... to treat them. Some are: feeling sad, worried or depressed; feeling as if your life is dreary and unlikely to improve; had crying spells; become irritated over little things that didn't used to bother you; find you no longer enjoy hobbies and activities that once made you happy; feel a lack of self-confidence or feeling like a failure; lost your appetite, or are eating more than usual; have had trouble sleeping, or been sleeping too much; had trouble concentrating and making decisions; and thought about death and/or suicide. Knowing the causes for depression can help depressed people, friends, family understand how painful it is and why it's not possible to "snap ...
... cancer. These numbers are way too high especially for a supposedly educated society such as ours. Two other dangers that relate to this habit are passive smoking and underage smokers. Since 1964 there have been an estimated 3000 deaths caused by second hand smoke. This is kind of scary to me, considering how many firends that I hang out with that smoke. Another problem is that young people start smoking cigarettes way too early. Around 80% of adult smokers said that they started to smoke sometime before their 18 birth day. The reason that this is such a big problem is that nearly 3000 children between the ages of 12 and 17 become regular users each day. This i ...
... on suddenly, sometimes overnight. Symptoms of Bell's Palsy: Sudden facial paralysis of one side of the face, including muscles of eyelid. Flat expressionless features Distorted smiles and frowns Pain on the effected side of the face, ears, skull Changes in taste, salivation or tear formation Face may feel stiff and pulled to one side Headache Sensitivity to light and sound Incidence: Statistics indicate that Bell's Palsy affects approximately 2 out of 10,000 people, however, the actual incidence is likely to be much higher (around 1 out of 500 to 1,000). The disorder will effect 40,000 men and women a year, usually between the ages of 20 a ...
... ones that often daydream and are never mentally present anywhere. Typically, people with A. D. D. are very likable and are usually very emphatic, intuitive, and compassionate, however they have very unstable moods that can range from an extreme high to an extreme low instantly, for no apparent reason. Usually, they procrastinate often and have trouble finishing projects, while conversely, they can hyperfocus at times and accomplish tasks more quickly and efficiently than a normal person could. Often they have short tempers and lack the impulse to stop themselves from blowing up over minor details (Hallowell 10). Although A. D. D. has just recentl ...
... time (Crider, Goethals, Kavanaugh, & Solomon, 1989). , like other psychopathologies has many documented, and several uncertain causes. Some scientists have evidence that pregnant mothers have experienced an immune reaction that presents dangers to the unborn child. is a disorder where the body’s immune system attacks itself. is not present at birth but develops during the adolescence period or young adulthood. is a biological brain disease affecting thinking, perception, mood, and behavior. Its exact cause is unknown but overwhelming evidence points to faulty chemistry or structural abnormalities in the brain. In some cases is generic. strikes one in ...
... Spongiform encephalopathies, how it affects the ani mal, what causes the animals to contract the disease, and the recent issues of BSE in the world. I hope to set out the true facts about BSE and that it only affects a small percent of the world population. Due to the fact BSE is a new disease most of my information might be proven wrong in the future because there is a great deal of testing going on in the scientific community. They are also very concerned about this new disease and the effects it can have on humans if it is not stopped. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is not some bacteria and it is not a virus, but in fact it is an infectious protein or pri ...
... technology has simplified the abortion procedure to a few basic and safe methods. Technology, however, has also enhanced society's knowledge of the fetus. Ultrasound, fetal therapy, and amniocentesis graphically reveal complex life before birth, and it is this potential human life that is at the heart of the debate. In order to form an opinion on this matter, we must first question and define several common factors which are numerously debated. I. When does human life begin? Scientists identify the first moment of human life as that instant when a sperm cell unites with an ovum or egg cell. The billions of cells that collectively make up a human be ...
... above twenty-five thousand. Unmarried women are four to five times more likely to abort than married and the abortion rate has doubled for 18 and 19 year olds. Recently the U.S. rate dropped 6 percent overall but the rate of abortion among girls younger than 15 jumped 18 percent. The rate among minority teens climbed from 186 per 1,000 to 189 per 1,000. The most popular procedure involved in abortions is the vacuum aspiration which is done during the first trimester (three months or less since the women has become pregnant). A tube is simply inserted through the cervix and the contents of the uterus are vacuumed out. The most commonly used type of second trimes ...
... make the world go around! Politically women’s health care system is crap. Women fight and struggle with it everyday. Women are more prone for health care just for the single reason of being a woman. So do you think that the system would give women a break? Of course not, "Because women use the system more often, we should pay higher insurance premiums." "’Poor women and women of color are liabilities, while insured women are ‘markets’ and ‘billable’ resources." "doctors accuse ‘poor’ women of not taking proper care of ourselves or our children, or they see drug use and depression in ‘poor’ families as individual, preventable failures of ch ...
... in young people, increased drug use, and availability of firearms. Gender also plays an important role. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, four times as many men, as women, complete . Women are about two to three times as likely to try to kill themselves, as men. It is believed that more men succeed in committing because they are more deliberate in their intentions, they tend to use more lethal methods to kill themselves, and are less likely to talk to anyone about their plan. There are several factors, which place individuals at a higher risk for . Psychologic autopsy studies have shown that 90% of the completed s are related to psychiatr ...