... by saying "He's (Clinton) better off than he was four years ago". Although it cracked a few laughs, it showed how little respect he has for Clinton and how desperate he is getting to resort to such cheesy remarks. The first several minutes of the debate had Clinton summarizing all that he has done in the past four years such as 10.5 million more jobs, the Brady Bill, and Family, Medical, and educational bills. In turn Dole complains that the United States has stagnant wages, and that 40% of wages are spent on taxes. On the topic of drug use in the United States Clinton claimed that cocaine use decreased 30% and crime decreased as well. Dole soon reacted by ...
... child," usually because she is obedient, compliant, and a good student. Although most teenagers experience some feelings of youthful rebellion, persons with anorexia usually do not outwardly exhibit these feelings, tending instead to be childish in their thinking, in their need for parental approval, and in their lack of independence. Psychologists theorize that the patient's desire to control her own life manifests itself in the realm of eating--the only area, in the patient's mind, where she has the ability to direct her own life. In striving for perfection and approval, a person with anorexia may begin to diet in order to lose just a few pounds. Dieting ...
... issue for politicians to back. To oppose such legislation seemed to be political suicide, so most politicians backed the initiative. Although many civil liberties groups opposed such mandatory sentencing measures there was little they could in the face of tremendous voter approval. Many voters did not realize that this bill could put potentially incarcerate people for ludicrous amounts after the commission of a minor offense. Even more voters did not realize the cost of implementing such a bill. Now that this new legislation has been in effect for a year and the tremendous negative effects it have become obvious we must repeal it. One of the issues that must b ...
... believe that minorities are still disadvantaged and that it is "absolutely necessary to level the playing field" (Wilkins 334). They believe that minorities will never be given a fair chance at college unless diversity is forced upon the campus. Proponents also argue that affirmative action is the best solution to past discrimination and color- blindness, and that without affirmative action the gaps between our races will never close. Although these arguments may have positive aspects such as creating a multicultural campus, affirmative action's many faults cause more problems than are solved. The leading problem with these ideas on affirmative action ...
... in place the federal government could insist on guaranteed assistance and protections for recipients. Her fears about what would happen to poor children when states were no longer required to provide the modest assurances and protections we insisted on in waiver demonstrations led her to resign after President Clinton signed the welfare bill (Bane). The reform takes away national level responsibilities and puts the money and responsibility into the individual states. A good amount of flexibility is provided, which may or may not result in a positive manner. For instance, they money could be used on the work reform and job preparation, while others could fi ...
... wrote the story Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he portrayed man’s evil nature as a portion of his total makeup, and showed that the evil portion will often express itself more forcefully and powerfully than do the other aspects. Throughout life, a person can develop a sense of the conflict that actually involves one’s good and evil natures. Often a person’s current actions reflect their childhood experiences. Jekyll, described by Stevenson, born wealthy, grew up handsome, honorable, and distinguished. Yet, throughout much of his life, he commits secret acts which he thoroughly regrets. Early in Jekyll’s development, Stevenson had him recognize a “profou ...
... cause thousands of accidental deaths a year. To be exact “Guns annually accidentally kill three thousand Americans a year” (Desuka 422). Some of these guns that accidentally kill are in a home because they are collected as a hobby. Collecting guns is a dangerous hobby that can have a disastrous outcome. For the same reasons the government does not allow a person to collect nuclear bombs they should not let people collect handguns. Just because a nuclear bomb would kill thousands of people if accidentally set off, and a gun usually only kills one does not mean the government should allow people to collect handguns and automatic weapons. Moreover, guns that acc ...
... as a product of authority. Had they lived in an anarchist community, irrational behavior would not be present because all people are good and equal. The philosophy of has theoretical roots in two English philosophers: Gerrard Winstanley and William Godwin. Winstanley was a 17th-century agrarian reformer who believed that land should be divided among all the people. Godwin, on the other hand argued that authority is unnatural and that social evils arise and exist because people are not free to live their lives according to the dictates of reason. However, it was not until Pierre-Joseph Proudhon who coined the term defining its political foundations. He argued ...
... is a female and pregnant, what if that smoker sits in a room filled with young children and inflicts her choice on to them. Smoking has become anti social in the 1990,s and the non-smokers voice can now be heard loud and clear. The government has an ongoing campaign to make mothers aware of the damage-smoking can do to the defenceless unborn child. If a woman smokes during pregnancy the she delivers nicotine and carbon monoxide into her babies blood stream. The baby is more likely to be born small and be more prone to illness in the first months of it s life than the child of non-smokers. Doctors have also said that it has been linked to cot deaths. Statistics ...
... murder, is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favour of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant. According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execution that is carried out in the U.S.A. He goes on to say, "If one execution of a guilty capital murderer deters the mur ...