... that a certain outside excitation causes an electron to jump from one orbit to another. It is then in an unstable environment causing it to fall back into its original orbit. This process releases energy, and if it is in the visible part of the spectrum, we have a transient light phenomenon. Ultra-violet light is an exciting agent which causes luminescence to occur. There are many materials which exhibit fluorescent characteristics. Many of which are even organic. Teeth, eyes, some portions of the skin, and even blood exhibit fluorescent qualities. Naturally occurring minerals such as: agate, calcite, chalcedony, curtisite, fluorite, gypsum, hackmanite, hal ...
... of the polar ice caps and hence a major rise in sea level, along with other severe environmental agitation. An example of a runaway greenhouse effect is Earth's near-twin planetary neighbor Venus. Because of Venus's thick CO2 atmosphere, the planet's cloud-covered surface is hot enough to melt lead. Water vapor is an important "greenhouse" gas. It is a major reason why humid regions experience less cooling at night than do dry regions. However, variations in the atmosphere's CO2 content are what have played a major role in past climatic changes. In recent decades there has been a global increase in atmospheric CO2, largely as a result of the burning o ...
... Acid rain causes acidification of lakes, streams, and other bodies of water. Because many lakes and streams suffer from chronic acidity (a condition which water has a constant low pH level) this makes them susceptible to acid rain because of their limited ability to neutralize acidic compounds. This results in many lakes and streams being completely dead of fish and all other living things. Acid rain also greatly contributes to forest degradation, even more so to high-elevated trees, it also impairs the tree growth. Acid rain effects forest soil. As acid moves through soils, it strips away vital plant nutrients through chemical reaction, resulting in a threat to ...
... produced by the natural, or sometimes deliberate, splitting of a single embryo. Members of a clone are genetically identical and genetic identity has given cloning an additional more technical meaning: namely the procedures used to create a new organism whose genetic constitution is a replica of another existing individual. Such a feat can be achieved by substituting the nucleus, which contains the genes, from one of the cells making up that individual's body, for the nucleus of a fertilised egg. Since our genes dictate to a large extent what we look like, how we behave and what we can and cannot do, having identical genes, as identical twins do, ensures ...
... 1). Many soldiers in the Vietnam War encountered repeatedly. Their lives revolved around the 55-gallon drums, which once were filled with an extremely harmful herbicide. Unaware of the possible consequences, many soldiers built showers and hibachis out of these discarded drums (Doyle, 139). They also used the barren drums to store potatoes and watermelons (Doyle, 139). One man described to his wife how they would bathe and swim in water contaminated with because their superior said it was safe (Brooks, 2). “After the LZ was sprayed, we walked around the perimeter, strung barbed wire all around it, and this stuff [] was blowing all over the place. M ...
... into the carpet, thus completing the circuit. AMAZING ELECTRONIC FACT: If you scuffed your feet long enough without touching anything, you would build up so many electrons that your finger would explode! But this is nothing to worry about... unless you have carpeting. Although we modern persons tend to take our electric lights, radios, mixers, etc. for granted. Hundreds of years ago people did not have any of these things, which is just as well because there was no place to plug them in. Then along came the first Electrical Pioneer, Benjamin Franklin, who flew a kite in a lightning storm and received a serious electrical shock. This proved that lightning wa ...
... This science is widespread throughout the world and pops up in many different cultures. "Scientific methodology in this field dates from the foundation in London of the Society for Psychical Research (1882) which sought to distinguish psychic phenomena from spiritism and to investigate mediums and their activities." (http://wheel.ucdavis.edu) The research started over one hundred years ago and their goal was to understand why unexplainable phenomena was occurring. "Modern experiments, notably at Duke University under Joseph Banks Rhine, in Britain at the Society for Psychical Research and in Russian research labs, have concentrated principally on extrase ...
... completely calm and is not windy at all. Cyclone Tracy was the most destructive cyclone recorded to hit Australia since white settlement in 1788 (the Bathurst Bay killed 300 people but didn't reach land). Cyclone Tracy hit the coastal city of Darwin on Christmas Day 1974. Although people had warning on New Year's Day about Cyclone Tracy, they were busy preparing for Christmas and thought that the cyclone would pass away just like Cyclone Selma had done three weeks before. Cyclone Tracy came roaring down the Arafura Sea (where most the develop in that area) and was on track to bypass Darwin but changed direction 900 past Melville Island and straight towards the ...
... may take a week to digest a housefly, and when the trap reopens, the shriveled shell of the insect is left behind. A trap may catch and digest up to three insects, after which the leaf turns black. Older leaves blacken and die regardless of how many insects are caught and the plant continually sends out new leaves during the growing season. Venus flytraps usually grow along the dampish edges of sandy, wet bogs or fens. The plant begins its growth each spring, sending out a resette of small leaves. Usually the plant flowers around April or May. Summer arrives and the plant produces its larger leaves, often on upright petrels. Some plants remain rosetted all season. W ...
... begin suddenly, with a sharp, sever pain in the chest which may radiate to the left arm and shoulder. Other symptoms may include restlessness and confusion; the skin may be cold and clammy, dyspnea, cyanosis, a drop in blood pressure, and a drop in body temperature. A rapid and irregular pulse may also be a sign of a resent MI. In the beginning of the twentieth century, bedrest was the only thing that could be done for heart attacks. Then nitroglycerin was found to restore coronary circulation and relieve the pain. Digitalis was found effective for treating abnormal heart rhythms and diuretics were found effective to remove water, which reduced hypertension. Wit ...