... that extra-terrestrials do visit Earth. Burnt grass, cattle mutilations, capturing aliens, photographs, strange powder; all this evidence is presented in the movie. Unfortunately, most of it is incomplete, and there is nothing that could explain the sightings, besides, incredible film techniques and mysterious music highlights the obvious bias of the movie. On the other hand, 96 per cent of all the sightings can be explained by today’s science, that are identified as Venus, the Moon, reflections of light, electric charges, and weather balloons. The remaining 4 per cent maybe flying saucers which scientists deny the idea. Truly, if we think about the unimagin ...
... however; I recognize that our nation is experiencing a health crisis. What we need to do (both parents and students) is encourage the introduction of a new school program, which develops and maintains cardio-respiratory efficiency, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. This program must be for everyone, not just the elite athlete. We need a program that encourages a positive attitude towards personal fitness by meeting the needs and interests of all students. Most importantly, the program must be fun. By providing a series of planned activities on a daily basis, we can be sure to see a dramatic increase in physical fitness. Furthermor ...
... to prevent exposure, we can clarify myths and facts, and send our children into the world with knowledge, and some control over their fears. Teaching our children about the basics of the disease can help to reduce their fears. AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is the final stage of a disease which causes an abnormal reduction in the body’s natural ability to fight disease and infection. Because of this, most people who contract AIDS will eventually die due to “AIDS related causes.” This can occur in a period anywhere from 5-15 years after exposure to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the cause of AIDS. So far, no “cure” ...
... citizen. They do not settle for what the rest of the world is following or brainwashed into doing. Hackers thrive off curiosity, and have an unsatisfying hunger for knowledge. The word impossible or access denied does not exist in a hacker’s vocabulary. They can access anything and everything that is kept in a computer. Particularly when a price has been placed on knowledge and information. Why should only a select few have leisure of knowing what the rest of the public does not? Knowledge is and should always remain free. A hacker will share his knowledge, encourage it to be reproduced and distributed. Hacking is a skill that takes years and years and t ...
... of the situation and the need to act in states of uncertainty. The effects of national stress situations on children were, mainly, diagnosed by Anna Freud and Dorothy Birlingham (1942), at the time of the Blitz in England, by Kleiman (1968) and Kleiman (1975) regarding the murder of President Kennedy in the United States of America. In Israel it was executed by Ziv et al (Ziv, Krogalensky and Shulman, 1972; Ziv and Israeli 1973), who examined the level of stress with children of bombarded settlements. Freud and Birlingham found that children who were disconnected from their families and had been evacuated to safe places out of London developed a higher level of anx ...
... was twenty seconds left in the game with the pitiful Bruins down 5-2 when the assistant coach of the Bruins Jacques Laperriere sent the “tough guy” on the ice to send a message to the Canucks that the Bruins will never quite no matter what the score or time. McSorley was all ready aggravated form a fight that took place earlier on in the game with McSorley on the losing end of the battle with Donald Brashear. Marty McSorley knew that the Bruins were not going to win, so there was nothing else to lose. With three seconds left in the lop sided game, McSorley approached Brashear on the Canucks blue line and gave him a two handed chop across his head with his sti ...
... with madness and will address how society in South Africa understands “madness”. My first experience with madness was a highly traumatic event, when my older cousin of a few years attempted to kill himself. My cousin was diagnosed as having a chemical imbalance in his brain and suffering from manic depression. In order to help him the doctors advised him to stay in Tara, a psychiatric clinic, for a few months with therapy and medication providing him with the help he needed. All my family has been able to do is provide the much needed support, love and encouragement as the nature of my cousins “madness” are feelings of worthlessness, hopef ...
... comeback. In 2020, “the year of the baggy pants”, the pants will basically look the same as they did in the 1990s, although, the color will be very different. Colors will range from Tropicana orange to puke green. And will be worn as a sign of individual freedom. A lonesome teenager will enter a thrift store in search of clothes for “Nineties Day” at school. The teenager will stumble upon some baggy pants, just like the ones worn now, and buy them for his or her outfit. The pants will be a huge hit, forcing fashion designers to rush to the sewing machine, or some other new sewing invention, and produce as many as possible. They will be ...
... browser icon should say “Internet Explorer,” “Netscape,” or “The Internet.” Once you have located the icon, double click it (click twice with the primary mouse button). This should bring up a “Dial-up Networking” window with “username” and “password” spaces. Type in the username and password that your ISP gave you. As soon as all the data is entered, click the “Connect” button at the bottom of the window. It should take about one minute before a window pops up with a timer telling you how long you have been connected. This is important so if you have a limited number of hours ...
... cologne in front of a patients nose, and the patient dreamt that he was in Cairo acting as a sort of "Zorro" type hero on an adventure. Then he placed a drop of water on the patient's forehead, and the patient dreamt he was in Italy, and sweating violently while drinking Orvieto wine. So this would be one theory to how dreams come about. However, Freud pondered the question of "why do we have dreams if there is no external stimuli present?" Thus, he concluded that if there is no external stimuli then the dreamer must receive stimulus from an internal force, such as our inner most desire, wishes, fears, and problems. Such emotions are called latent dreams thought, as ...