... sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed, all life on Earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiation. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of all life. Global warming is the predicted result of the greenhouse effect, created by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere. The increase in these gases is thought to be caused by industrialization, especially by the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These gases act much like the glass in the greenhouse: They let sunlight in and keep the heat from escaping. As these gases increase in our atmosphere, concern has grown that temperatures will increa ...
... Wolf, Emperor Penguin, Koala, Reticulated Giraffe, Snowy Owl, and unfortunately hunderds of more. The death of these animals each year are all different and sometimes so simple. There are two different kinds of causes that drastically cut Down the number of these endangered species: Direct Causes Direct Causes is when the animals are purposely hunted, trapped, fished, whaled, or seled to extinction. Hunting for sport has been responsible for endangering such animals as the Polar Bear and the Siberian Tiger. But the endangerment of most species that are hunted or trapped today results mainly of commercial activities. Among the animals that have become endangered f ...
... of coal has greatly reduced the occurrence of industrial smog. However, the burning of fossil fuels like gasoline can create another atmospheric pollution problem known as photochemical smog. Photochemical smog is a condition that develops when primary pollutants (oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds created from fossil fuel combustion) interact under the influence of sunlight to produce a mixture of hundreds of different and hazardous chemicals known as secondary pollutants. Development of photochemical smog is typically associated with specific climatic conditions and centers of high population density. Cities like Los Angeles, New York, Sydne ...
... of these were located in Florida. Most were out of doors and subject to the rigors of the weather. Poor construction techniques and operating practices caused many of them to be unsuccessful and production inconsistent. How is the quality of the food today affected by the methods of Hydroponics of today? Body The growing media that is used for gardening greatly effects the production of the plants. If sand is used as a medium it should be tested thoroughly for any residue that might cause infected growing medium. The sand should be cleaned at least every three of four weeks. Leaching is also a major step, it is to be ...
... those who used unsterilized intravenous needles to inject drugs; hemophiliacs (persons with a blood-clotting disorder) and others who had received blood transfusions; females whose male sexual partners had AIDS; and the children of parents with AIDS. However since 1989, heterosexual sex was found to be the fastest growing means of transmission of the virus, with 90 percent of the new cases coming from heterosexual sex. How AIDS Is Spread AIDS is transmitted by direct contact of the bloodstream with body fluids that contains the AIDS virus, particularly blood and semen from an HIV-infected person. The virus is usually transmitted through v ...
... the phenomenon in which an object seems to be moved by the mind alone. The mover does not touch the object which can be living or non living. This is called psychokinesis or PK. There are three accepted types of ESP, clairvoyance, precognition,and telepathy. Clairvoyance is the extra sensory perception of events that are taking place at the exact time of the perception, but the sensor cannot know of these events through any of the five senses. Precognition is the extra sensory perception of events in the future. And finally, telepathy is the extra sensory perception of someone elses mental state. For centuries, stories about ESP sounded suspicious to ...
... Big Brother is Watching You! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Brother's Guide to School The Dreaded Reports actual examples........... START OF FILE -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INVENTIONS OF THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY The art of inventing has been around since remedies have been needed and solutions have been required to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. From the time our forefathers colonized the shores of a new land, up till the time of the modern day super- ...
... Minerals are formed in a positive response to their environment, most of them to deep for an observer. Environments in which minerals are formed far beneath the earths surface are plutonic igneous, pegmatitic, hot temperature vein, moderate temp. vein, low temp. vein, and a metamorphic environment. Environments in which minerals form near the earths surface are groundwater, weathering, and sedimentary. Minerals are divided into groups on the basis of their composition. About one third of all mineral belong to the group silicates. Other groups are carbonates they includes calcite, oxide which includes magnetite, sulfides which includes pyrite, halides which i ...
... very slight and often overlooked. They begin as simple things, such as tripping or dropping things. Twitching or cramping of muscles and abnormal fatigue of the arms and legs may soon follow, causing difficulty in daily activities, such as walking or dressing. In more advanced stages, however, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing and swallowing ensue, until the body is completely taken over by the disease. Intellect, eye motion, bladder function, and sensation are the only abilities spared. Where and how this deadly disease originated is unknown, but it was first identified in 1869, by the noted French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. is not cont ...
... as a YF-16 prototype back in 1972. It made it’s first official flight on February 2, 1974. A level speed of Mach 2 at 40,000 ft was attained on March 11, 1974. The production F-16A differed from the YF-16 in having a 13-inch fuselage extension to hold more fuel and the Westinghouse APG-66 radar. The wing area was increased by 20 square feet and an additional underwing hardpoint was fitted. The first YF-16 was brought out on December 13, 1973 to make its first test flight at Fort Worth and was air freighted by C-5A to Edwards AFB on January 8, 1974. It was an unintended short hop around the pattern on January 21, 1974 at the hands of the test ...