person who enjoys pornographic material has the right to read or view this material if he or she enjoys this type of material. On the other hand people who feel pornographic material is obscene or offensive and do not care to partake in it do not have to view or read this type of material. This material is not being forced upon anyone. Why take away something a person enjoys if it is not hurting anyone else? What people do in the privacy of their own home is their own business. Who’s to say what a person likes or enjoys is wrong because another person does not agree. Playboy and Penthouse magazines are read and ...
... country. The country has a lot of different cultures, and not one is similar to the others. No culture is better or worse than another. USA is different from other countries because that in this country are living representatives of all cultures. It is normal to meet people from all over the world in most every city; what is not normal is the idea of understanding that a lot of people are Americans, people born and raised in the US. These citizens might not seem to be Americans, but they are as American as any American. Ronald Takaki in his essay, “An Educated and Cultural Literate Person Must Study America's Multicultural Reality”, gives an excellent example ...
... beautiful women dancing erotically. Most men already order erotic television shows and it does help keep marriages together. These adults would become better lovers to their cherished wives. Why can’t graduates have their right to fulfill their sexual fantasies? Should it not be included in the constitution. Casinos are a great money booster in some states. In Nevada all the touring comes from people who want to go to Las Vegas. They go to Las Vegas to gamble and see some Hollywood shows. Nevada is now the third richest state in the country. It is a lucrative business for the public and the private owners. So why not open casinos and gambling to a new m ...
... violence happens every day and it is tearing society apart. A lot of crimes now days are committed by kids, people under the age of 21. They do all sorts of crime, they murder one another, they steal things, they paint graffiti on the wall. Crime is worse than it ever has been. It used to be the mob that people were scared of, now it's the gangs. If you cross a member of a gang, you can bet that his friends will get you back for him. Gang wars are especially dangerous, it starts with just two people, one from one gang and one from another gang. One of them does something to the other, like stab him, and then the victim's friends will get the attacker. It c ...
... of aggression exists, for the purpose of this discussion, the definition of Gross will be used. Gross defines aggression as :-"The intentional infliction of some form of harm on others" (Gross page 444) Freud proposed that aggression is an instinctive biological urge. According to Freud this instinct, is made up of the libido (pleasure) and "Thanatos" (the death wish) (pain). This basic instinct is present in the Id from birth, at first the aggression is relatively uncontrolled, but with the development of the Ego and superego it becomes channelled into socially acceptable behaviour If these impulses are not released periodically in safe ways, they soon re ...
... the most unjust form of treatment for any animal. Humans have rights, which are protected by the bill of rights. Animals also have rights, but only animal activists protect them. Anyone knows that if groups of humans were being tortured or even killed then it would make many headlines on the evening news, and of course, it would be stopped. On a daily basis animal testing in the Proctor and Gamble laboratories does go on, and yet none of this is even mentioned on the evening news. It just continues. Although many argue that animal testing is cruel and immoral, some people find good things about it. One of them may be that if they find a certain drug that prevent ...
... is not merely opened, but participants learn how to keep it open. Gordon says that in order to learn how to listen actively, the teacher or parent must understand more about the communication process. He says that when a child decides to communicate with a parent or teacher, it is because he has a need. The child’s organism is in a state of “disequilibrium” because there is something going on inside him. He wants, or needs something. In order to bring the organism back to a state of equilibrium the child begins to talk. Gordon gives the example of hunger. When a child is hungry, he must communicate his hunger to someone else. He selects a signal he thinks r ...
... with other women. I believe the choice is heavily tied to our culture, family values, and surroundings. If all of the fish are swimming upstream, why would you want to go against your group and swim downstream? Within the lesbian community, Ponse (1978) makes reference to two groups. There are many lesbians that claim to have been "born" lesbian. To expand on this subject, one would say these women never questioned their sexual attraction. From day one, they were attracted to other women. Although this is referred to as a primary lesbian, I don’t believe it alleviates any of the stigmas or gives any more comfort or ease to the woman. The elective lesbia ...