... and wages. Anthony was a heroine in North America for her tests of the U.S. Constitution, though the right to vote was not secured until after her death. Susan B. Anthony taught school in New Rochelle and Canajoharie, NY, and discovered that male teachers were paid several times her salary. She devoted her first reform efforts to anti-slavery and to temperance. However, when she rose to speak in a temperance convention, she was told, “The sisters were not invited here to speak!” Anthony promptly enlisted in the cause of women's rights. In a lifelong partnership with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Anthony's organizational skill and selfless dedication built t ...
... Doctors say that laughing is good for your health. Violence on T.V. is a very debatable issue. Some people say that it is totally wrong and that it should be banned. Most people like the violence and find it to be very entertaining. Parents find it very hard to restrict their kids from watching violent television programs. The child would want to watch that program twice as much just because their parents said not to watch it. The child would be curious to find out what is so wrong about the program. Some people get the wrong messages or get bad ideas from watching some shows. If parents were to educate their children before watching shows like "Mighty Morphan ...
... Also important in shaping ideas about women are the debates of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Finally, the most radical theories on women, men, and patriarchy surfaced in the Enlightenment era, with the work of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Mary Wollstonecraft. During the influential account of man's downfall in the Judaic Bible, Eve, the woman is told by God, "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." The Bible was, and is still being used as a tool to justify women's traditionally inferior role in society. During biblical times a Jewish wife, often sharing her husband with many other wives, was virtua ...
... way they dress. The stereotype “hot tamale” (p178) was given to the Latin woman because the way they wear bright colors and show their body off. Unlike Americans the Latin women lives in a country that need not worry of preditorial men. In , women that wear flamboyant clothing and show too much skin are looked down upon; they are considered “easy”. Do to the bright colors, An American may think that a woman is trying to get noticed. sees both bright clothes and reveling attire and assumes the girl is a tramp. Though a Latin woman may not try to bring attention to her by the way she dresses my culture sees differently and addresses a label to those outside ...
... traced to an abundant amount of humans on Earth. On Earth we have available approximately 130 million km^2 [50.2 million mile^s2] of ice-free, fertile and barren land surface. This amount of land left i s continually being decreased because of an increase of the amount settlement. A food problem in the world can also be traced to overpopulation. The food problem is not characterized by a lack of food but a lack in quality of food. So what is the problem? What are the facts? The United Nations estimates that the population of the Earth in 2050 could be between 7.7 to 11.2 billion people. If there is a problem, what can be done about it? "Man treats his na ...
... the availability of the weapons with fire and the homicides are the fact that the weapons with fire are more fatal than the others weapons and, consequently, more likely to cause a death when ways in fact and flights are made. This explanation is very valid and it is exposed further in the section entitled " the attacks perpetrated with a weapon with fire and the probability that they will involve serious wounds and deaths ". Another reason for which the weapons with fire perhaps facilitate the perpetration of the crimes of violence is that they constitute an impersonal means and " clean " to cause an injury with another person while being held with a certain ...
... as control shown over someone's mind by another person. This form of slavery digs deep into a person's psyche and changes them, for the better or the worse. In Huckleberry Finn, Huck is psychologically held by his drunken, abusive father, Pap. Pap is illiterate and oppressive and threatens to Huck that he will "take some of these frills out o' you before I'm done with you" (20) because he suspects Huck of putting on airs and thinking he's better then his father. Pap treats Huck very badly, but since he is Huck's father, Huck figures there is nothing he can do. This is evident when Pap first comes back and demands money from Huck so he can get whiskey, "Say how ...
... in Connecticut and buy some M rated video games. You know why? No one cares anymore. They're as desensitized as we are, and that's a good thing. It is a sad fact that we find violence so entertaining, but hell, it is. I freaking love to see movies where there are more scenes of mindless violence than there are actual scenes of acting. These movies are aimed at the lowest common denominator because intelligent movie goers are as extinct as the Dodo bird. Movies like Showgirls make more money than Panther because they are more fun, not because they are better. It will always be this way. The government should not, and can not, keep us from seeing what we want to see. ...
... today. Smoking has been a part of history and is dated back to the Indians. It was not until recently that smokers were aware or were concerned about the risks of smoking. Consequently, people began taking action toward the cigarette companies and the risks of smoking. The cigarette companies began printing the Surgeon General’s warnings on the packages. An action the people have taken against the tobacco companies is law suits. The industry always had such a powerful defense helping them win so many suits. Their defense was that smokers assumed the risks of smoking and should bear the responsibility for it. The people were not having much luck in their f ...
... 206). The Romans went as far as to sell "guaranteed" and "not guaranteed" slaves to the equivalent of buying a car "as is". Slaves were dealt in outrages numbers, "Delos, a major trade center, could handle 10,000 slaves a day in its market" (Spielvogal 118). The treatment of Roman slaves is hard to generalize. Stories of kind treatment and even times slaves would fight to defend their owners are numerous. Then there are those cases of horrendous treatment towards slaves, torture, abuse, hard labor. These treatments drove several slaves to runaway and even revolt and kill their masters. "Slaves were branded, beaten, fed inadequately, worked in chains, and hou ...