... it is for readily available in the south western states and in areas where it is used in ceremony. Mescaline carries a wide margin for dosage error and has little or no withdraw effects, although the dangers do increase with higher dosages. A light dose (100-200mg) can give the user feelings of giddiness or anxiety, and a moderate dose of Mescaline (200-300mg) begins to impair the senses. Strong doses (300-500mg) will induce hallucinations and effect the user's perceptions of color, time, and space. Heavy does of Mescaline (500-700mg) and frequent use of mescaline will cause symptoms of schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and may be fatal. At any point the user m ...
... Your brain processes this information so that you see the apple, and the rest of the world, in 3-D. You can look around objects, too -if the apple is blocking the view of an orange behind it, you can just move your head to one side. The apple seems to "move" out of the way so you can see the orange or even the back of the apple. If that seems a bit obvious, just try looking behind something in a regular photograph! You can't, because the photograph can't reproduce the infinitely complicated waves of light reflected by objects; the lens of a camera can only focus those waves into a flat, 2-D image. But a hologram can capture a 3-D image so lifelike that yo ...
... level. As aging membranes leak during this lipid degeneration, a fatty, brown pigment known as lipofuscin accumulates. As this happens, the mitochondria, or the “powerhouse of the cell” begins to break down, thereby decreasing the amount of energy that is being supplied to the cell. This cellular degeneration may be set into action by highly reactive chemicals known as free radicals. These molecules have an unpaired electron in the outermost valence shell. This causes the molecule to grab electrons from other molecules, setting into motion a chain reaction that destabilizes them, and causes death of the cell. These free radicals are the normal by-produc ...
... work. This section will address each of these reported negative side-effects. Various studies have claimed that cannabis destroys brain cells. However, several other studies found no structural or neurochemical atrophy in the brain at all. Furthermore, it should be noted that Heath's work was sharply criticized for avoiding safeguards of bias and reporting "changes" that occur normally in the mammalian brain. Wu et al. found a correlation between cannabis use and low sperm counts in human males. This is misleading because a decrease in sperm count has not been shown to have a negative effect on fertility and because the sperm count returns to normal after cannab ...
... Although you know all this is going on, you are unable to see and hear anything because you are only concerned about the opposing team. If you do tune into a certain person this may be considered selective attention. Selective attention is the focusing on conscious awareness on a particular stimulus. (Reference) This means that at any moment we focus our awareness only on a limited aspect of all that we are capable experiencing. When I use selective attention my attention is on the coach and other players on the field. The coach or my teammates may be telling me something important about what I should do, or a player I should watch out for. My attentio ...
... of the project was to produce a practical military weapon in the form of a bomb in which the energy would be released by a fast neutron chain reaction in one or more of the materials known to show nuclear fission. That goal was to be completed in 1945 after the U.S.A. spent over 6.7 Billion Dollars on the test bomb named the "Trinity". I t was dropped on Alagormado in Texas on July 16th 1945. When Albert Einstein heard about the "Trinity" he called the president directly and asked for a halt on all atomic bomb projects for he did not want to hurt anyone with his discovery. But when spies reported the Germans working on such a project the Manhatten project was co ...
... to spread evenly over the entire ball. This is just like Earth and the sun. The earth’s shape makes the light amount about even, for example, at 40%S and 40%N latitude because the rays sort of fan out from the equator. While the earth is revolving around the sun, it is also rotating on it’s own axis. One full rotation equals one day or twenty- four hours. At the middle of the day, noon, the sun is as direct as it can be, and this is also the hottest time of the day. But, when Earth makes one half turn, it changes to night when all of the air cools off, because the sun is on the opposite side of the earth. Without night, Earth would become unbearably ...
... is very hard because of its dense packing and interlocking atomic arrangement. Graphite, on the other hand, although it is the same element, is more loosely packed and has a six-sided, layered configuration, which makes it soft (Pough, 1991). The differences between graphite and are accounted for by the conditions in which they are created. form over long periods of time, between 100 km and 200 km below the surface. At this great depth, carbon gets a chance to cool very gradually, forming diamond crystals. When volcanic eruptions occur, magma carries the up to the surface of the earth. Kimberlite lavas carrying erupt at anywhere between 10 and 30 km/hour an ...
... care for depression. Tens of thousands of people out of the 15 million attempts to commit suicide because of depression and about 16,000 of those people succeed. Depression loosely defined is a disorder marked by a state of deep and pervasive sadness, dejection and hopelessness, accompanied by feeling of fatigue apathy, and low self-worth (Bourne and Russo 1998 p. A-24). Though that seems like a very comprehensive definition it is characterized by many different symptoms to combine to one effect on the psyche. Depression itself is not only widespread but also associated with many other psychological conditions, with many physical diseases, and most ce ...
... think that the AIDS epidemic is having a profound impact on many aspects of medicine and health care. The U.S. Public Health Service estimates that in 1993, the lifetime cost of treating a person with AIDS from infection to death is approximately $119,000. Outpatient care, including medication, visits to doctors, home health aids, and long-term care, accounted for approximately 32 percent of the total cost. Persons exposed to may have difficulty in obtaining adequate health-insurance coverage. Yearly AZT expenses can average approximately $6,000, although in 1989 the drug's maker did offer to distribute AZT freely to -infected children. The yearly ex ...