... unreasonable risks to human health or the environment. When a pesticide is eligible for reregistration, EPA announces this and explains why in a Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) document. This fact sheet summarizes the information in the RED document for reregistration case 3083, limonene. Use Profile Limonene is a naturally occurring chemical which is used in many food products, soaps and perfumes for its lemon-like flavor and odor. Limonene also is a registered active ingredient in 15 pesticide products used as insecticides, insect repellents, and dog and cat repellents. Pesticide products containing limonene are used for f ...
... stroma and like the chloroplast, the mitochondrion is a semi-autonomous organelles containing the machinery for the production of some of its own proteins. The main function of the mitochondrion is the oxidation of the pyruvate derived from glycolysis and related processes to produce the ATP required to perform cellular work.(Campbell 182-9) Pyruvate, or fatty acids from the breakdown of triglycerides or phospholipids, pass easily through pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane made up of a channel protein called porin. The inner membrane is a more significant barrier and specific transport proteins exist to carry pyruvate and fatty acids into the matrix. ...
... mass. So concentrated, that no object can escape its gravitational pull. In other words, once you get caught by it’s graviational pull, you aren’t getting out again. The velocity you need to break away from a graviational pull is called the "escape velocity". Roughly, earth’s escape velocity is about 25,000 M.P.H. (11.2 kilometers/second). Earth’s mass is nothing compared to the mass of a star that has the potential to become a black hole. A black hole has so much mass in such a small area, that its escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. So if were all living on earth, and earth was a black hole, we would need to go at the speed of l ...
... clouds to form nitric acid. One of the most serious impacts of acid precipitation is on forests and soils. A lot of damages are being done when the sulphuric acid falls onto the earth as rain. All the nutrients in the soils are washed away making it hard for some plants to grow. The presence of nitrogen oxide and nitric oxide also can force trees to grow even though they do not have the necessary nutrients. The trees are sometimes forced to grow during late autumn when it is actually the time for them to prepare for severe winter weather. One of the direct effects of acid rain is on lakes and the whole aquatic ecosystems. There are several ways the acidic ...
... Though recovered patients pose no serious threat, the virus is present up to 7 weeks after being treated. Vomit and diarrhea contain the infected blood and mucus so any contact with this, e.g. in poor drinking water can cause contraction of the virus. Luckily enough Ebola is not airborne and in some cases due to its self-limiting nature, it has been known to die out within a person before killing the host. In one case when a Swiss researcher found the Ebola Tai virus, she contracted it from a chimpanzee. This was during an investigation into the spur of deaths among them at the time. To this day, there is still no evidence as to what host carried the virus ...
... state of inflammation. It is th chronic state of inflammation that is always destructive to tissues and is equated to disease.(2) When repair is successful, inflammation becomes a limited phenomena. Some conditions such as asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, osteoarthritis, peptic ulcers, and psoriasis comprise examples of perpetual or chronic inflammation.(3) It is these chronic conditions, hallmarked by pain and fatigue, that eventually lead to loss of function. The treatment that millions of people turn to each year is Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID's). However, long-term therapy has revealed an alarming ...
... from exercise than a natural athlete, so they can return to the gym sooner for another workout. So that means less work equals more muscle gain, compared to working out normally with no supplement. Who wouldn’t want that? Think about all the pain you wouldn’t have to go through doing all those reps. With a performance enhancing drug, you could do even less, get the same results and even better. Today more than ever, performance enhancing drugs and supplements are being abused. It is estimated that 99% of all professional bodybuilders are using steroids, or some type of performance enhancing drug. Many people are drawn to these “bulking up drugs” ...
... a gentlemanly society to China. The core of Confucianism concerned social structure. Confucius taught that a man should respect and obey those of higher rank than himself, whether they be the father of a family, or the emperor of a nation. But even with absolute obedience, Confucianists believed that men should practice restraint and benevolence in those inferior to them. At the same time, those in high status were expected to lead virtuous lives, and to set examples for those that followed them. Confucianists believed that the moral code of man was set down by heaven, and if those in positions of authority did not set good examples, then they would deposed by ...
... predators. Wald noted that research is ongoing in growing agricultural products directly in the laboratory using genetically engineered bacteria. Genetically engineered animals are being developed as living factories for the production of pharmaceuticals and as sources of organs for transplantation into humans in the United States and abroad. Fish are being genetically engineered to grow larger and at a faster rate. According to U.S. News and World Report, many pharmaceutical drugs, including insulin, are already genetically engineered in the laboratory. Many enzymes used in the food industry, including rennet used in cheese production, are also available in ...
... which block the salmon's path back to their breeding grounds. The salmon go back to the same areas, just as their ancestors did, to lay their eggs. The hydropower plant's turbines are also very dangerous to young salmon. Many of them are killed by the giant turbines on their way back to the ocean. Killing off many of the salmons new generation. Pollution is also a killer of many Chinook salmon. Pollution caused by sewage, farming, grazing, logging and mining find it's way into our waters. These harmful substances kill many species of fish and other marine life. The Chinook salmon is no exception. The chemicals are dumped into the rivers and streams an ...