... the river before I left for college, I found many rocks within my size range. I couldn't decide which one I should pick, but then on the side of the muddy bank, partly submerged in the water, lay a shinny, sandy, orange stone. It called out for me to pick it to take home instead of the others, like a puppy does from a pet store window. When I held the rock in my hands, I knew it was the one I wanted, and the rock that I needed. Now as for a name. That was easy. How does one name his cat or dog, bird or fish? Every pet has a name, so they're not so hard to come with. I picked "Sparky". Some people may be thinking, "A rock....what kind of a companion can a r ...
... women who question their sexual identity, the more familial/professional commitments they have, the more difficult it becomes for them to explore the possibility that they may be homosexual. Other factors may also inhibit their identity formation process. These include religious beliefs, fear of rejection from family, and fear of homophobia from friends and cowoorkers. p. 2 Research is indicating that women who come out as lesbians in their middle adulthood go through a ‘second childhood’. These women go through Erickson’s ‘identity consolidation vs. identity con ...
... interested in a very different approach to society. An idea in the article “Practical Solipsism” reads: “Solipsism - the idea that only I exist and that you, and all other material things in the world are mere figments of my imagination - is one of those peculiar notions that make everybody realize just how barmy philosophers truly are.” Philosophy is often translated as the love of wisdom or the love of truth. One way to get a vague idea as to what philosophy is about is to dissect the subject and investigate its skeleton. there are many branches in philosophy. Metaphysics is”(after- physics, after Aristotle's book of physics.)”, and has questions ...
... school and the community. It would also be very helpful to this girl who is infected to be “let in” for once. Not only the girl has fear but her family has fear too. Fear that people will find out and know. As a suriviving sister was furios with her parents because they would not acknowledge to anyone that her brother had AIDS. They told everyone he died from a brain tomor.# This is very important because the last few moments of this girls life should be delightful, not humiliating. Bringing an infected person to the community will be good for it. Over 35,000 people die from AIDS* whic means they have to live somewher, why not here? Imagine the h ...
... it. After the cover has been cleared of water and debris, you can begin to remove the pool cover. Start at one end of the pool; begin by removing the sandbags that were used to hold down the cover during the winter. Use caution when lifting the sandbags and remember to bend at the knees when lifting the sandbags. Have two people assist you with the pool cover. Have one on each side of the cover so they can pull and fold the cover as you remove the sandbags, working your way to the other end of the pool. Now that you have the cover removed, you can check the pool's water pump, filter, and waterlines. Look the pump over thoroughly; making sure that there are ...
... competition. This will be the yardstick by which the company Microsoft will be measured. Since the 1980’s, Microsoft has held a virtual stronghold on the operating system market. Beginning with MS-DOS (disk operating system), and culminating with Windows 95/98, Microsoft has become an integral part of society. Its software not only includes the Windows operating systems, but spreadsheets, word-processing programs, databases, and reference works. Microsoft programs run on a great percentage of all the computers in the world. We rely upon them to sort, send, and receive information in school, business, and even our personal lives. The Microsoft Network provide ...
... comprehending the behavior of friends, as well as of ourselves, enables us to have empathy and compassion for them. And, allows us not to stand in judgment, which, in turn, allows us to live the moral, noble lives that Socrates spoke of. Another belief of Socrates that supports his view is the idea that evil derives from ignorance and the failure to investigate or explore peoples actions. I believe this to be true, also. This idea also supports his beliefs on death. Socrates was not well liked because he explored his ignorance, and was eventually put to death because of it. Marie Curie once said, "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to ...
... second and third degree sprain and strains, and debilitating injuries. In the reaction to the injury itself, there is a primary reaction followed by a secondary reaction. With this ankle sprain, a common primary reaction is that of fear. This athlete can be afraid of many things ranging from them never getting better to never getting to play again to being afraid of the unknown. In order to conquer this fear the athletic trainer needs to help reassure the athlete about their injury. This can be done by presenting the truth about the injury and rehab process in a manner they can understand and gaining the athlete’s trust in the athletic trainer. A commo ...
... I recommend one from the Chilton’s Automotive Guide series. These guides are available for almost any car, so finding one for your project should not be a problem. They feature blown up diagrams of the complicated systems of the car like the distributor, under-dash wiring, and engine internals. This can be very helpful in those frustrating times when there are parts strewn from wall to wall in no particular order. Mine was an integral part of the process on my 1969 Chevy project. Most people who are new to the project car scene tend to begin the project with cosmetics such as paint, interior vinyl and carpeting, and chromed accessories. This will ...
... her will if needed be, because of her suicidal threats and strange behavior. He then told me that she could not held involuntarily, but if she volunteered then she could stay. Because I felt she definitely needed help, I was forced to try to convince her to volunteer. She admitted to the counselor that she wanted to die, and I felt this was reason enough to detain her. I left the hospital that night only to have my mother call me in the morning at 8:00 am to be picked up. She had not seen, been treated by, nor diagnosed by a professional Psychiatrist. I was left with the responsibility of supervising her and ensuring she did not harm herself. T ...