... Locus of Control [was found to be] complex needing further investigation" (Stuart, Borland, & McMurray, 1994, p. 1). The second article for review is titled, Sensation Seeking, Nicotine Dependence, and Smoking Motivation in Female and Male Smokers. This study was conducted using a sample of French smokers (36 F, 60 M) and non-smokers (23 F, 45 M). The goal of the experiment was to study "the relationship between sensation seeking and smoking" (p. 221). The objectives of the study was (a) to see if smokers are higher in sensation seeking than their non-smoking counterparts, (b) to see if there are any gender forces in smoking and sensation seeking, and (c) to ...
... of can resemble the sore throat caused by many viruses. In fact, most sore throats are not strep, but are merely sore throats caused by viruses. So, in order to tell if a sore throat is in fact strep, a throat culture is needed. There are a few symptoms of . First, a significant fever of about 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Second, pus, or white spots, on either or both the tonsils and throat area when the tonsils have been removed. A third symptom is swollen, tender lymph nodes in the throat area, just below the ear, where the jaw bone and neck meet. One final symptom is a feeling of being sicker than you normally would be with a cold. If you have o ...
... it is clear that a person's environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a person's mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyone's body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be ...
... experiences and weaving them into a story (Kopecky,76). Psychiatrist and philosopher Gordon Globus of the University of California at Irvine, says to determine what kinds of stories they are and to figure out what they can tell us. He says "you need to look beneath the surface of a dream to find the coherence" (78). Since 1853, when REM, or the dream state, was first recognized about thirty studies have explored gender differences in dreaming. These research studies on the gender differences in dreaming reveal some very curious observations. Women's have been found to differ from those of men in a number of areas including physical surroundings, dream charac ...
... then smoked or eaten. It causes a state of relaxation and does not produce hyperactivity or impair vision like other drugs, such as, cocaine or methanfedamines. Marijuana as opposed to cocaine and methanfedamines is not addictive. Cocaine and methanfedamines are however legal for specific medical uses. When marijuana is mentioned in emergency room episodes, it is only in conjunction with other drugs. This is because marijuana can not induce overdoses like other, more harmful drugs. Harvard psychiatrist Lester Grinspoon describes several possible benefits of marijuana which include, easing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, improving appetite of people with ...
... step is, "Make your blueprints Flexible," you should not pre-plan your child's life for them. Then he goes into the next step, which is about Contracts called, "Learn to use contracts." With this step the family makes contracts with one another and then monitors and up dates them so often. This helps with everybody holding to their end of the deal when it comes to the family issues. One of the worst steps of all is, "Stop the "Good Guy-"Bad Guy, " routine. I feel that having someone to blame for every problem that arises can devastate a child. Parents need to think about what they are going to say before they say it. The last step is, "Get rid of old emotiona ...
... direct cause of is a steady and continuing decline in the production of estrogen by aging ovaries. This decrease along with other hormonal changes has some side affects. One major consequence is vasomotor instability. Other wise known as hot flashes, these may occur when sort burst of capillary expansion that cause a warm flushed feeling around the neck or head these may last for less than a minute or more and can happened one or as many as dozen times a day. Some women after also note weakening of their bone structure or osteoporosis, which may leave them vulnerable to fracture. A great many other physical and psychological changes have been attributed to . T ...
... receptors are very likely to develop . This defect has been noted in many people with a family history of . Some other scientists have been skeptical of these findings, but we now have solid proof that a person is not always an alcoholic by choice. Predestined has been haunting society for years but it is only recently being dealt with. It is my belief however, that is indeed heredity. The evidence that is provided is simply too substantial to ignore. Family history of shows that throughout the generations there has been a steady pattern of alcoholics within families. With the new found information on dopamine and the possibilities that is has, society ca ...
... experienced only by adults. , like any illness, can strike at any age. Ten percent of the adult drinkers in the U.S. are considered alcoholics or at least experience drinking problems to some degree. Surveys have shown that more than one out of three Americans have a personal friend or relative who has had a drinking problem for ten years or longer. Almost two out of three Americans report that they know someone who drinks too much. It is estimated that there are 18 million alcoholic or problem drinkers in the U.S. For every alcoholic there are at least four other people who are affected by the alcoholic. This means that in the U.S. there are at least sevent ...
... argues that all sons unconsciously desire to kill, even if they love, their fathers. He found his own unconscious wish to murder his father in his intensive self analysis in 1897, shortly after the death of his father. Freud says it is only the male child that we find the fateful combination of love for the one parent and simultaneous hatred for the other as a rival. Freud believed Oedipal was a normal part of human psychological growth and it is during this stage children produce emotional conflicts. Other psychoanalysts believed that girls experience a parallel called the "Electra Complex". This comes from a Greek legend of a women named Electra who help ...